EPRI CIM Interoperability Test Case MR2.09–CIS to Meter Disconnect Reconnect Test

Test Meter Disconnect/ReconnectMR2.09

The CIS (or similar system) to MDMS(or similar system) Interoperability Test verifies that the CIS or similar systems can command remote disconnects and reconnects using MeterServiceRequest messages. Meter reads, which are part of the normal remote disconnect/reconnect process are also verified.

Test Description:

CIM standard Part-9 meter messages to/from the Meter Data Management System (MDMS) and from/to the Customer Information System (CIS) are verified to be in conformance with the IEC 61968 part 9.

Unit or Systems Under Test (SUTs/UUTs) are the MDMS and CIS or equivalent systems. A scheduled meter disconnect is initiated with the MeterServiceRequest message and the meter reading data is sent in the MeterReadings message. A scheduled meter reconnect is then initiated with the MeterServiceRequest message and the meter reading data is again sent in the MeterReadings message. As shown in diagram MR 2.09-5, the main test steps are as follows:

1)The MeterServiceRequest messages is sent from the CIS to the MDMS.

2)The EndDeviceControl message is sent from the MDMS to the AMI Head End or similar system.

3)The meter performs a remote disconnect.

4)The MeterReadings message is sent from the MDMS to request meter usage data for the meter.

5)The CreatedMeterReading is sent from the meter/simulator to the MDMS and onto the CIS. The required IEC 61968 part 9 XSD is used to send the CreatedMeterReading message.

6)System error conditions e.g. missing and incomplete data reads are simulated and correct error processing verified.

Requirements tested are listed below. The high level test set-up is shown in Figure MR2.09-4. The detailed test steps follow the test setup.

Figure MR2.09-1 : Systems and Messages Tested, data derived from 61968-9 Revision / Edition: 1.0 Date: 09/00/09

The CreatedMeterReadingsmessage content and format is defined in the Standard 61968 part 9 MeterReadingXSD definition section in annex H.3.

The EndDeviceControlmessage format is defined in IEC Standard 61968 part 9 EndDeviceControlXSD definition section in annex H.4.

The MeterReadSchedule message content and format is defined in the Standard 61968 part 9 MeterReadingXSD definition section in annex H.6.

Figures MR2.09-3 shows the activity flow for the AMI completes Scheduled Meter Read Request. Figures MR2.09-3 and MR2.09-4 show the Meter Reading message sequence diagrams.

Requirement(s) Tested

Nominal and Error requirements

Use Case B2 1.050106 AMI-ENT version REQ0224 - Customer representative shall be able to schedule Date and Time for electric service turn On/Off and electric service limiting using AMI back office system(s). See

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT versionREQ0231 - The AMI Head End shall periodically send electric service turn off messages to the Meter until the Meter acknowledges that the turn off has been completed successfully

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT version REQ0027 REQ-B2001-Send scheduled turn off notification

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2002-Send scheduled turn off command

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2003-Send scheduled turn off command confirmation

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2004-Send meter read (final)

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2007-Send scheduled turn on command

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2008-Send scheduled turn on command confirmation

Use Case B2 ver. 1.050106 AMI-ENT REQ-B2009-Send meter read (initial)

Off nominal and error requirements

Use Case B1 REQ0201v1.2 - The Meter Data Unification System shall have the ability to automatically identify and immediately log missing or incomplete data from the previous day.

Use Case B1 REQ0202 v1.2- The Meter Data Unification System shall have the ability to identify and log Meters that have had missing or incomplete data in the past.

Use Case B1 REQ0203 v1.2- The Meter Data Unification System shall identify and log Meters where missing or incomplete meter data for the previous day was successfully recovered through the automated on-demand read request.

Use Case B1 REQ0208 v1.2- Following a failed scheduled read, for the next scheduled read time the Meter shall send all interval read data since the last successful scheduled read transmission

Use Case B1 REQ0210 v1.2- For non-default read frequencies (i.e. more frequent than daily reads), the Meter Data Unification System will identify missing data within 2 read intervals (elapsed time)

Test Case Change Log

Version / Date / By / Change Description / Reference
2 / 1/19/2010
5/3/2011 / K. Stefferud
K. Stefferud / Original
Minor correction to use correct test case number 2.09

Figure MR2.09-2 :EndDeviceControl UML Definition, from 61968-9 Revision / Edition: 1.0 Date: 09/00/09

Figure MR2.09-3 : MeterReadings Message Definition, from 61968-9 Revision / Edition: 1.0 Date: 09/00/09

Figure MR2.09-4 :Test Setup, created for CIM test MR2.09

Test MR2.09CIS to MDMS Interoperability Meter Read Test Detailed Test Procedures

  1. EPRI CIM Interoperability Test Procedure (ECITP)2.09 – Part-9 CIS Scheduled Meter Reading
  2. ECITP 2.02 – Part-9 CIS Scheduled Meter Read Error Processing

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