Worldof Islam ABC Book

Assignment- You and your group will be involved in creating an ABC book to help other students understand the religion of Islam. Each group will be made up of either 3 or 4 students. The group members need to agree how to separate the letters in an acceptable manner to cover all 26 letters.

Mandatory Categories: These must be covered in you ABC but you are not limited to these:


-The Crusades

-Major Muslim Contributions, Innovations, Architecture and/or Inventions

-Cities of importance


-Important Muslim History and/ or Persons

  • Once you are assigned your letters and have agreed to how you are going to split up the categories amongst the group, start finding resources.
  • Brainstorm several possible words for the letters you have been assigned and then narrow your list to one specific word.
  • Research that word and then summarize what you have learned in your own words. Write a detailed description of the word as it pertains to the history and beliefs of Islam. Each summary should have between 3 and 4 facts. Do not list them in bullet form but write a paragraph.
  • Be as creative as possible for each page and the cover.
  • Use visuals ( color if possible) that connect to the word on each page.
  • Write your name somewhere on the letters you create so I know which ones you are responsible for.
  • As a group you should agree to the format of the book so the pages resemble each other or are connected by a theme.
  • Include a list of resources. ( not your textbook.)

This is due on Monday 12/22/14. It is worth 50 points towards your grade.

relato the Islamic Empire.

  • Once you have listed several possible words for the letters you have been assigned, narrow your


specific word.

  • Further research that word and then summarize what you have learned in your own words. You should have a detailed description of the word that shows a clear connection to the Islamic Empire and evidence of research. Each summary should have a minimum of four facts. Do not list facts, but write them in paragraph form.
  • You need to have a color border that connects to the culture or the word. All borders can be computer generated. (A border must decorate a minimum of two edges of the paper.)
  • A color visual must accompany each word. It must show a direct connection to the word/definition/description. (You are allowed to generate your visuals with a computer.)
  • Make sure you write your name on the letters you create so you can be evaluated for the work you do as an individual.
  • Your final draft should be typed, written in black felt tip, or color pencil. (As a group you should agree to the format of your book so all pages look the same.)

A bibliography with a minimum of three resources should be included at the back of your boo*Muhammad *Crusades *Muslims who made major contributions *Cities of importance *Facts relating to in your ABC
*Muhammad *Crusades *Muslims who made major contributions *Cities of importance *Facts relating to trade *Facts that relate to innovations/inventions *Expansion of Islam *Architectural contributions (The not limited to these categories.)

  • Once you are assigned your letters and agree to which of the above categories you are responsible for, use a number of resources to find words that relate to the Islamic Empire.
  • Once you have listed several possible words for the letters you have been assigned, narrow your list to one specific word.
  • Further research that word and then summarize what you have learned in your own words. You should have a detailed description of the word that shows a clear connection to the Islamic Empire and evidence of research. Each summary should have a minimum of four facts. Do not list facts, but write them in paragraph form.
  • You need to have a color border that connects to the culture or the word. All borders can be computer generated. (A border must decorate a minimum of two edges of the paper.)
  • A color visual must accompany each word. It must show a direct connection to the word/definition/description. (You are allowed to generate your visuals with a computer.)
  • Make sure you write your name on the letters you create so you can be evaluated for the work you do as an individual.
  • Your final draft should be typed, written in black felt tip, or color pencil. (As a group you should agree to the format of your book so all pages look the same.)
  • A bibliography with a minimum of three resources should be included at the back of your book.

Make sure your final draft has no spelling errors. Choose the words carefully. The resources you will be using include the video series, library books, encyclopedias, and Web sites. Keep track of bibliography information for each book, so it will be readily available when it is time for your group to create the final bibliography that will go at the end of the book. You are that relate to innovations/inventions *Expansion of Islam *Architectural contributions (The book is not limited to these categories.)

  • Once you are assigned your letters and agree to which of the above categories you are responsible for, use a number of resources to find words that relate to the Islamic Empire.
  • Once you have listed several possible words for the letters you have been assigned, narrow your list to one specific word.
  • Further research that word and then summarize what you have learned in your own words. You should have a detailed description of the word that shows a clear connection to the Islamic Empire and evidence of research. Each summary should have a minimum of four facts. Do not list facts, but write them in paragraph form.
  • You need to have a color border that connects to the culture or the word. All borders can be computer generated. (A border must decorate a minimum of two edges of the paper.)
  • A color visual must accompany each word. It must show a direct connection to the word/definition/description. (You are allowed to generate your visuals with a computer.)
  • Make sure you write your name on the letters you create so you can be evaluated for the work you do as an individual.
  • Your final draft should be typed, written in black felt tip, or color pencil. (As a group you should agree to the format of your book so all pages look the same.)
  • A bibliography with a minimum of three resources should be included at the back of your book.

Make sure your final draft has no spelling errors. Choose the words carefully. The resources you will be using include the video series, library books, encyclopedias, and Web sites. Keep track of bibliography information for each book, so it will be readily available when it is time for your group to create the final bibliography that will go at the end of the book. You are expected to do some research outside of class.