CIC Monthly Call Minutes
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 2:00 pm Eastern U.S. 60 minutes
Co-chairs: Crystal Kallem**, Meredith Nahm, Sam Brandt, Steve Bentley Ed Hammond
Phone Number: (770) 657-9270
Participant Passcode: 283404
Meeting Attendees:
Brandt, Sam / Siemens /Diehl, Mark / CDPHP/ADA /
Diamond, Ann / ACOG
Dove, James / American College of Cardiology
Kruger, Jason / ?
Kush, Rebecca / CDISC /
Jaffe, Charles / HL7 /
Pat Gunter / Duke /
Kallem, Crystal** / AHIMA /
Havener, Lori / NAACCR /
Kress, Peter / CAST / ACTS /
Shafarman, Mark / HL7 US /
Nahm, Meredith / Duke Translational Medicine Institute /
Reeves, Dianne / NCICB /
Walden, Anita / Duke Translational Medicine Institute /
Ward, Steve / Eli Lilly /
Wilson, Pat / 3M /
** Presiding co-Chair
- Roll Call
- Additions/Modifications to the Agenda
- Requirements for Metadata Registries for Templates and other artifacts (M. Shafarman)
- Volunteer for CIC Vocabulary Facilitator
- Approval of December Conference Call and January WGM Minutes
- Motion to approve the December conference call minutes by C. Jaffe. Second by A. Walden.
0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 17 approved.
- Motion to approve the January WGM minutes by C, Jaffee. Second by J. Dove.
0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 17 approved.
- Update on the Bridging the Chasm Invitational Meeting - Ed/Chuck
C. Jaffe reported that there will be a program planning committee meeting next week to start work on defining the agenda. There are 50 guests registered for the meeting so far. There is still room for 75 or 80 more participants. An additional round of invitations will go out this week. Many organizations want to send multiple participants. Often societies want to send IT representatives.C. Jaffe reinforced that society leadership and clinicians needed to attend. C. Jaffe asked for CIC members to send him suggested agenda topics, etc.
- Requirements for Templates and Other Artifacts
M. Shafarman joined the call to provide an update on a project that aims to develop business requirements for templates (and other artifacts) registry. M. Shafarman reported that the target is to have requirements developed by June 30, 2009. The project will include involvement ofPatient Care (DCM), CDISC, Structured Documents WG, HL7 OpenHealth Tooling collaborative, and others. The effort will define a formal set of requirements for templates in various forms. The templates registry project team will meet every Friday at 11:00 ET. Official communications are disseminated through the “Templates Repository” list service. Register for the list at
Question by S. Brandt: What are the templates used for? M. Shafarman stated that a template represents an atomic concept, but that the requirements also seek to house compound artifacts like compound archetypes and multi-element templates. M. Nahm motion for CIC to co-sponsor the project; second by S. Brandt. 0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 17 approved.
- Project Updates
- Acute Coronary Syndrome DAM
A. Walden reported that work is moving forward with Mead Walker supporting as the modeler. There will be a kick-off in the next few months with a goal to ballot the new DAM version in 2010.
- Tuberculosis DAM
A. Walden reported that TB data elements are being loaded into the caDSR. There is also group working the CDISC SDTM representation for a CDC pilot project. A. Walden also reported that the team is getting feedback on current model and has plans to ballot new version in 2010.
- Diabetes
R. Richesson is traveling and unavailable to attend the call. M. Nahm provided a brief update. D. Mon from AHIMA is leading a small group with interest in diabetes and mapping data elements to the EHR-S FM and DCM. Participants include Isobelle de Zegher, William Gossen, R. Richesson, and others. D. Mon is putting together a project scope statement. The project hopes to demonstrate the linkage of end to end clinical content development(DAMs and DCMs) and theirlinkage and use in EHR systems (EHR-S FM).
- Mental Health
M. Nahm reported that the mental health work is being run as an internal project at Duke, led by Pat Gunter and Ken Gersing, MD. Project content will be shared as soon as available.
- Metadata Registries
No update from Gary Dickinson. See also discussion on Template Registries.
- Functional Status Clinical Data Standards
No update.
- Communication Toolkit – C. Kallem
C. Kallem reported that the initial Ambassador slide set was piloted in January WGM and is also posted on the CIC web site. She is incorporating the feedback into both the Ambassador slides as well as the materials for the Clinician orientation.
- New/Upcoming Projects and Information Sharing
Functional Status Work: P. Kress reported that functional status work is most likely being done as part of the Patient Assessment Frameworkin the Structured Documents WG.
C. Kallem reported that the NQF Health Information Technology Expert Panel (HITEP), sponsored by ARHQ, is working on defining a quality data set (QDS) and corresponding data flows. C. Kallem is serving on the QDS Workgroup as part of the HITEPinitiative and will work to assure alignment with the data element work within CIC. B. Kush asked how the project aligns with USHIK. C. Kallem responded that since AHRQ is supporting both USHIK and the HITEP effort, the panel may be encouraged to utilize USHIK to house the QDS. CIC participants expressed concern that the metadata registries like USHIK and caDSR should be interoperable.
CIC Vocabulary Facilitator: Sarah Ryan volunteered to serve as the CIC vocabulary facilitator. Motion by M. Nahm to appoint Sarah Ryan as the CIC vocabulary facilitator; second by A. Walden. 0 opposed, 0 abstentions, 17 approved.
M. Nahm reported that the CIC agenda for Japan will differ from previous ones to account for an expected increase in new attendees and a larger number of international attendees. The co-chairs are preparing an invitation to send to HL7 Affiliates to invite presentations about data element projects. The meeting will focus on information sharing about clinical data element related projects around the globe.
- Next Call
- March 26, 2009 at 2:00 pm ET US
- Adjourn
Supporting Documents:
CIC Conference Call Minutes: December 17, 2008
CIC WGM Minutes: January 14 and 15, 2009