2010-2011WMSOnline Resources: PASSWORDS are in Edline under “News”
Product Name & Website / Product DescriptionABC-CLIO World History: Ancient & Medieval
/ 1000s of authoritative primary and secondary sources, in-depth explorations, and profiles of city-states, countries, and regions of the ancient world; pictures, artwork, historical maps, etc.
AP Images
/ Stop using google images! Use this powerful image database from Associated Press – photographs back to the early 20th century, plus charts, graphs, etc.
AutoRepairReferenceCenter (EBSCO)
/ Reference guide organized by year and model of automobile
/ Up to date information on 182 countries and cultures including history, land and climate, religion, personal appearance, gestures, language, government, family, dating and marriage, recipes, etc.
eLibrary Elementary
/ Full-text general reference; magazines, newspapers, books, transcripts, maps, images, websites, audio, video, etc.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Annals of American History
/ American history; primary sources and multimedia
Encyclopaedia Britannica Global ReferenceCenter
/ Japanese, Korean, Chinese, French Britannica encyclopaedias and another link to the SpanishReferenceCenter
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition
/ Recommended for high school and higher education
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online School Edition
/ 3 encyclopedias in one: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Compton’s by Britannica and Britannica Elementary
Encyclopaedia Britannica Spanish Reference Center: Gran Enciclopedia Planeta y Enciclopedia Juvenil
/ Spanish elementary encyclopedia, images, videos, Spanish language learning materials
Encyclopaedia Britannica Student NewsNet
/ Provides relevant news and current events; separate section devoted to Science and Civics news
Encyclopaedia Britannica Webster’s Third New International Dictionary Unabridged
/ Dictionary without pesky advertisements and pop-ups
Encyclopaedia Britannica World Data Analyst
/ Similar to CultureGrams; provides "Country Snapshots"; create "current comparisons" of countries
History Reference Center
/ Historical newspapers, documents, biographies, maps, photographs, video, etc.
U.S. History In Context / A collection of primary and secondary resources to support the study of United States history from middle school through college
Issues & Controversies
/ Great for issues research in middle school; issues are succinctly defined and pros and cons provided for each all in one article
MasterFILE™ Premier (EBSCO)
/ Ageneral online reference system; full text databases; images
/ Account can be accessed at school and at home
Oxford English Dictionary Online
/ An outstanding online dictionary!
Science Reference Center™ (EBSCO)
/ Full-text science-oriented content; science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources
SIRS Decades
/ Covers the 20th century decade by decade with 5,000 primary and secondary sources selected by the editors of SIRS
SIRS Discoverer
/ Full-text articles and images from more than 1,600 domestic and international newspapers, magazines, government documents, and websites
SIRS Knowledge Source
/ Access to multiple databases—SIRS Pro/Con; SIRS Renaissance; SIRS Web Select; SIRS Interactive Citizenship, etc.
StudentResourceCenter: Junior
/ Database of primary documents, biographies, topical essays, critical analysis, full-text coverage of newspapers and periodicals
/ Teaching books is a unique service that provides up close and personal interviews (multimedia abounds!) with some of the most loved and respected children and young adult authors