Venue: The Church Stretton Club is in Essex Road and almost immediately opposite the Police Station and McLintock Place. We are meeting in the Function Room (entrance off the right hand lane from the road) - the Caradoc Suite- which has a licensed bar should we wish to use it. We may be required to pay for the hire of this room at the rate of £10.00 per hour so would CSNW Members kindly bring a small contribution of say £1.00 to help defray this cost. Depending upon how many Members use the facilities of the bar this hire cost may be dispensed with.


1. Apologies for absence.

When giving “Apology” names it is helpful to also give the appropriate zone number of the

person concerned.

2. Resignations.

3. New Volunteers.

4. Minutes of the last meeting. (Held on Wednesday 13th .April 2016)

5. Matters Arising. (Which are not covered by this present Agenda)

6. Election of Officers. (Only applicable at the October meeting)

7. Police update. (Provided by the local spokesperson for the police)

8. Zone Co-ordinators Reports.

(Zone deputies are requested to report in the absence of their co-ordinator)

9. Any other business.

10. Date of the next meeting.

This will be Wednesday 12th. April 2017




Held at the Church Stretton Club, Essex Road, Church Stretton
On Wednesday 13th.April 2016 at 7.30pm

Jeff Thomas (Zone 13) attended as both acting Chairman and Secretary.

Once again it was disappointing to note that only 9 members were in attendance, and along with the previous meeting was again the lowest number for quite some time in spite of members on E mail being sent a reminder of the meeting by the acting Secretary a week before the meeting. The meeting notice was also posted in the Church Stretton Focus and on the electronic Community Messaging System. However, Jeff Thomas thanked those members attending for taking the time to attend the meeting.

Due to operational circumstances no one from the Church Stretton Police attended the meeting. However, PC Anne Gutteridge from Bishop’s Castle police attended as a substitute as she normally stood in for PC Damon Preston when he was on leave.

1. Apologies for Absence.

Apologies for absence were received from the following members:

Keith Martin (Zone 27), Anne Stafford (Zone 55), Brian Bradley (Zone 67), Alan Mileson (Zone 68),

Helen Townend (Zone 89), Isobel Batten (Zone 89).

2. Resignations.

Resignation was received from David Richardson (Zone 67) due to ill health.

3. New Volunteers.

No new volunteers were reported.

4. Minutes of the last meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting held on the 15th.September 2015 were sent to as many Co-ordinators and their Deputies by E mail for those members who were on E mail. Minutes will continue to be sent out using the bcc method in order to maintain E mail confidentiality as much as possible. Those members not on E mail will presently receive their paper copy of the minute’s kindly hand delivered by the local police.

It is important for members who change their E mail addresses to advise the Secretary otherwise they will not receive the minutes in the event of a mail failure. No address details are kept for members on E mail, only for those members not on E mail.

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read without any comments.

5. Matters Arising.

1. The savings account with the Yorkshire Building Society at Wrights, the Estate agent in Church Stretton has remained untouched at £112.73 since the last meeting. This account is held on behalf of the Church Stretton Neighbourhood Watch Association. Jeff Thomas still retains the pass book as the account is in his name along with Richard Carter (Zone68) as the account cannot be held in the name of an Association.

2. As there was one resignation reported and no new volunteers the CSNW list showed that at present there were a total of 57 members, 28 being co-ordinators and 29 being deputy co-ordinators. Of these members 48 were on E mail and 9 were not on E mail. Those on Email would continue to receive their minutes by this method whilst those not on E mail would receive paper copies via Church Stretton Police (CSP). CSP advised that they would be prepared to deliver paper copies to those members not on E mail provided this number was not too large. It was agreed that Jeff Thomas would continue to attend the CSP station and prepare the paper copies of the minutes for the CSP to hand deliver.

3. Minutes of previous Neighbourhood Watch meetings will now no longer be held if more than five years old as previously agreed with members.

4. Jeff Thomas’s name continues to be the Neighbourhood Watch contact for Church Stretton in the Clubs and Societies section of the Church Stretton Focus magazine.

5. Jeff Thomas stated that he felt uncomfortable doing both the Chairman’s and Secretary’s role for the Association. The reason for this was that in the event of his being unavailable for any reason to attend a meeting then the meeting would not formally be recorded in any form. He asked for volunteers for a deputy but no one attending the meeting was prepared to act as a formal deputy.

6. Election of Officers.

This will be actioned at the next meeting on the 12th.October 2016.

7. Police Update

Since there was no representative from Church Stretton Police there was little to report other than the spate of local burglaries in Hazler Orchard, Chelmick Drive and Alison Road. In all cases it was reported that the occupants were away on holiday at the time of the burglaries. This generated a general discussion among attendees that the burglar(s) could possibly be local people who somehow knew when the property was unoccupied. A burglar from outside Church Stretton visiting the area would probably be unlikely to be aware that a property was unoccupied.

PC Anne Gutteridge advised that all properties affected by burglary had been issued with a Smart Water kit. See further remarks under AOB on Smart Water.

In December 2015 there was a burglary off the Burway where property was stolen. Two weeks later the burglar was apprehended in Sandford Avenue in possession of the stolen property. The property stolen was reunited with the owner which would suggest a local person was involved. If an out of town stranger was involved in the burglary why would he return to Church Stretton to dispose of it?

Also see the remarks below from extracts from the Annual Church Stretton Police report for 2015/2016 on vacant properties

Residents are encouraged to attend the P.A.C.T. meetings held in the Mayfair Centre and also to attend the “Walk in Surgeries” at the Church Stretton Police Station. It is a valuable opportunity to discuss any neighbourhood concerns and issues.

Church Stretton Police now have access to a mobile police station for use around the area to attend meetings, events and out of reach hamlets/villages. If any one wishes to have the team turn up at these locations then they are advised to contact the local team in Church Stretton.

Crime Prevention Advice

Vacant Properties. There has been a slight rise in burglaries in vacant properties and the police advise that if resident’s home is to be vacant then they should be advised. A home could be vacant for a number of reasons but before being left vacant tell a neighbour or trusted friend and leave a key with them, cancel all regular deliveries, secure your property as best as possible and locking valuables away with extra care . Use timer switches to switch lights and radios on and off and remember to set the alarm if one is fitted. If advised that the property is to be left vacant then the SNT will try and keep an eye on the property whilst passing and investigate anything suspicious .Whilst they cannot take responsibility for the property they can at least contact the key holder. The SNT have a very limited number of security products which they may be able to loan to residents whilst they are away to help to secure the property. These products include CCTV, movement alarms, window alarms and locks and residents wishing to avail themselves of these products should contact their SNT.

Safety Talks in Schools. Currently the Safe Neighbourhood Team have delivered talks to the pupils of local schools on general safety and preventative measures and stranger danger. The benefits of police talks in schools establish increased accessibility and foster positive relationships between police, pupils and schools; provide an increased sense of safety for pupils; exposure to positive role models; improved pupil attendance; higher achievement and attainment; reduction in offending behaviour, both in the school and in the community.

Four key themes that support the business and rural crime initiatives in Shropshire

The following four initiatives will be rolled out by the Police and other agencies over the coming few months.

1). Stop that theft is a new initiative aimed at reducing the number of burglaries at businesses and rural properties in the local area. The police have joined forces with the NFU (Insurance) to offer victims of burglary in rural areas the chance to a trial, initially free of charge, of technology to help protect their property. After 3 to 4 weeks the free trial ends and the technology has to either be bought or returned.

2). We Do Not Buy Crime. This initiative will involve Police engaging with antique shops, scrap yards and other outlets to prevent stolen goods being sold and the police being advised of any potential stolen property. All victims of burglary will be given Smartwater to property code their possessions.

3). Shropshire Against Nightime Disorder (SAND). This initiative is aimed at first time offenders who cause disorder at public houses and other licensed premises. They will be invited to complete a one day course costing £50 in order to be able to continue to use public houses and other licensed premises.

4). Integrated Community Management (ICM). Body cameras will be used to deal with low level anti-social behaviour (graffiti, dog fouling, litter etc.). The main aim of this initiative is for everyone to live, work and socialise in a safe and pleasant environment. This initiative will be initially piloted around Shrewsbury and Oswestry.

Finally Police Constable Damon Preston advised that they were hopeful of recruiting an extra Police Community Support Officer and two extra Special Constables.

8 Zone Reports

No issues were raised by members attending the meeting and none had been received by the acting Secretary from those members not attending the meeting.

9 Any Other Business

West Mercia Police had advised that they have negotiated a special Smartwater supply arrangement for all households within the Force area. A general discussion on the effective use of Smartwater ensued amongst attendees and there was some confusion particularly with regards to how long it lasted and what the annual registration fee entailed. Jeff Thomas agreed to contact Smartwater to seek full clarification on its use and costs involved. It was generally felt that issuing Smartwater to residents who had had their properties burgled was like” bolting the door after the horse had fled”.

However, in the meantime members wishing to take up this offer should contact Smartwater on 0800 521 669 or visit their website at and quote discount code


At the last meeting it was reported that notice had been received that a Shropshire Neighbourhood/Rural Watch meetings at Shirehall, Shrewsbury would take place on Tuesday 6th.October 2015, commencing at 7.00pm and finishing at 9.00pm. Co-ordinators or their deputies were encouraged to attend this meeting. This meeting was cancelled at the last minute due to lack of attendees which highlights a general disinterest in N.W. PC Anne Gutteridge advised that there was no N.W. in existence in Bishop’s Castle.

Due to the continued poor attendance it was agreed for the time being to continue with the twice yearly N.W. meetings, one in April and one in October.

Also this April voting slips had been distributed to elect a new Police Crime Commissioner for West Mercia. The present Commissioner Bill Longmore is standing down. Voting will take place on the 5th.May 2016 and there are six potential candidates involved. For details see West Mercia Police web site for Police Crime Commissioner.

National Neighbourhood Watch Week this year will run from Saturday, June 18th. to Sunday, June 26th.

10 Date of the next meeting. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 12TH.October 2016 at the Caradoc Suite of the Church Stretton and District Club at 7.30pm. It is hoped that more members will be able to attend this meeting.