(Please type or print clearly)
Home Institution/University:
1. General Information
Name: (In Chinese: )
Family First (Middle)
Sex: □Male □Female Date of Birth: / /
Month Day Year
Nationality: Country of Birth:
Mailing Address
Telephone: E-Mail:
Educational Field :
Major Name of Faculty / Department / GraduateSchool
Academic Level(mark one): □Freshmen □Sophomore □Junior
□Senior □Graduate
Proposed Semester(s) of Study: □Fall 2008□Spring 2009□Fall 2009
(Check two boxes of semesters if you want to study a year.)
Proposed Level of Study(mark one): □Undergraduate □Graduate
Proposed Campus : □Seoul Campus □Anseong Campus
Proposed Field of Study:
Major Name of College / GraduateSchool
Education Background(List the names of the schools you attended starting from primary education)
Level / Name of School / Period of Enrollment / Degree EarnedI certify that I have provided complete and accurate responses to the items on this application. I further certify all official documents submitted in support of this application are authentic and unaltered records that pertain to me.
Signature of Student:
Name: Date:
Please attach the Official Academic Transcript of your currently attending University
2. Study Proposal
Please list the courses you would like to take(include course number and title). To complete this information, please see our web page at (Click Course Infofor courses in English andCatalogue for courses in Korean)
3. Motivation
Please write a short essay explaining why you wish to study at Chung-AngUniversity and what you hope to accomplish through this program of study. You may attach an additional page if necessary. (If possible, write in Korean)
4. Declaration and Certification of Finances
Applicant's Name:
Estimates for one year study at Chung-AngUniversity
Books/Supplies $ 280
Meals $ 3,000
Personal Expenses $1,100
Transportation $ 280
Housing $ 3,000 *
Total $ 7,660
* For those receiving housing allowance scholarship should subtract this item from the total.
I certify that the total amount of money available to me for the academic year of Chung-AngUniversity meets the above requirements.
Source: Amount:
Personal fund $ ______
Sponsor's support $ ______
Scholarships $ ______
Fund from another source $ ______
Total: $ ______
Please attach copies of supportive documentation, such as bank statements, letters of parental support, award letters or university letters of support.
5. Agreement to purchase and maintain health insurance
I agree to purchase health insurance (mandatory for all international students)covering the period of my study. If I don’t have a certificate of accident and health insurance whose benefits for accidents and medical expenses match or exceed $10,000 respectively with me, I will purchase the insurance offered through the International Center by the appropriate deadline. I will not be able to register for classes until this requirement has been met.
Printed Name(underline family name)
Signature of Student: Date :
6. Housing Options
I. For those who are provided with free housing
Chung-Ang University will provide housing according to the exchange agreement and students don’t need to apply for housing.
II. For those who should pay for their housing
Following options are available. You don’t have to pay the deposit and/or housing fees before your arrival. We require deposit for the housing or blanket upon your arrival. You have to pay for the University Apartment housing by Thursday of the first week of each month. The dormitory fees should be paid once in a semester upon your arrival.
1. Those who study at Seoul Campus
Check your preferred option of housing:
□University Dormitory (Available to Female students only)
□University Apartment Single Room
□University Apartment Twin Room
* Single room will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis and you can be placed to a twin room.
2. Those who study at Anseong Campus
□University Dormitory (Available to both Male and female students)
Information on University Dormitory
1. Estimated Rates:₩600,000 - 700,000 for one semester.
2. Room: two beds in each room
3. Meals are not included in the rates.
4. Facilities: laundry rooms, separate drying places, lounges.
5. Meals: ₩140,000-200,000 per month.
6. Deposit for the blanket : ₩30,000
7. Key Deposit : ₩10,000
Information on University Apartment: (Meals are not included)
1. Estimated Rates:₩300,000 per month(Single)/ ₩200,000 per month(Twin)
2. Room: single or twin room.
3. Deposit for the blanket and house facilities : ₩30,000
Information on Private Boardinghouses for those who want live at off-campus housing
1. Estimated Rates: ₩500,000 ∼600,000 per month. (About 500 ~ 600 USD).
2. Room: single room (or if favored double room with lower rates).
3. Meals: breakfast and supper are provided.
* Once moving into the dormitory/apartment or the boardinghouse, students are expected to stay the whole period of one semester(4 months).
Signature of Student:
Printed Name: Date:
Application and Admission Procedures
1. Application for Admission
Students should apply through the office in charge of International Exchange at their home university. Submitted application materials with a formal nomination letter will be sent by the office in charge of International Exchange to the Director of International Center, Chung-AngUniversity.
Address: InternationalCenter, Chung-AngUniversity,
221 Heukseok-Dong, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul156-756, Korea
Telephone: +82 2 820 6570
Fax: +82 2 813 8069
2. Application Deadlines
Spring Semester (from March 2 to the 2nd week of June) : November 30
Fall Semester (from September 1 to the 2nd week of December): May 31
3. Acceptance and Visa Procedures
Acceptance decision will be made within 4 weeks after we receive the application. The acceptance letter with the Certificate of Admission will besent to the Office in charge of International Exchange. Students should submit the Certificate of Admission and other required documents to the Korean Embassy for the obtainment of a student visa.
4. Arrival Date
Exchange students for academic year of 2008-2009 are expected to arrive by the late part of the last week of February 2008 for spring semester and the late part of the last week of August 2008 for fall semester
5. Our Academic Year
Academic year at our university consists of Spring and Fall semesters. Spring semester begins in March 1 and ends in mid June. Fall semester begins in September 1 and ends in mid December. Between the two semesters, we have summer and winter vacations of two-month period each.