Spanish 7, Spanish Reading Proficiency, 3 units
Prof. Judy L. Getty
Fall 2006 Office: Mariposa 2025
Tues/Thurs 12 – 1:15 p.m. EUR 103 Office Hours: M/W 10 – 10:40, W 3-4:15 Course Call # 45699 Phone: (916) 278-5791
E-mail: Web Page:
Catalog Description: Designed to improve reading proficiency, will give students the opportunity to develop high-intermediate to advanced-level competency in Spanish. They will acquire the ability to understand main ideas and facts in description and narration of news items, personal correspondence, technical material written for general readers, simple short stories; follow essential points in ideas of special interest or knowledge. Students will demonstrate general comprehension of a text and will be able to answer content questions in English. Note: Students must take the SPAN 007 Diagnostic Exam the second day of class. Meets Foreign Language Graduation Proficiency Requirement. Prerequisite: SPAN 001B or SPAN 001C or two years of high school Spanish.
Texts: Pasaporte a la lectura: Applying Reading Strategies in Spanish, by Moore and Baranowski, 2004. El mundo hispano: An Introductory Cultural and Literary Reader, by Sabló-Yates and Kihyet, 1999.
• Additional Required Materials: A Spanish-English dictionary. Students will also need a SacLink account – to set up go to: or call the SacLink Help Desk at (916) 278-7337 or via email at
Method of Instruction: The course will be conducted primarily in English using the following elements and techniques:
· Lecture/presentation
· Discussion
· Assigned readings
· Visual and audio media
· Small group activities
· Oral presentations by students.
Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1) Demonstrate pre-reading skills by identifying topic and organization of authentic material
2) Use pre-reading applications and identify probable content
3) Skim for information
4) Decode for main ideas and, with skill-building activities, decode for details
5) Demonstrate comprehension of point of view, tone of material
6) Write brief summaries of reading passages
7) Respond to context and content
8) Recognize basic grammatical structures and use this knowledge to decode authentic material
9) Demonstrate knowledge of the National Standards – the 5 C’s- Communities, Connections, Cultures, Comparisons, Communication
Exams: There will be two mid-term examinations and a final cultural report in lieu of a final exam.
Grading Scale:
A 93-100% C 73-77%
A- 90-92% C- 70-72%
B+ 88-89% D+ 68-69%
B 83-87% D 63-67%
B- 80-82% D- 60-62%
C+ 78-79% F 59% or less
Homework: There will be daily homework assignments. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be accepted unless a student is absent on the day as assignment was due. If a student is absent, he or she may turn in the assignment due for the day he was absent on the day he returns to class. Students should have the phone numbers or e mail addresses of at least three other students in class so that they can call another student to find out the assignment and have it prepared for the next day when they return to class.
Method of Evaluation:
• Exams & Quizzes 60%
Attendance & Participation* 20%
Homework & Oral Presentations 20%
• *Class participation includes attendance; if you are not present you cannot participate. Students who have homework prepared and are on time will receive 10 points each day for participation (more when oral presentations are assigned).
Attendance & Grades: Since language acquisition involves daily communication practice, daily attendance and preparation are extremely important and will be averaged into the final grade. Excessive absences will not only affect the quality of language acquisition, but will also affect the final grade earned. For an “A” grade, students should have no more than four absences.
Attendance affects course grade as follows:
1-4 absences, ¡Bravo!, no penalty;
5-6 absences LOWER COURSE GRADE one-half grade;
7-8 absences lower grade a whole grade;
9-10 absences lower grade 2 grades;
11-12 absences lower grade 3 grades;
13 or more absences equal an automatic F in the class.
Two late arrivals equal one absence. If you are unable to prepare for class and attend regularly, please reconsider whether or not you will be able to take this class.
Special Needs: If you need any special accommodations for this class, please be sure to let me know. Please note that there is a free tutorial service offered through the Department of Foreign Languages. A list and schedule of tutors will be posted in the office of the Department of Foreign Languages in MRP 2051 and on the Foreign Language web page ( by the second week of the semester.
Class Calendar: Note: These dates are tentative. Please listen in class to hear if there are any changes.
Jueves, 7 de septiembre Diagnostic Exam in MRP 2000Lunes, 18 de septiembre Form group of 3-4 people for Spanish-speaking country report
Miércoles, 20 de septiembre Groups decide on country of focus
Jueves, 28 de septiembre Cultural Activity Report for September due (Optional Extra Credit)
Miércoles, 4 de octubre Miércoles, 4 de octubre
lunes, 16 de octubre Exam I
Martes, 31 de octubre Cultural Activity Report for October due (Optional Extra Credit)
Martes, 28 de noviembre Exam II
Jueves, 30 de noviembre Last day to turn in any Extra Credit Cultural Activity Reports
5 – 14 de diciembre Group Cultural Reports /Final Presentations