Trials : Wednesday 8 February at Northmead Reserve


How likely is that to be that bad?
How severely could it hurt someone or how ill could it make someone? / Very likely
Could happen
Any time / Likely
Could happen sometime / Unlikely
Could happen, but very rarely / Very unlikely
Could happen, but probably never will
Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3
Long term illness or serious injury / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Medical attention and several days off school/work / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
First aid needed / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

The numbers indicate how important it is to do something-

1 top priority – do something immediately

6 low priority – do something when possible


In priority order from maximum to minimum risk reduction

Eliminate (The event does not go ahead due to e.g. serious incident , fire, earthquake, vandalism causing dangers )

Substitute (In case of broken equipment another set of equipment to be used, alternate toilets arranged in case of vandalism or plumbing problem)

Isolate (Limit access to hazard e.g. roped off area)

Engineering controls (padding on equipment and surrounds)

Administrative controls (Instructions by announcement and signage)

Personal protective equipment (chalk provided for hands)


Communication to advise cancellation – CIS Website Sport Home Page, CIS Sport App or schools advised to contact Jenny O’Keeffe Mobile phone - 0414226952

Emergency Contact number

Emergency Fire, Ambulance, Police 000

First Aid personnel and kits – Some First aid & provided by Convenor, Venue access to additional First Aid

Inspection of facility prior to use – Inspection will be made by the Convenor

Child protection risks assessed – All staff are school employees and have been through relevant checks. Organizers responsible for Convenor check. Schools responsible for any extra attending staff. Visitors requested to use allocated areas only.

NSWCIS are presumed to -

have coaches with skills/training appropriate to their position / 
monitor and evaluate the performance of our staff/coaches/instructors / 
Employees of the event venue are engaged in child-related employment as defined by the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 and the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 / 
Parramatta City Council are presumed to
follow established safety inspection procedures for the facilities and equipment to comply with laws, regulations, rules and standards / 
have access available for emergency vehicles / 
a facility that is clean and adequately ventilated / 
signage in the interests of emergencies, safety and general communication is clear and suitably placed / 
Access to male and female toilets that is available and signed / 
Access to the spectator area and disabled toilet that is available for wheelchairs / 
observe the laws and regulations relating to canteen facilities / 


Some questions to be completed after inspection on morning of trials

YES / NO / N/A
Is the equipment necessary for the event regularly checked and maintained / 
Are manufacturers guidelines /specifications/recommendations followed? / 
Is the equipment used for the purpose it was designed? / 
Is the equipment properly positioned? /  /  / 


Some questions to be completed after inspection on morning of trials

YES / NO / N/A
Is there adequate lighting for the safe conduct of the event? /  /  / 
Is there adequate lighting in the change rooms? /  /  / 
Is there adequate lighting outside and in the Car Park area for safety of participants arriving and leaving? / 
Are spectators safely separated from participants? /  /  / 
Are there regularly maintained fire extinguishers within easy access? /  /  / 
Will First Aid be available and will a record of any accident or injury will be recorded / 


YES / NO / N/A
Is the event being run under the auspices of an incorporated organisation? / 
Has the organiser been delegated the authority to organise and run the event? / 
Is the role of the trialling committee clear? / 
Are organizers aware of their Duty of Care? / 


Travel to and from venue

Hazard / Existing Controls / Risk Rating from Matrix / Additional Controls / Final Risk Rating from matrix
Private cars – roadworthiness, skill and experience of drivers (unknown)
School buses
Public Transport / Nil
Normal public transport safety standards / 1 / Each school to provide transport for their students
Schools expected to brief students
re expected ‘safe’ student behaviour regarding
travel for those travelling by bus or public transport / 3



Hazard / Existing Controls / Risk Rating from Matrix / Additional Controls / Final Risk Rating from matrix
Serious Incident – Fire, Bomb Threat / Evacuation Procedure-
A continuous whistle by the Convenor. All students, staff and visitors are to move immediately, in an orderly manner to the car park. Follow instructions
Exits clearly marked / 2 / Announcement made outlining the procedure for evacuation made prior to commencement of event / 3
Electrical Storm / Ensure all participants and spectators are moved indoors at first sign of lightening / 4 / Suspend competition till storm passes / 5
Hazard / Existing Controls / Rating from Matrix / Additional Controls / Final Risk Rating from matrix
Broken Glass / No glass bottles or sharp objects permitted on diamond / 4 / reminders / 5
Danger of being hit by or tripping on balls / Training in game skills / 3 / Call warnings to team members from Coach / 4
Injury due to contact with fence, fixed apparatus or structures / Participants expected to enter trials on basis of sufficient skill, experience and understanding of safety. Game training to establish awareness of positional space
Placement of various apparatus / 3 / Call warnings to team members from Coach
First Aid available and phone for emergency contacts / 4
Medical condition of participant / Schools to advise organisers of any participant’s medical condition likely to require immediate and urgent attention / 3 / Schools to ensure any participant with a medical condition likely to arise during trials has adequate medication readily available
Phone for emergency contacts / 4
Injury during any activity to participants
e.g thrown bats, / Participants required to enter trials on basis of sufficient skill, experience and understanding of safety
Areas for trials and warm up according to required standards
Participants warm up appropriately
Participants in appropriate baseball clothing and footwear and protective gear for both warm up and competition. Catchers gear properly worn and secured
All boys to wear box for protection of genitals / 3 / Coaches/staff have ability to observe, advise, support and respond to the difficulties of anyone trialling
Spectators to remain outside diamond
First Aid available and phone for emergency contacts / 4
Hazard / Existing Controls / Rating from Matrix / Additional Controls / Final Risk Rating from matrix
Injury caused by tripping, fall, collision / Appropriate Skill and trainingin game including method of catching, sliding, calling for ball etc / 4 / Supervision and instruction from coaches
First Aid available and phone for emergency contacts / 5
Wet , slippery surface / Will be avoided after rain or swept in case of dried dust
Proper footwear to be worn by triallists / 4 / Supervision, cloths/towels available to dry wet patches due
Brush to clear dust
Triallists to clean any mud from between sprigs to avoid likelihood f slips / 5
Accidents when warming up in inappropriate areas / Designated warm up areas and time / 3 / Supervision by convenor and coaches
First Aid available and phone for emergency contacts / 4
Coaches, Spectators suffering injury due to inappropriate placement / Coaches to be constantly aware of ply and their placement
Attending spectators to be advised of safe seating area / 4 / Supervision by Convenor to prevent spectators invading playing area / 5
Sun protection / Participants are to be provided with sunscreen by parents
Caps to be worn / 5 / Supervision by Convenor to encourage application of sunscreen regularly / 6
Excess entry numbers / Trial structure planning to ensure safe participation / 5 / Division into groups – one on one off to ensure sufficient safe space / 6
Injury in moving equipment / Students and staff/coaches to all assist in moving gear so load is shared / 3 / Convenor to oversee to ensure correct lifting and sufficient persons are available for any required equipment movement / 4


That participants have experience and fitness to safely participate

Schools attending require that participants sign a school risk disclosure as part of their entry to the event

Participants briefed on safety prior to the event

Equipment used is checked to ensure safety

Attending staff supervisor has phone contact for parent/guardian of all participants

Staff are aware of infectious diseases policy

Participants to bring own water bottles and no sharing is to take place

Participants with a medical condition are advised to carry their own medication or ensure it is held by a staff member attending

Students have appropriate clothing allowing for weather changes

Spectators /staff/coaches driving follow directions of any staffallocated maintenance staff when directed to parking