CHV 2O (Civics)
Topic: A Discussion of Foreign Policy & Humanitarian Issues
Unit: Global Citizenship Name:

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, you must address the Canadian Parliament on matters concerning our country’s image, influence and interests on the world stage.

In your speech to Parliament, you must present a decision which demonstrates your informed understanding of global issues, and illustrates your capacity for critical thinking.

As the people of Canada are relying on you to make a wise decision, you must prove to the nation

  1. your familiarity with the detailed facts of TWO (2) under-reported humanitarian crises on the world stage,
  2. your familiarity with the details of Canada’s foreign policy priorities,
  3. your ability to choose between the two humanitarian crises on the basis of Canada’s foreign policy priorities.

The template provided is to be used to structure your speech.

Your next address to Parliament will take place on ______.

After doing some research, your senior advisors have directed you to the following resources:

Main Resource Listing Global Issues :
• Doctors Without Borders (MSF): The Top 10 Under-reported Humanitarian Issues, index
Main Resource Listing Foreign Policy Priorities of the Government of Canada:
• Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade (DFAIT): Ongoing Priorities (c. 2011-2012)

Additional Sources:
• United Nations: Millennium Development Goals
• Canadian International Development Agency:

Template for Foreign Policy Speech:

Short introduction:
(Address Speaker of the House and other Members of Parliament, and give the reason for your speech)

Step #1:
Authoritative Summary of Humanitarian Crisis #1:
(Provide rich detail, statistics, dates, facts, figures which establish you as an authority on the issue. Think about the crisis in terms of who is involved, what is going on, where it is happening, why it is happening, when it happened/is happening, and how it is being dealt with.)

Authoritative Summary of Humanitarian Crisis #2:
(Provide rich detail, statistics, dates, facts, figures which establish you as an authority on the issue. Think about the crisis in terms of who is involved, what is going on, where it is happening, why it is happening, when it happened/is happening, and how it is being dealt with.)

Step #2:
Summary of Canada’s Foreign Policy:
(This section instructs Canadians on the foreign policy priorities which have been previously established by the Government of Canada, and reminds Parliament that your decision to choose only ONE humanitarian issue for Canada to act upon will be based on this established criteria.)

Step #3:
Statement and Explanation of Your Decision:
(This section instructs Canadians on the decision which you --- as Minister of Foreign Affairs – have made. Explain the reasons for your decision by making purposeful reference to the information you established in your summary of the humanitarian issues, and through the deliberate application of Canada’s Foreign Policy Priorities. It should be clear to your audience the connections you are making and the justification for your decision given the criteria available to you.) ______

Short Conclusion:
(Quickly review the main points of your speech and restate the decision you have reached)

Levels of Achievement:
4 (thorough) 3 (considerable) 2 (limited) 1 (some) R
Knowledge / Understanding: / Level:
• Factual and relevant information relating to TWO humanitarian crises.
• Factual and relevant information relating to Canada’s Foreign Policy priorities.
Thinking / Inquiry: / Level:
• creativity and effectiveness in explaining the decision
Application: / Level:
• purposeful use of information to support your decision
• explanation of decision with reference to specific Canada’s Foreign Policy Priorities
Communication: / Level:
• clarity of writing
• adherence to required structure