CIHR Doctoral Award application submission procedures - UBC ORS

CIHR’s eSubmission process for the CIHR’s October 1st Doctoral Research Award competition requires UBC Office of Research Services (ORS) to electronically approve applications via ResearchNet.

Please note the following ORS procedures and timelines which have been developed to allow for a timely submission of UBC applications:

1.  UBC ORS internal deadline: due on Sept 24, 2015 (Thursday) by 4:30 pm – The following documents have to be either emailed or dropped off at the appropriate ORS location:

a)  A complete Research Project Information Form (RPIF), which can be downloaded at our website at, with signature from:

·  Your UBC academic supervisor

·  Department Head

·  Dean of the Faculty (Note: Dean’s signature is not required for Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science & School of Kinesiology)

b)  Page 1 & 2 of the CIHR Application Details sections (download from ResearchNet under “Preview Application Materials”)

c)  Summary of research proposal page

d)  CIHR applicant signature pages, includes:

·  CIHR Routing Slip

·  CHIR Signature page with your UBC academic supervisor’s signatory on

·  CIHR Institutional page – no signature in ink required from UBC ORS because the institution is participating in the Electronic Approval Pilot Project. This means that when ORS approves your application online and submits it to CIHR via ResearchNet, they (i.e. the Institution/Authorized Individual) are abiding by the “Meaning of Signatures” detailed in the Grants and Awards Guide

*** All the above signature pages specified in d) are required to be uploaded with the application on ResearchNet. ***

Ø  ResearchNet: The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must print and obtain signatures from other participants (i.e. Primary Supervisor etc.). In the “Institution Paid” field, it is critical that you select the UBC code, “CAAA”, from the dropdown list to ensure your application is routed to UBC ORS for approval. Do not type a response in this field or select another institution from the dropdown list, as your application will not be routed to UBC ORS for approval. For the “Primary location where research to be conducted”, select the institution where the project will take place (e.g., VCHRI, BCCA, CFRI).

Ø  The applicant may continue to work on the research proposal until the online ResearchNet submission on Sept 30, 2015.

Ø  Please note the application hardcopy submitted to ORS will not be returned to the applicant. Please ensure you keep a copy for your records.

2.  Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA)’s submission on ResearchNet due on Sept 30, 2015 (Wednesday) by 8:30am

a)  Click “Verify” to ensure the application is complete. At this point, you can also save your entire file as a pdf for your records (highly recommended).

b)  Then click “Submit” to submit application to ORS. Applicant will be notified when the application has been successfully submitted to the institution.

·  The NPA is no longer required to sign the application submitted through ResearchNet. By submitting the ResearchNet application to ORS, the NPA is abiding by CIHR’s “Meaning of Signatures” detailed in the Grants and Awards Guide.

·  CIHR will not follow up with applicants who submit an incomplete application; the application is simply withdrawn from the competition. For more information, review the CIHR Policy on Complete Applications.

·  Note that ORS cannot view or approve your application until you have submitted it online

3.  CIHR deadline: Oct 1, 2015 (Thursday)

a)  If all requirements are met, our office will approve the application on the ResearchNet. ORS has read-only access to your application and cannot make changes. If it’s not approved, ORS will return it to the applicant for changes.

b)  Once ORS has approved & submitted your application, ResearchNet automatically forwards it to CIHR. Applicant will receive an e-mail from ResearchNet confirming that CIHR has received your application. No changes can be made to your application once it has been submitted to CIHR.

To assist applicants in ensuring their applications are complete, ORS has identified some common errors made during the ResearchNet application process (#6 under E-Submission Procedures below).

Common Errors on ResearchNet Submissions:

CIHR has introduced a zero-tolerance policy for incomplete applications. Effective September 1, 2008, applications submitted to CIHR that do not contain all of the necessary information as described within the Funding Opportunity description and corresponding application forms will be withdrawn from the competition process. Please visit "CIHR Policy on Complete Applications" and "CIHR Policy on Complete Applications - FAQ" at

·  Attach CIHR Academic CV module

·  Ensure all required signatures are on the signature pages of the application.

·  Ensure the Routing Slip is attached.

·  Ensure you use the acceptable application formats and attachments. Please visit

While ORS makes best efforts to submit all applications on time and to facilitate support for our research community, applications submitted after September 24, 2015 will not receive a guarantee of administrative review from ORS, which includes confirmation of application completeness and requisite signatures. This is an important step because, effective September 1, 2008, CIHR implemented a zero-tolerance policy for incomplete applications.

To avoid system and other issues which may cause delay in the submission process, you are highly encouraged to submit your application to ORS by the internal deadline.