CIS 1055 Computers and Applications Lab
Fall 2009
Contact Information
Instructor: / Ms. Sally Kyvernitis / Please check blackboard for infoabout the Lab Assistant
E-mail: /
Web: /
Office: / Room 350, Wachman Hall
Phone: / 610 564 6563 (cell)
Office Hrs: / Tue 10-11:30AM, Tue PM by appt,
Wed PM by appt,
Thur 10-11:30AM, Thur PM by appt
Common web site for all CIS 1055 Labs (two sites in case one is ever unavailable):
CIS 1055 Laboratory Goals
- To attain a basic understanding of Operating System software.
- To attain a working knowledge of collaborative software, such as e-mail and Listservs.
- Learn how to use advanced features of a word processor(Word) & publish a document to the Web.
- Learn how to research a topic, use presentation software (PowerPoint) to develop a multi-media presentation & publish this presentation to the Web.
- Learn how to use sound design techniques to develop a web site using Dreamweaver.
- Use spreadsheet software (Excel) to analyze data, create charts, and publish these to the Web.
Required Storage Media
At least 1 USB Flash Drive (Suggest Flash Drives without U3 software)
Optional Textbook
Microsoft Office 2007 – Introductory Concepts and Techniques) by Shelly, Cashman & Vermaat
You can buy this book at the University Bookstores. It is also on reserve at:
TempleUniversity Main Campus, SIC in Tuttleman – 1st Floor lab, Circulation Reserve
TempleUniversity Ambler Campus, Library, Room 29
TempleUniversityCenterCity (TUCC), Room 404, 15th & Market Streets
If you want to buy MS Office 2007 software (at reduced rates), information can be found on the CIS 1055 website - You are required to use MS Office 2007 (not any earlier versions), but you may utilize the Temple laboratories to complete your homework assignment.
Your lab grade is worth 30% of your final CIS 1055 grade. Students must obtain at least 90 points out of a possible 148 lab points to pass CIS 1055 lab. Students who do not pass CIS 1055 lab will not pass CIS 1055, regardless of the grade earned in the lecture portion of the course. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Your lab grades are posted each week on your instructor’s web site:
You are responsible to check your lab grades each week on the web site. Any grade discrepancies must be reported immediately.
All homework is due at the beginning of the lab in which it is due. Lab homework is considered late if it is turned in after the lab class begins. Here is the standard policy (all sections) for CIS 1055 lab assignments:
- 20% grade deduction for assignments up to 1 class late
- 40% grade deduction for assignments up to 2 classes late
- Lab assignments are not accepted after 2 classes
In Labs 2-10, a 3 point quizzes is given at the start of lab. There are no make-ups, nor can the quiz be taken late. However, the 2 lowest quiz grades will be dropped from each student’s grade at the end of the semester.
In Lab 13 there is a lab examination worth 35 points. The exam will consist of a computer based portion and a written portion.
Homework and Collaboration
Lab time is used for instruction and you will not be able to complete your homework assignments during class. For lab homework assignments, you must use the same software that we use in the lab – and this is MS Office 2007. If you do not have access to this software at home (and you choose not to purchase the student version as described in page 1 of this syllabus), you will have to work in the school labs – early in the semester, you should get familiar with the lab hours.
In order to receive proper credit, all of your lab homework must include your name and section number. If the homework is more than one page, you must staple your assignment and make sure your name and section number is on every page. In addition to submitting the paper homework, you also should submit your homework online to blackboard (e.g., submit the word document or Powerpoint presentation, excel spreadsheet, or zip of your web site). If there is any question about whether a homework was submitted (or when it was submitted), only the blackboard submission will resolve this. This is for your own protection. Homework cannot be submitted more than once.
You must do your own homework. You are not allowed to accept answers (in any form) from any other student or lab consultant.
Collaboration of any form during a quiz or exam will NOT be tolerated. In particular, no talking or other sharing of information is permitted. Copying during an exam or quiz, copying homework, copying disks, sharing printed or digital homework files, or any other type of plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited in this class.The penalty for the first offense will be an “F” in the CIS 1055 course. A subsequent offense (in another course) may be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee.
For help outside of lab, see your lab instructor or lab assistant during their office hours or schedule an appointment. You can also see CIS 1055 Consultants in the TechCenter (2nd Floor, General Use Computing Lab). A schedule of consultant hours is available from the CIS 1055 website:
Students with special needs: Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Contact Disability Resources and Services at 215-204-1280 in 100 Ritter Annex to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Lab Rules
- You are responsible to check the CIS 1055 web site for pre-requisites before each lab.
- You are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled lab. If you are late for lab, you will miss the 3 point quiz and the instructor cannot stop class to get you up to speed.
- All lab work must be done individually. Lab consultants are not permitted to help students with homework.
- You must provide your own flash drives and disks. You may not use head phones during the lab.
- Turn cell phones OFF or set to vibrate – all other electronic devices must be turned OFF
- IM, IRC and CHAT are not allowed during the lab. You may not run software programs from CDs or disks.
- You may not print during the instructional portion of the lab.
- Be conservative with printing – at the Main Campus, you have a printing quota of 400 non-color pages per semester. Additional printing costs will be charged to your Diamond Dollar Account. In order to print in the Tuttleman Labs, you need to submit your print job and then swipe your TU ID thru the device attached to the printer.
- No food is permitted in the labs
Lab Schedule
HW / QUIZ / EXAMDate (Thurs) / Lab / lab topic / points / points / points
no lab
9/10/2009 / 1 / Intro, File Mgt, Listserv / 2
9/17/2009 / 2 / Publish Word Resume to Web / 10 / 3
9/24/2009 / 3 / Publish Powerpoint to Web / 10 / 3
10/1/2009 / 4 / web design 1 (plan site) / 5 / 3
10/8/2009 / 5 / web design 2 / 3
10/15/2009 / 6 / web design 3 / 3
10/22/2009 / 7 / web design 4 (advanced web design) / 3
10/292009 / 8 / web design 5 (complete web project) / 35 / 3
11/5/2009 / 9 / lecturer activity / 15
11/12/2009 / 10 / excel intro / 15 / 3
11/19/2009 / 11 / excel graphs / 5 / 3
Tuesday / 11/24/2009 / 12** / lab review
12/3/2009 / 13 / lab exam (20 pts written, 15 hands-on) / 35
Total quiz points / 27
drop lowest 2 quizzes / -6
TOTAL / 92 / 21 / 35
Course Total / 148
Needed to Pass / 90
percentage needed to pass / 61%
Important Dates – Fall 2009
Monday, August 31 / Fall semester beginsMonday, September 7 / Labor Day holiday
Monday, September 14 / Last day to drop a course
Monday, October 19 / Registration begins (Spring Semester)
Monday, November 2 / Last day to withdraw
Tuesday, November 24 / ** follow your Thursday class schedule (calendar adjustment)
Wednesday, November 25 / follow your Friday class schedule (calendar adjustment)
Thur, Nov 26-Sun, Nov 29 / Thanksgiving recess
Monday, November 30 / Classes resume
Thur, Dec 10 - Fri, Dec 11 / Study days
Sat, Dec 12-Sun, Dec 13 / Weekend classes end
Mon, Dec 14-Sat, Dec 19 / Final examinations
Tuesday, January 19 / Spring semester begins