CIS C055 section 007
Laboratory Syllabus – Spring 2005

Computers and Applications

Laboratory Instructor: Ezequiel Moctezuma (Zeke)
Web Address:
Office Location: Speakman 30, Office Phone: 215 204-5137
Office Hours: Monday 5:30 to 6:30
Class Listserv:

Welcome to CIS C055. In the laboratory portion of this class we will cover the following software: Windows, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint (Microsoft Office XP and FrontPage 2002) and the resources of the Internet.

MS Office XP-Windows XP, Introductory, Spiral Bound, Shelly Cashman
FrontPage 2002, Essentials, Shelly, Cashman

  • MS Office XP – Windows XP, Introductory, Spiral Bound, Shelly/Cashman
  • FrontPage 2002, Essentials, Shelly/Cashman
  • At least 1 Zip Disk – PC compatible or a USB Memory Key (Jump Drive)
  • Zip Disk -100 MB at Main and TUCC campuses
  • Zip Disk – 250 MB at the Ambler Campus
  • 2 floppy disks

You must use the same software for home works as we use in lab. You are not required to buy any softwarefor this course, but you may have to do some work in school labs. Make sure you find out the hours of the labs earlyin the semester.

All homework is due at the beginning of the next lab. Homework not turned in at this time is considered late. The following point deductions exist for all CIS 55 sections: Up to 1 week late – 20% deduction, 2 weeks late - 40% deduction, no labs are accepted after the second week. This is standard policy in all CIS 55 labs.

For the most part you will not be able to complete your homework in the instructional part of the lab. Each week your lab grades will be posted on my website. Any grade discrepancies must be reported immediately.

Your name and section must be on materials you submit for grading and be stapled. If your name and section are noton the materials you submit you will receive no credit. Homework cannot be submitted more than once. Make sure to check the lab website for pre-requisites prior to the lab. The lab component of this course is worth 30% of your final grade.

Students must obtain at least 100 points out of a possible 165 lab points to pass CIS 55. Students who do not obtain at least 100 points from lab cannot pass this class. If you have less than 100 total lab points, you will receive a grade of F for the course independent of your overall average. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Each student must submit original homework. Let me make myself very clear on this topic: copying during a quiz or exam, copying homework, copying disks, etc, is strictly prohibited in this class. The penalty for the first offense will be an 'F' in the course. A subsequent
offense (in another course) may also be referred to the UniversityDisciplinary Committee. No collusion what-so-ever during a quiz or exam will be tolerated. In particular, no talking or other sharing of information is permitted.

For help outside of lab you need to see your lab instructor during office hours or schedule office help by appointment. In addition, there is a CIS 55 Consultant area in the SIC in Tuttleman, (1st Floor Lab), and at the SIC of the Ambler and TUCC campuses. These consultants will be available to assist CIS 55 students. A schedule of consultant hours is available from the CIS 55 websites.

Students must come to lab on time. If you are late for lab, the instructor cannot stop class
to get you up to speed. Since there is only one lab instructor in many labs we must keep to this policy to cover the required material.

Students with special needs: Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Contact Disability Resources and Services at 215-204-1280 in 100 Ritter Annex to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities

CIS 55 Lab Website

Course Listserv Address:

Goals of the Laboratory:

  • To develop a website using sound design techniques to publish course
    documents and incorporate multi-media components.
  • To have a basic understanding of Operating System software.
  • Use a word processor (Word) to create and edit documents including a
    term paper and publish them on the World Wide Web.
  • To have a working knowledge of collaborative software including E-Mail,
    Listservs, and to participate in a discussion group.
  • To be able to use a database management software package (Access) to
    organize, create, search, and manage a database.
  • To be able to use spreadsheet software (Excel) to analyze numerical,
    financial and statistical data, present data in chart format and publish
    numerical data on the World Wide Web.
  • To be able to use presentation software (PowerPoint) to develop a
    multi-media presentation based on researching a specific topic and
    publishing the presentation on the World Wide Web.

Lab Rules

  1. All students are expected to be on time for their scheduled lab
  2. All lab work must be done individually
  3. No food or drinks are permitted in the labs
  4. Students must provide their own zip disks and diskettes
  5. Head phones are not permitted during the instructional part of the lab
  6. Laboratory consultants are not permitted to help you with your homework
  7. IRC and CHAT are not allowed
  8. No running of software programs from CDs or disks
  9. No printing once the scheduled laboratory has begun
  10. Be conservative in your printing – no more than 20 pages per day – or access to the printers may be limited

There are weekly 3-point quizzes given at the beginning of the lab. No make-ups. However, each student will have 3 points added to their final quiz grade at the end of the semester to make up for a missed quiz.

All CIS 55 sections have a laboratory examination worth 40 points. This examination will consist of a written part and a hands-on part.

Lab Schedule

Date: Jan 25th
CIS 55 Lab 1 / Introduction, File Management and Developing the Research Paper / 8 points
Date: Feb 1st
CIS 55 Lab 2 / Discussion Groups, Creating a Website and publishing course documents to the WWW / 9 points
Date: Feb 8th
CIS 55 Lab 3 / Researching, developing and publishing a multi-media presentation to the WWW / 8 points
Date: Feb 15th
CIS 55 Lab 4 / Web Design, Part I
Date: Feb 22nd
CIS 55 Lab 5 / Web Design, Part II
Date: March 1st
CIS 55 Lab 6 / Advanced Web Design / 20 points
Date: March 8th / SPRING BREAK
Date: March 15th
CIS 55 Lab 7 / Analysis and publishing of numerical data to the WWW, Part I / 10 points
Date: March 22nd
CIS 55 Lab 8 / Analysis and graphical representation of numerical data, Part II / 10 Points
Date: March 29th
CIS 55 Lab 9 / Building and analysis of Amortization Tables / 10 Points
Date: April 5th
CIS 55 Lab 10 / Introduction to Data Management / 10 Points
Date: April 12th
CIS 55 Lab 11 / Building a Relational Database / 10 Points
Date: April 19th / Lab Examination Review
Any Grade discrepancies must be resolved prior to the laboratory examination
Date: April 26th / Laboratory Examination
No homework accepted once exam begins / 40 Points