Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday 12th 2017, 6.30pm, in the Staffroom.

Apologies – Brad Hicks, Vicky Troy, Lisa Morton, Darren Gittos, Mel Brooks

In attendance – Anthea Clifton, Heathers Simms, Gary Quinn, Vance Burton, Bee Jones, Jessyka Harding, Carly Malatesta, Gemma Picken, Sharee Dhu, Demelza Pittman, Dorothea Leite, Brodie Devereux, Belinda Cusack, Kristene Futia

Student Leaders – Sophie Carter, Gabby Morris, Anika Pittman, Kelly Leite, Cody Ryan, Jye Devereux, Nathan Faulkner

Meeting Open – 6.30pm
1 / Meeting Open / Welcome
2 / Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting / Resolution: That the minutes of the General Meeting of Dalyellup Primary School P&C Association Inc held on Monday 1st May at 7pm be taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Gemma Picken Seconded: Sharee Dhu
3 / Business arising from previous minutes
Prev Minutes cont… / 3.1 Mothers’ Day Movie Night – Gemma - $514 profit which is fantastic! From x53 tickets sold for the Movie night. Some feedback that it would be better and perhaps more attendance if held during the week. Gemma thought Friday night might be a good chance for Mums to get out but will revert to a midweek night for next time.
3.2 Mothers’ Day Stalls – Lisa/Carly - $1255 profit which is also fantastic! Feedback from Student Leaders that Yr 6 group is always last to select gifts. Explained rostering for DOT sessions, events in school etc but will look at ordering more products next year, even if they have to be carried fwd into the next year to ensure coverage.
3.3 WACSSO Conference – Vance – Are Darren Gittos and/or Gemma Picken attending? 3 are able to attend with the 1st being covered by WACSSO and other x 2 to be paid for by P&C Committee. Gemma and Darren to confirm.
Moved: Jessyka Harding Seconded: Gemma Picken
3.4 Disco – Bee – Discos have been postponed due to the Peace Child Performance stage etc being set up already in the undercover area. Re-scheduled until Week 3 – Thurs 3rd August – Darren has confirmed he is available for DJ work
3.5 Peace Child Performance - Jessyka - P&C is supplying the Popcorn, Water and Juice Boxes for the performances. $100 for Jessyka to purchase drinks.
Moved: Gemma Picken Seconded: Bee Jones
3.6 Armed for Life – Student Leaders feedback – Student leaders found the session to be funny, they understood what was being spoken about, they learnt resilience, they discussed personal experiences, how to handle difficult situations, it was related to some of their own situations. Next year we need to give parents more time and notification for Parent Sessions.
4 / President’s Report / See attached
5 / Treasurer’s Report / See attached
6 / Secretary’s Report / 1.  Received P&C Voice Edition 23, No1 from WACSSO
2.  Received P&C Voice Edition 23, No2 from WACSSO
3.  22nd May received $50 Gift Voucher from Bunbury Farmers Market for Fete
4.  25th May received correspondence for Fathers’ Day Stall Committee
5.  30th May received $50 Gift Voucher from Kmart Sth Bunbury for Fete
6.  31st May received correspondence for Fathers’ Day Stall Committee
7 / Principal’s Report / See attached
8 / General Business
General Business cont… / 8.1 5c Challenge – Gemma speaking with the Teachers at morning tea on Wed to explain the fundraiser process. A3 Posters to go out on display in classroom windows Thurs and onto Skoolbag. Went out on the Newsletter last week.
8.2 Fete – Committee members and some P&C stall holders are sorted. Great range of entertainment available and organised by Gemma for all ages. Expanded range of food available and several stall holders already paid.
8.3 Fathers’ Day – Budget of $3000 approved for the ordering of products for Fathers’ Day. Like Mothers’ Day, order extra products even if we have to carry them over until next year.
Moved: Heather Simms Seconded: Bee Jones
8.4 Landcare Australia Gardens Grant – Gemma showed us about the offer for teaching young kids about gardening and Grants on offer of around $1500 closes 29th June. Anthea to review application and send it off.
8.5 Banners – PBS Crew are happy to add the PBS Characters to the Banners. Heather has sent the pictures through to the supplier and awaiting reply.
8.6 Leaders – Suggestion that the P&C funds some new Athletics Singlets or T-Shirts for the Interschool teams. P&C needs some rough costs and qtys to review.
8.7 Graduation Presentation – It is agreed that the current standing P&C President for the year should organise and present awards as their last job in the role for the year.
8.8 Student Leaders Survey – See attached survey results from Student Leaders visiting classes and obtaining ideas/suggestions from students in the school.
8.9 Mosaic project – Rachel Zealand is doing an amazing job on the Mosaics around the school. Every 2nd Friday a group of varied Mums from our school are helping Rachel to put the Mosaics together ready for the wall. Fantastic way to involve the parents in the beautification of our school. Well done Ms Zealand!
10 / Next Meeting / 24th July 2017
11 / Meeting Closed / 8.05pm