BOARD Elliot Abrams, Chair

Bryce Boyer, Vice-Chair

Jeff Luck, Supervisor

Josh Troxell, Supervisor

Walt Wise, Supervisor

STAFF Doug Erickson, Township Manager

Kim Wyatt, Finance Director

Brent Brubaker, Township Engineer

John Petrick, Chief of Police

Betsy Dupuis, Solicitor

Joe Price, Senior Planner

AUDIENCE Stacey Richards, SEDA COG

Jeff Hermann, Planning Commission

Dan Hawbaker, Resident


The October 24, 2012 Patton Township Board of Supervisors meeting held at the Township Municipal Building was called to order at 7:00pm by Mr. Abrams, Chair.


Mr. Wise moved to approve the September 26, 2012 meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Boyer, the motion passed 5-0.


Mr. Hawbaker asked the Board of Supervisors where Patton Township stands with the Calvary Baptist DRI issue. Mr. Erickson stated that in November at the General Forum Meeting there should be a recommendation made from the managers and that the parties are working to resolve the matter.


Mr. Erickson stated that a resident of the RM Manufactured Home Residence District requested that the Township consider increasing the allowable building coverage in the district to permit the construction of a carport on her lot. The request received initial consideration by the Board of Supervisors in August and the Planning Commission returned a recommendation to the Board in September.

Construction within the Township is, in part, regulated by building coverage, impervious coverage or a combination of both. The purpose of coverage regulations can be to limit impervious area and the amount of building mass on a site. Coverage limits are generally lower in rural and residential districts and increase significantly in commercial and other nonresidential districts.

Upon review of the request and consideration of coverage limits in other districts with the Township, the Planning Commission recommends that the RM District regulations be amended to increase the permitted building coverage, for all structures, from 25% of the lot area to 35% of the lot area.

The agenda materials include a copy of the current RM District regulations, comment letters from the Centre Regional Planning Commission and the Centre County Planning and Community Development Office, and the proposed Ordinance enacting the Planning Commission’s recommendation.


a. Public Hearing

The Board of Supervisors convened the Increase in Building Coverage for the RM District Public Hearing at 7:03pm.

On a motion from Mr. Troxell and seconded by Mr. Boyer, the Board of Supervisors closed the Public Hearing at 7:04pm with a vote of 5-0.

b. Action Consideration

Mr. Wise moved to approve Ordinance 2012-546, Increasing the Allowable Building Coverage in the R-M Zoning District. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0.


a. Police Update

Chief Petrick stated that the department participated in a joint effort with Ferguson Township with the National Prescription Take-Back Day with over 100 pounds of prescriptions dropped off. He stated that he was the guest speaker at the Patton Township Business Association meeting and that the reported crimes are up due to an increase in DUI arrests.


a. Project Updates

Mr. Erickson stated that Bernel Road Park is complete and will be turned over to Centre Region Parks and Recreation for maintenance on November 1, 2012.

Mr. Erickson stated that Patton Township is expecting $16,559 from State in December from the Act 13 Gas Fee and that $3,000 to be used for a pickup conversion to bi-fuel and $7,300 for a CNG filling station for Public Works.

b. Utility Bill Analysis

Ms. Richards stated that SEDA-Council of Government's Energy Resource Center is providing Patton Township with a utility bill analysis (UBA) of the Township's most recent two year period of energy consumption and costs. The UBA provides an electronic spreadsheet of consumption and costs that create charts illustrating annual and monthly consumption, costs and savings for use by the Township staff and supervisors as tool for tracking, budgeting and managing energy costs going forward.

This service is provided through funding from the federal Appalachian Regional Commission and the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund.

Ms. Richards gave a brief report on the Township’s recent two year period of energy consumption and costs. She stated that she has very few recommendations for the Township at this time.


a. Planning Commission Report

Mr. Hermann stated that the Planning Commission Committee recommended approval of the Right-of-Way for Gray’s Woods Boulevard and continuing working on the reorganization of Land Development and Subdivision Regulations.

7. PLANNING AND ZONING (continued)

b. Right-of-Way for Gray’s Woods Boulevard

Mr. Erickson stated that as part of the required extension of Gray’s Woods Boulevard to serve the Town Center area, the Gray’s Woods Partnership has submitted a subdivision plan to create this right-of-way. The right-of-way to be created and dedicated for Gray’s Woods Boulevard (4.083 acres) begins adjacent to Brynwood Drive and extends northwesterly to the emergency access roadway to Deerbrook Drive.

This plan also establishes the emergency access roadway easement that would provide emergency access from the Deerbrook Drive side of Grays Woods. This emergency access drive was required as a condition of approval for the Brynwood Phase 3C subdivision.

This subdivision plan has been submitted in accordance with roadway plans that have already been reviewed by staff and are on file.

The agenda materials include a location map, staff comment letter and a 11” x 17” version of the subdivision plan.

The Planning Commission recommends approval with completion of all items noted on staff’s marked up comment letter.

Mr. Troxell moved to conditionally approve the Right-of-Way for Gray’s Woods Boulevard as recommended by the Planning Commission. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0.


a. Capital Improvement Plan

Ms. Wyatt presented the Board a draft of 2013–2017 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The presentation included:

·  An overview of forecasted revenues, operating expenditures, current debt service, and

on-going capital expenditures for the next five years

·  The Manager’s recommendation for new initiatives (capital projects and other significant

expenditures) for inclusion in the five-year plan.

·  A forecast of anticipated tax rates required to support the Manager’s recommendation.

Mr. Wise stated he feels that the Township should have a surcharge on rental housing permits. Mr. Erickson stated that the Township charge fees to cover the costs of service and can look into this further for the budget. Chief Petrick stated that he is working with Code Enforcement and with management of the apartment complexes on Vairo Boulevard and Toftrees Avenue.

The Board is asked to receive the Plan and provide direction to the Manager for preparation of the next draft or, potentially, the final version of the Plan to be adopted. The plan for capital projects and other significant expenditures scheduled for 2013 will then be incorporated into the Annual Budget to be presented in November.

The draft Capital Improvement Plan 2013–2017 was included with the agenda materials.

8. ADMINISTRATION (continued)

b. Refinancing Council of Governments Pool Debt

Mr. Erickson stated that to correct a procedural error in the advertising in September for the proposed Ordinance to guarantee Patton Township’s portion of the Pool debt, this item is back before the Board of Supervisors for approval.

In September the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) took action to refinance existing debt incurred for the reconstruction of the Park Forest and Welch Swimming Pools. The refinancing would reduce the debt service payments by more than $500,000 over the term of the loan.

Because the COG and Recreation Authority have no taxing power, the loan is guaranteed, and paid, by the participating Centre Region municipalities.

The agenda materials include the advertisement and the proposed Ordinance.

Mr. Luck moved to approve the Ordinance for Refinancing the Council of Governments Pool Debt. Seconded by Mr. Troxell, the motion passed 5-0.


Mr. Erickson stated that the items included below are routine in nature, and it is not anticipated that any will generate discussion or questions. The actual Consent Agenda with a brief description of each item is included with the agenda packet materials distributed to the Board and will also be available to the public at the sign-in table. At the request of a Board member any single item or all items on the Consent Agenda can be discussed and voted on separately. If no items are “pulled,” the Board should consider a motion for “approval of the Consent Agenda items as shown on the agenda.”

a. Planning and Zoning

1) Temporary Use Permit; Christmas Tree Sales

Mr. Gordon Repine is seeking permission for a second year to sell Christmas trees at 215 Colonnade Boulevard. The operation will consist of a 50’ x 60’ fenced-in area with a 6’ x 8’ shelter and is scheduled to begin the week before Thanksgiving. The area will be illuminated by four 500 watt lights – one in each corner – which will be required to be full cut-off fixtures. There should be no disruption to normal vehicular circulation on or around the site. Hours of operation will be 12:00 noon until 9:00 pm with tear-down to occur the week following Christmas. The agenda materials include a 8.5 x 11 map showing the site and proposed location of the Christmas tree sales area. The operator previously had a sales site off of Patriot Lane.

The Planning Commission recommends approval.

It is recommended that the Board approve a Temporary Use Permit to sell Christmas trees at 215 Colonnade Boulevard.

2) Temporary Use Permit: Penn State Federal Credit Union

The Penn State Federal Credit Union located at 1937 North Atherton Street is requesting a temporary use permit to display vehicles and motorcycles on their premises, once a month, beginning in October 2012 and ending October 2013. They are also requesting that a 3 x 6 foot banner to be attached to the building during the same time period be permitted as well.

9. CONSENT AGENDA (continued)

2) Temporary Use Permit: Penn State Federal Credit Union (continued)

The purpose is to attract new auto and motorcycling lending business. Vehicles and motorcycles will be provided by local dealers and will not exceed a total of 5 on the grassy areas.

The proposal does not involve any additional lighting and it is not expected that there will be any adverse impact to existing ingress and egress or vehicular circulation on site. There exists ample parking on site.

Included with the agenda materials is a temporary use request letter from Penn State Federal Credit Union and a sketch plan of the proposal.

The Planning Commission recommends approval.

It is recommended that the Board approve a Temporary Use Permit for Penn State Federal Credit Union with the use limited to no more than 5 days per month.

b. Administration

1) Voucher Report

A copy of the September 2012 Voucher Report is enclosed. Board members having questions should contact the Township office prior to the meeting so the necessary information can be obtained.

It is recommended that the Board approve the September 2012 Voucher Report.

Mr. Boyer moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Mr. Mr. Troxell, the motion passed



a. Development Update

Mr. Erickson informed the Board that a Development Update report was handed out prior to meeting.

b. Economic Development Update

Mr. Erickson stated that he is working with Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County and other municipalities on economic development initiatives and the House Bill 2626 has been passed and is waiting for approval by Governor.

c. First Night State College Request for Donation

Mr. Erickson stated that the Township has a request for donation from the First Night State College and the Township usually donates $500 each year. The Board agreed to donate $500.

d. Pennsylvania Municipal League

Mr. Erickson asked if the Board is interested in joining the Pennsylvania Municipal League. The Board members agreed that it would be a benefit in joining the Pennsylvania Municipal League.

Mr. Troxell moved to approve the Pennsylvania Municipal League membership fees. Seconded by Mr. Luck, the motion passed 5-0.


There were no committee reports.


There was no other business.


There being no further business, by Mr. Troxell’s motion and Mr. Boyer’s second, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.

Douglas J. Erickson, Township Secretary