Muscle soreness can be caused by multiple facets and demands that are put on the human body. This short educational article is to not focus on all of the causes; but to focus on a possible solution that could reduce the amount of soreness and recovery time of this muscle soreness. Foam rolling is a cheap and easy tool that can assist with general and/or specific muscle soreness; proper techniques can easily be learned and mastered by any level of athlete.

Benefits of foam rolling primarily has to deal with the mobility of the fascia that surrounds every muscle in the body. Without proper fascia mobility, fibers become bound to the muscle which inhibits normal range of motion. Inhibition of proper range of motion will cause pain, muscle soreness, and possible leading to injuries. The act of foam rolling has been proven to increase blood flow and increase intramuscular temperature; with these two increases there is a direct correlation to an increase in the elastic properties of the muscle. Since static stretching of the muscle at times is not enough to gain proper range of motion; recent studies have shown that foam rolling before static stretching will increase flexibility due to increase in elastic properties of the muscles that surround multiple joints of the body.

Foam rolling not only helps with reducing muscle soreness; but it can also increase your performance. The more flexible your muscles are; the more power they will be able to produce. The production of more power can increase strength, speed, and stability. Foam rolling can increase performance as long as it is combined with proper stretching, strength and endurance training.

Foam rolling can be used for both upper and lower extremities. When utilizing a foam roller you should begin by warming up the muscle by making 6-8 slow and controlled passes along the entire length of the muscle. Example: If you are focusing on the hamstring; you should go from the sitting bone to the back of your knee. Ensure that the muscle stays relaxed during all passes. During the passing; you must maintain core stability to reduce the stress that can be put on the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. Use the drawing-in maneuver, by pulling the navel in toward the spine, to achieve this stability. Once you have warmed up the muscle you can then pause on specific sore areas; then continue with the passing motion along the length of the muscle. You can utilize the foam rolling activity multiple times a day; but before and after intense workout is probably the most beneficial.

Here is a video that demonstrates a productive foam rolling routine:

There are a few contraindications before beginning a foam rolling routine. Individuals that have osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and/or pregnant should always consult their physician first. Individuals with intervertebral disc problems by have difficulty with some of the positioning and may need to modify. Individuals who have difficulty supporting their own body weight due to injury may need to modify their routine. In general; avoid foam rolling right over boney prominences and directly over the back of the knee. Other than these listed precautions; foam rolling has many benefits and should be added to all exercise regimens.

Foam rollers come in various materials and can be purchased from multiple sites; the most common is just a simple high density foam roller. There are a few websites that are listed below that you can order from:
