CIS 304- Network Infrastructure and Security-Class Project; Professor Banjo

CIS 304- Network Infrastructure and Security-Class Project; Professor Banjo


CIS 304- Network Infrastructure and Security-Class Project; Professor Banjo

Student Name- Pramod S. Timalsina

As a member of the IT department, your CIO has tasked you with providing recommendations to protect/secure the critical network/data communications of the company.

After doing your research, respond to the following:

  1. For the 1st phase of the project, mention 3 specific areas of the company’s business/operations that you would prioritize and recommend for projection. Explain why you choose the 3 specific areas for the 1st phase.
  2. List 2 tools/solutions you will recommend for each of the specific areas.
  • Describe the tool/solution. What specifically does it do and why did you choose it?
  • Does the tool/solution meet the need of the specific area of the company’s business?
  • What are the benefits of using the tool/solution?
  • Are there any associated disadvantages the company should be aware of about the tool/solution?
  • What is the cost or is free?
  • Who is the manufacturer/seller?
  1. For any 2 of the tools/solutions you recommend, mention any company/business that also uses them.

Being member of IT Company, my CIO has asked me to provide references related to protect/secure the critical network data connection of my company IBM where I have been working. IBM is software, hardware and consulting company which has been spreading its business all across the world.

The first phases of project where the company’s business/operations related to three specific areas that I would like to prioritize and recommend for protection are explained below

  1. Strong Firewall- IBM should implement strong firewall for stooping the hackers to hack the systems and software’s so that data can be protected and safely stored. Prioritizing upon strong firewall will support IBM to create its leadership position in market and destroyed the hackers hacking system of confidential data.
  2. Copy Right Protection- This is the second area where company must focus because it will help participants not to produce same kinds of products or services like IBM and destroys its business. It has been chosen because copy rights will ensure safety of the software’s and products being supplied by IBM.
  3. Proper Configuration-IBM should configure its IT department system with proper configuration so that information cannot be leaked or failed. It will help to protect from breach of trust. It is chosen because proper configuration support to create a better IT set up.

The tools/Solutions which have been recommended for each of the areas are explained below-


  • The two tools used to are Zone alarm and tiny wall. Zone alarm has been chosen because it can hide all ports from the hackers. It prevents from inbound and outbound attacks. Tiny alarm is used for managing the micro-image map. It provides the screeching option.
  • Of course the tools/solutions of firewall have been meeting the requirement of my company IBM by providing protection from hackers and storing data for long term usage.
  • The benefits of using tools like Zone alarm and tiny wall is to provide protection from hackers, enhance performance of IBM and creating leadership position in market.
  • There are no such kinds of any disadvantages that company should be aware of the tool/solution.
  • The cost is more than $1 billion.
  • The manufacturer or sellers are the companies such as Dell, Apple and Motorola Solution.

Copy Right Protection

  • The two tools being used are patents and trademarks. Patents have been used for improving the existing inventions made by IBM. Trademarks are used for identifying the sources.
  • These tools have been meeting the specific needs of the company’s business by providing ownership to the company.
  • The benefits of these tools used for copyrights are to provide original products to the consumers, reduce the competition level and duplicity of products.
  • The company should be aware to copyrights on timely basis for else the rights can be snatched.
  • The cost is around $ 2 million.
  • The manufacturers are the legal agencies.

Proper Configuration Tools

  • The two tools which have been used in configuration process are Flash lights to provide lights where there is no visibility and Hex drivers to loosen and tighten the screws.
  • Of course, it is supporting IBM Company to build better working IT system through smoother functioning of hardware and running the software’s.
  • These tools and solutions that have been used for assembling and making one system.
  • The weak configuration of tools will hamper the business of IBM Company and hamper to flow the important data and information.
  • It is not very costly as it costs $100.
  • The sellers are the hardware like micro precision companies.

Companies that use this tools and Solution

The companies who have been using these tools being suggested are Apple, Motorola, Samsung, Microsoft etc. I feel that most of the organization use strong firewall to authenticate the identity of users before allowing access and create a virtual private network (VPN) that keeps any transferred data safe from interception. I recognize for information the business I effort for IBM uses a Firewall. Also, the company I work for IBM we use Flash lights to provide lights where there is no visibility and Hex drivers to loosen and tighten the screws.
