Lord of the Flies: Human Nature and the Role of Politics

William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies shortly after experiencing the horrors of the Second World War and hearing the news about the Holocaust. One question facing many people at the time was: “How can ‘good’ people commit such horrific crimes?” What makes good people do bad things?

Lord of the Flies deals with what happens to a group of boys stranded on a desert island with no adult supervision. Symbolically, Lord of the Flies investigates what happens to civilized people when the structures of civilization disappear.

Your task: Write a 200-250 word formal response to the following question

How does government form out of the actions of the boys on the island?

Answer the following questions as you watch the movie and use specific examples in your formal response:

  1. What do Ralph and Jack each represent and why did some boys follow one overtheother?
  2. What do you think of Jack and Ralph’s actions as leaders? What was their motivation? What would you have done similarly or differently in this situation?
  3. Do you think the story would have unfolded the same way if it were a planeload of girls who ended up on the island? What if it were a mixed group of girls and boys?
  4. The use of power is central to the story. Democratic power is shown when decisions are shared among many. Authoritarian power allows one person to rule by threatening and terrifying others. “Might is Right” is the most primitive use of power and usually can be wielded against those considered weak. Which characters used these types of power and how did they incorporate them into their style of leadership?

Lord of the Flies: Formal Response Rubric

Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Communication / What does this look like?
explain concepts clearly / explains concepts with limited clarity / explains concepts with some clarity / explains concepts with considerable clarity / explains concepts with a high level of clarity
communicates information effectively / communicates information with limited effectiveness / communicates information with some effectiveness / communicates information with considerable effectiveness / communicates information with a high level of effectiveness
Thinking / What does this look like?
evaluate information to determine main ideas / evaluation of information to determine main ideas demonstrates limited understanding / evaluation of information to determine main ideas demonstrates some understanding / evaluation of information to determine main ideas demonstrates considerable understanding / evaluation of information to determine main ideas demonstrates thorough understanding
evaluate information to reach conclusions / evaluates information to reach conclusions with limited supporting detail / evaluates information to reach conclusions with some supporting detail / evaluates information to reach conclusions with considerable supporting detail / evaluates information to reach conclusions with thorough supporting detail

Your final submission will include:

  • A typed copy of your formal response
  • Rubric attached to the final copy