ENQUIRY NUMBER: 2122830-618
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS: DCT Berths 203 to 205 Reconstruction, Deepening and Lengthening
T2.2-41 : Evaluation Schedule - Approach PaperApproach paper which responds to the scope of work and outlines proposed approach / methodology including that relating but not limited to programme, method statement, technical approach and an understanding of the project objective.
The approach paper should articulate what the Tenderer will provide in achieving the stated objectives for the project and demonstrate alignment to Programme as contained under T2.2-2. Tenderers to also exhibit a clear understanding of the project and has shown a concise method statement for all activities incorporating best practice.
The Tenderer must as such explain his / her understanding of the objectives of the works and the Employer’s stated and implied requirements, highlight the issues of importance, and explain the technical approach they would adopt to address them. The approach paper should explain the methodologies which are to be adopted and demonstrate its compatibility. The approach should also include and outline processes, procedures and associated resources, to meet the requirements and indicate how risks will be managed.
The Approach Paper should cover:
- Outline of proposed approach
- Narrative related to the programme
- Detailed method statement, technical approach and construction sequencing in terms of the Works Information (design philosophy)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the project objectives
- Detailed list of equipment and number thereof to execute the works, and areas it will be utilised
The approach paper shall include as a minimumbut not limited to the following (the contractor must refer to the works information for a full description of the scope of the works):
- Caisson manufacture and launching(15/100)
- Proposed layout of Lot 10 and details of establishment at casting yard including details of planned renovations / amendments to existing casting beds and transfer beams.
- Proposed Equipment including jacking, rigging, slip forming and launching equipment.
- Proposed suppliers and details of syncrolift.
- Proposed schedule for caisson manufacture including production rates for casting of bases and slip forming of walls.
- Provisions for concrete supply for 24 hour slip forming operation (including provision for concrete supply in the event of site batch-plant breakdown).
- Full methodology for casting, jacking, transferring the caissons to the launching dockand launching caissons.
- Methodology of compressive strength test for concrete cubes.
- Overall schedule for caisson manufacturing taking into account phased nature of work and limited space available for storage of caissons.
- Proposals for manufacturing and transporting of special caissons, caisson infill panels and precast cope planks.
- Caisson towing and placement(15/100)
- Details of the conceptual hydrodynamic and stability calculations for caissons towing to determine towing distances, speed and Equipment.
- Details of limited wave and wind conditions for caisson towing.
- Schedule for launching of caissons taking into account limitation of launching on rising tide.
- Procedures for checking caisson draft and for ballasting in the event of significant lifting
- Details of towing equipment including tugs, barges, towing bridles, tow ropes, tailing ropes and emergency anchors
- Proposed ballasting for sinking of caissons
- Methodology for re-floating caissons
- Proposed method for placing of caisson within required tolerances taking into account effects of aquaplaning / skating as base approaches seabed.
- Dredging and reclamationincluding Vibro-compaction(15/100)
- Identification and details of major items of equipment to be used for the dredging (type of dredger, basic dimensions and specifications, booster pump stations, hopper barge capacity, power characteristics, length of delivery pipe etc.), including details of methods of propulsion for all floating Equipment.
- Details of proposed dredging equipment and methodology for dredging launching dock.
- The sea state conditions under which the Equipment may operate safely for survival conditions and operational conditions for dredging, dumping and reclamation.
- Schedule for mobilisation and demobilisation of dredging equipment taking into account phased nature of work and potential stop/start of dredging activities.
- The Tenderer shall review the geotechnical data contained in the Site Information and shall demonstrate the capability of the proposed dredging equipment to dredge the type of materials expected.
- The planned production rates, expressed in terms of the in-situ bulk volume (m³) of solids dredged per week, per hour and cumulative, allowing for mechanical and weather downtime. With respect to weekly capacity rates, the working hours on which capacity is calculated must be given.
- Details of the methodology for controlling sedimentation and turbidity within the vicinity of the dredging and discharge activities.
- Details of the compaction methodology and Equipment to be used for reclamation.
- Details of the estimated compaction spacing/grid layout and depth of the probes to achieve the required criteria.
- The Tender shall review the geotechnical data contained in the Site Information and shall demonstrate via calculations the capability of the proposed compaction Equipment to achieve the required performance based CPTu acceptance criteria.
- Details of the performance testing by CPTU.
- Details of proposed multi-beam survey equipment to be used.
- Details of the methods and procedures for monitoring the new and existing structures during construction.
- In accordance with the Project Environmental Specification, preliminary details of proposed methods for complying with environmental requirements.
- Details of how the impacts of dredging at the Offshore Sand-winning Site and turbidity from the dredging activity will be managed and monitored.
- Sandbank extension(10/100)
- Details of the methodology and Equipment for placing and profiling the material for the sandbank extension such that the profile is achieved within the required tolerances.
- Details of the discharge pipelines and discharge rates and means of controlling the discharge rate to ensure controlled placement.
- Details of the methodology for controlling sedimentation and turbidity within the vicinity of sandbank extension activities including details of silt curtains and methods ofsecuring/mooring silt curtains taking into account tidal and current conditions.
- Details of the construction sequencing of sandbank extension.
- Scour protection and revetment(5/100)
- Details of proposed Equipment for both geotextile and rock placement.
- Methodology for placement of geotextile.
- Details of the nature and source of materials.
- The planned production rates, expressed in terms of the in-situ bulk volume (m³) of rock placed per week, per hour and cumulative, allowing for mechanical and weather related downtime.
- Details of the proposed survey methods and equipment to be used between successive layers.
- Rigid inclusions(15/100)
- Details of proposed piling Equipment including barges, cranes, piling rigs etc.
- Schedule for installing rigid inclusions including number of barges / rigs required for achieving Employer’s schedule.
- Proposed sequence of Rigid Inclusion activities.
- Methodology for installing Rigid inclusionsincluding the concrete mixing and filling methodology.The Tenderer shall review the geotechnical data contained in the Site Information and shall demonstrate via calculations the capability of the proposed piling Equipment to achieve the required Rigid Inclusion cut off level and toe level.
- Predicted RI installation rates for driving and filling.
- Details of how the location and level tolerances shall be met.
- Details of the RI testing program.
- Proposed mix design for steel fibre reinforced concrete.
- Methodology for placement and compaction of stone bed and geo-fabric within caisson foundation trench.
- Piling(15/100)
- Details of proposed piling Equipment for all types of piling.
- Methodology for installing sheet pile wall. The Tenderer shall review the geotechnical data contained in the Site Information and shall demonstrate via a pile drivability study the capability of the proposed piling Equipment to achieve the required design depths without refusal and without damaging the sheet piles..
- Details of guide frames, leaders, driving caps and cushions as required to ensure that the piles are installed to the required tolerances, do not declutch during driving and the pile head is not damaged. Details of the template design for the main cell and arc wall.
- Details of the method of fabricating steel piles to the required lengths for installation, including proposed welding procedures.
- Methodology for storage, handling and transporting of the piles.
- Details of the method of advancing a pile in the event of unexpected resistance to driving
- Full methodology for driving cast-in pile and placing concrete.
- Details of the methods and procedure for the landside pile load tests.
- Details of the methods and procedures for monitoring the new and existing structures during construction.
- Proposed foundry for anodes and pile coating supplier.
- Cope construction, quay furniture and paving(10/100)
- Sequencing of cope construction taking into account access constraints and scheduling of reclamation and vibro-compaction.
- Methodology for casting, placing and securing of precast cope planks.
- Methodology for construction of service tunnels.
- Proposed suppliers of fenders and bollards including certification as per specifications.
- Methodology for installation of fenders and bollards.
- Methodology for installation of crane railsin accordance with tolerances including welding methodology.
- Methodology for asphalt and concrete paving including casting sequence.
- Methodology of land surveying to ensure quay wall is built within required tolerances.
Index of documentation attached to this schedule:
TENDERPart T2: Returnable Schedules
FORM: PRO-FAT-0326Rev00Page 1 of 7T2.2-41 Evaluation Schedule: Approach Paper
ENQUIRY NUMBER: 2122830-618
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS: DCT Berths 203 to 205 Reconstruction, Deepening and Lengthening
The scoring of the approach paper will be as follows:
Elements: Weight / Approach is clearly articulated and based on the Works Information / Demonstrates a clear understanding of the project objectivesPoints / 10 / 10
Caisson manufacture and launching 15%
Caisson towing and placement 15%
Dredging and reclamation including vibro-compaction 15%
Sandbank extension 10%
Scour protection and revetment 5%
Rigid inclusions 15%
Piling 15%
Cope construction, quay furniture and paving 10% / 0 / The Tenderer has submitted no information or inadequate information to determine a score.
20 / The approach paper is not acceptable as it will not satisfy project objectives or requirements. The tenderer has misunderstood the scope of work and does not deal with the critical aspects of the project.
40 / The technical approach and / or methodology is poor, not realistic and practical and is therefore unlikely to satisfy project objectives or requirements. The tenderer has misunderstood certain aspects of the scope of work and does not deal with the critical aspects of the project.
60 / The approach is generic and not tailored to address the specific project objectives and requirements. The approach does not adequately deal with the critical characteristics of the project. The approach to managing risk is too generic.
80 / The approach is specifically tailored to address the specific project objectives and methodology and is sufficiently flexible to accommodate changes that may occur during execution. The approach to managing risk etc. is specifically tailored to the critical characteristics of the project.
100 / Besides meeting the “80” rating, the important issues are approached in an innovative and efficient way, indicating that the tenderer has outstanding knowledge of state-of-the- art approaches.
The approach paper details ways to improve the project outcomes and the quality of the outputs.
TENDERPart T2: Returnable Schedules
FORM: PRO-FAT-0326Rev00Page 1 of 7T2.2-41 Evaluation Schedule: Approach Paper
ENQUIRY NUMBER: 2122830-618
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS: DCT Berths 203 to 205 Reconstruction, Deepening and Lengthening
The undersigned, who warrants that he / she is duly authorised to do so on behalf of the enterprise, confirms that the contents of this schedule are within my personal knowledge and are to the best of my belief both true and correct.
Signed / DateName / Position
TENDERPart T2: Returnable Schedules
FORM: PRO-FAT-0326Rev00Page 1 of 7T2.2-41 Evaluation Schedule: Approach Paper