Name ______Date ______Period _____


Each pair or trio will be assigned a scientist who contributed to the development of the Modern Atomic Theory. Each group will create a poster or powerpoint presentation using information from books, printed material, and internet sites. Once everyone is complete, students will be responsible for taking notes on all class projects through a gallery walk.

Each Project must have the following elements:

1)  Name of scientists and brief bio (3-5 sentences)

2)  How did the scientist reach his/ her conclusions? If an experiment led to this conclusion summarize the procedures and conclusion and draw a picture of the laboratory set up on your poster. (Ex. Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment or Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment.)

3)  Include dates for the findings/ theories.

4)  Include where the findings/theories were discovered.

5)  Explain how the scientist’s findings changed the atomic model and draw the corresponding new model on your poster.

6)  Create a poster that is attractive, neat and legible with the information you gather. Grammar matters!!!

7)  Include bibliography (3 credible sources)

8)  Gallery walk.

All the items below will need to be completed and turn in for a grade at the end of this project.

1)  Class notes – Students are responsible for completing the handout “History of Atomic Theory” grid and taking notes during gallery walk.

2)  Poster – each group will produce a poster that includes the elements listed above.

3)  A summary of the history or atomic theory and the progression of atomic models (At least 4 complete sentences)

Rubric for Modern Atomic Theory Poster and Notes

Neatness, Creativity, and Legibility of the project 10 Points

Title of the Presentation 3 Points

Names of People in Group 3 Points

Highlights of scientist’s life 8 Points

Important Dates and Places of Discovery 5 Points

Scientist’s experimental design/apparatus 8 Points

Scientist’s observations 8 Points

Correct interpretation/conclusion of experiment 10 Points

Scientist’s contribution to the atomic theory 10 Points

Graphic representation of revised atomic model 10 Points

Bibliography (including at least 3 credible sources) 5 Points

History of Atomic Theory Notes 16 Points

Summary of Atomic Theory (4 complete sentences) 4 Points

Total Points 100 Points

*A questionnaire will be given at the end of the project to each member of your group. Your participation on this project will be assessed and your grade will be adjusted accordingly (In other words, if you don’t participate equally in this project you and your partner will get different grades)