(High School)

2015- 2016

Master schedules need to be reviewed for specific guidelines and requirements associated with state and district policies. In order to ensure that all schools comply with curricular guidelines and requirements, reviews of 2015-2016 secondary school master schedules will be completed by staff from the Office of Academics and Transformation, each respective Regional Center, and School Operations.

Principals should upload the following scanned documents:

  • Master schedule highlighted, per checklist:
  • Reading classes, asdetermined by the criteria in attachment to Weekly Briefing #17325, Technical Assistance Paper for Identification, Placement and Scheduling of Students in Grades 5-12 Reading Classes 2015:

9th and 10th Grade Level 1 and 2 Fluent Students-Intensive Reading (highlight in green)

Level 1 and 2 Disfluent Students-Intensive Reading Plus(highlight in yellow)

Reading Class for FCAT Retakers Grade 12 (highlight in purple)

Reading Class for FCAT Retakers Grade 11 (highlight in pink)

  • DevelopmentalLanguageArts through ESOL (highlight in blue)
  • Intensive Mathematics (highlight in orange)

Advanced Academic Courses (highlight in tan). (Also include all AP, DE, AICE, IB, or CTE courses that offer an approved Industry Certification Exam (ICE).

Schools are to ensure that all master schedules reflect the following:



Every effort should be made to minimize the number of different preparations for reading teachers as the programs used for Intensive Reading and Intensive Reading Plus differ. Whenever possible, one teacher should not be expected to teach both courses. Please refer to WB# 17325, Technical Assistance Paper for Placement in Reading (2015) when scheduling all reading classes.

  • All students in grades 9 and 10in need of remediation in reading must be scheduled in a reading in class.
  • Ensure that all FCAT Level 1 and 2 non-ESOL students; including ESE students are scheduled into the appropriate reading classes
  • Twelfth grade students who have not met the graduation requirement must be scheduled in a Reading Retaker class.
  • Eleventh grade students who scored level 1 or 2 on the 2014 FCAT 2.0 Reading Test must be scheduled in a Reading Retaker class.

When scheduling students for the 2015-2016 school year, the 2014 Reading FCAT scores will be used to form classes. The number of sections offered for each type of class must be aligned to the results of the 2014 Reading FCAT scores, as follow:

  • Intensive Reading Enrichment (IR-EN) is forFCAT High Level 2 students scoring 234
  • Intensive Reading (IR) is for FCAT Levels 1 and 2 Fluent students.
  • Intensive Reading Plus (IR+) is for FCAT Levels 1 and 2 Non-Fluent students.

English Sequence

  • 9th Grade: English 1 100131001, English 1 Honors 100132001, or English 1 Through ESOL 100230002, or approved Pre-IB, Pre-AICE IGSCE courses.
  • 10th Grade: English 2 100134001, English 2 Honors 100135001, or English 2 Through ESOL 100231002or

approved Pre-IB, Pre-AICE IGSCE or AICE courses.

  • 11th Grade: English 3 100137001, English 3 Honors 100138001, English 3 Through ESOL 100232002, AP English Language 100142001, or approved DE, AP, AICE, IB, course that meets English requirements for graduation.
  • 12th Grade: English 4 100140001, English 4 Honors 100140001, English 4 Through ESOL 100252002, AP English Language 100141001, AP English Literature 100143001, or approved DE, AP, AICE, IB course that meets English requirements for graduation.


Ensure that there is a plan in place for scheduling ELLs that enroll at your school throughout the year.

  • Suggestion: Create a “newcomer” class with fewer students at the beginning of the year if your school’s data indicates that you have traditionally had an influx of ELL students enrolling in October.

Provide opportunities for ELL students to take Foreign Language (Spanish or French) classes as electives. This will help ELLs with their acquisition of English and ensure that they experience some success in their elective class (if it is their native language).

Ensure that the teacher is ESOL endorsed.

It is strongly recommended that students currently receiving ESOL support (Levels 1-4) not be enrolled in courses through Florida Virtual School (FLVS), especially Levels 1 and 2. ESOL students should not use FLVS to enroll in courses needed for graduation as these courses do not provide the appropriate accommodations for ELL students and may potentially jeopardize their ability to graduate.

Remember that Developmental Language Arts Through ESOL courses are scheduled by ESOL language levels (determined via CELLA scores) and state law mandates that English (1-4) Through ESOL courses be scheduled by grade level (not combining two ELA grade levels together).

Recommendations for Developmental courses:

  • No more than 2 consecutive ESOL levels should be scheduled together within the same Developmental class.
  • If possible, create separate Developmental Language Arts classes for Year 1, Level 1 ESOL students (“newcomers”) and Level 1 students that have been enrolled in the ESOL program for more than one year.
  • Schools may combine Developmental Language Arts 1 & 2, 2 & 3, or 3 & 4 depending school-specific needs and population and school.

Recommendations for English Through ESOL courses:

  • If possible, create separate English through ESOL courses that are scheduled according to ESOL level and grade level (e.g., 9th Grade English through ESOL class for ESOL level 1 students, etc.).
  • Schools with a relatively low number of ELL students or facing additional constraints may consider the following:
  • Enroll multiple language levels in the same grade-level Language Arts class. Every effort should be made to group students by consecutive language (ESOL) levels (e.g., 9th Grade English Through ESOL for level 1 and Level 2 students, 10th Grade English Through ESOL for Level 2 and 3 students, etc.
  • Include ESOL Level 3 and 4 students included in a regular grade-level English class (double coded class).
  • Keep ESOL Level 1 and 2 students in the English Through ESOL Class.

Course & Code / Description / Rationale / Target Audience
Intensive Reading Plus (IR +)
100041002 – Gr. 9-10
Appropriate English course code for the back-to-back Literacy Block:
  • English 1- Grade 9 100131001
  • English 2- Grade 10 100134001
/ Reading class designed to support lowest-level readers in building foundational reading skills. Students enrolled in this course are concurrently enrolled in a specific English course to accommodate a back-to-back literacy block. / Per K-12 CRRP, the District requires additional remediation to students that fail to demonstrate an ability to read on grade level (as measured by their performance on the previous year’s State Reading assessment). / 9th and 10th grade students who have intervention needs in the areas of foundational reading skills (e.g. decoding, fluency)
Intensive Reading (IR)
100041001 – Gr. 9-10 / Reading class designed to support students in improving fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. / Per K-12 CRRP, the District requires additional remediation to students that fail to demonstrate an ability to read on grade level (as measured by their performance on the previous year’s State Reading assessment). / 9th and 10th grade students who do not have intervention needs in the areas of foundational reading skills (e.g. decoding, fluency)
Intensive Reading Enrichment (IR-EN)
1000410EN - Gr. 9-10 / Reading class designed to support high level 2 students or regressors from level 3 or higher / Per K-12 CRRP, the District requires additional remediation to students that fail to demonstrate an ability to read on grade level (as measured by their performance on the previous year’s State Reading assessment). / 9th and 10th grade students who have regressed from level 3 or higher or high level 2 students
11th/12th Grade Reading Retakers
(11th & 12th Grades) / Reading class designed to support students deficient in decoding and fluency in improving fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension as well as successfully prepare them to pass the FSA 2.0 Reading assessment (meet graduation requirements). / Per K-12 CRRP, the District requires additional remediation to students that fail to demonstrate an ability to read on grade level (as measured by their performance on the previous year’s State Reading assessment). / 11th and 12th Grade students who do not have intervention needs in the areas of foundational reading skills and have not met the graduation requirement.
11th/12th Grade Reading Retakers Plus
(11th & 12th Grades) / Reading class designed to support the lowest-level readers in building foundational reading skills, as well as successfully prepare them to pass the State reading assessment and meet the graduation requirement. / Per K-12 CRRP, the District requires additional remediation to students that fail to demonstrate an ability to read on grade level (as measured by their performance on the previous year’s State Reading assessment). / 11th and 12th Grade students who have intervention needs in the areas of foundational reading skills and have not met the graduation requirement.
Course & Code / Description / Rationale / Target Audience
Developmental Language Arts Through ESOL (1-4)
Developmental LA 1
Developmental LA 2
Developmental LA 3
Developmental LA 4
1002381L4 / A supplemental Reading course for ELL students (Levels 1-4) that are concurrently enrolled in English (1-4) Through ESOL. / District Requirement / Any student currently enrolled in the ESOL program (Levels 1-4). Course level is determined by student performance on the CELLA exam.
English (1-4) Through ESOL
English 1 (ESOL)
English 2 (ESOL)
English 3 (ESOL)
English 4 (ESOL)
100252002 / Grade-level English class for ELL students (Levels 1-4). / District Requirement / Any student currently enrolled in the ESOL program (Levels 1-4). Course level is determined by student’s current grade level.
Course & Code / Description / Rationale / Target Audience
ACT Prep/College Readiness Course
*Ideal for schools that have 8 period days
1700370TR (Annual)
170037001 (Semester) / An elective that will assist 11th and 12th grade students in the college application process by providing exposure to college as well as targeted ACT practice. / To support 11th and 12th grade college-bound students in preparing for the ACT and college admissions. / College-bound 11th and 12th Grade students (may include 11th and 12th Grade students that have passed the FSA or are close to passing regardless of college readiness status).
American Literature
102081001 / An additional English course (as an elective) for Level 3-5 tenth grade students. The course infuses American History content while reinforcing the 10th grade ELA standards. / To support advanced readers in maintaining and improving rigorous reading and writing achievement. / 10th grade students that scored at Levels 3, 4, or 5 on the 8th grade FCAT 2.0 Reading in 2014 and/or 50% or higher on the FAIR AP 3 Reading comprehension test and/or LR on Fall ORF Scores 4-5 correct on the silent comprehension test
3-4 on NAEP Rubric


Every effort should be made to minimize the number of different preps assigned to one teacher.

Every effort should be made to allow math teachers to have a planning period for the purpose of planning rigorous hands on lessons.

9th and 10th Grade students that have failed to pass the Algebra 1 course (regardless of whether or not they have passed the Algebra 1 EOC) should be enrolled in Algebra 1 for Credit Recovery via Adult Ed., Edgenuity (on-site and individual student’s schedule permitting), or FLVS (on-site preferred if possible).

Students that will be taking the Algebra 1 EOC for the first time should NOT be scheduled in the same class period as Algebra 1 EOC Retake students.

Mathematics Sequence

9th Grade: Most students will be enrolled in Algebra 1 120031001 or Algebra 1 Honors 120032001. If a student scored at a Level 1 or Level 2 on the 2014 FCAT 2.0-7th Grade, he or she should be concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1 and Intensive Mathematics Grade 9120040009, or the student should receive academic support strategies through Algebra 1 (for first time Algebra 1 EOC test-takers).

For tier 3 and 2 schools, a student that scored at a level 1 or level 2 on the 2014 FCAT 2.0 7th grade, he or she should concurrently be enrolled in Algebra I and Intensive Mathematics grade 9 120040009

10th Grade: Most students will be enrolled in Geometry120631001 orGeometry Honors 120632001. If a student scored at a Level 1 or Level 2 the 2014 FCAT 2.0-8th Gradeor the statewide, standardized FSA Algebra I EOC assessment (if score is available), he or she should be provided remediation through either an intensive math class (Algebra focus) or receive academic support in their core mathematics class. This also applies to advanced students that completed Algebra 1 in 8th grade but did not pass the Algebra 1 EOC.

11th Grade: If an 11th Grade student is Algebra 1 EOC-pending, he or she should be enrolled in Liberal Arts Mathematics 2 120731002 (please note this course does not meet NCAA requirements). These students may be concurrently enrolled in Intensive Mathematics Grades 11-12 120040011. 11th Grade students that passed the Algebra 1 EOC but failed the Geometry EOC should be placed in Algebra 2 120033001. 11th Grade students that passed both the Algebra 1 EOC and Geometry EOC on their first attempt should be placed in Algebra 2 Honors 120034001.

12th Grade: If a 12th Grade student is Algebra 1 EOC-pending, he or she should be enrolled in Math for College Readiness 120070001 for 2015-2016. If a 12th Grade student passed the Algebra 1 EOC Retake in 2014-2015, he or she should be enrolled in Advanced Topics in Mathematics 129831001 or Algebra2 120033001.12th Grade students that passed the Algebra 1 EOC and successfully completed Algebra 2 in 2014-2015 should be enrolled in Math Analysis Honors 120130002 and Trigonometry Honors 121130003 (0.5 credit each – both are required), Probability and Statistics with Applications Honors 121030003, or an approved DE Mathematics course.

Note: Advanced students that are enrolled in Algebra 2 in 9th or 10th grade and have passed both the Algebra 1 EOC and the Geometry EOC should be enrolled in Pre-Calculus 120234002 in 2015-2016 in preparation for Calculus 120230001 or AP Calculus 120231001 in 2016-2017. Or, in lieu of Pre-Calculus or any subsequent Mathematics course, these students may be enrolled in an approved DE Mathematics course.


2015-2016 Scheduling Priority Level / Target Students / Grade 9
Algebra 1 / Grade 10
1 / All 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 1 students / Enrolled Algebra 1 Intensive Math Grade 9 120040009 in addition to the Algebra 1 core class / Enrolled Geometry Intensive Math Grade 10 120040010 in addition to the Geometry core class
2 / All 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 2 students
2015-2016 Scheduling Priority Level / Target Students / Grades 11 and 12
1 / All students that have NOT passed the Algebra 1 EOC (NGSSS) / Enrolled Algebra 1 EOC Retakers Intensive Math Grades 11-12 120040011in addition to the Core Mathematics class

Any Level 1 or 2 student not enrolled in an Intensive Mathematics course should receive academic support in their core mathematics class. In cases in which the 2014 FCAT 2.0 data may denote an outlier, please review student’s historical achievement data trends to aid in determining placement.


Ninth Grade / Tenth Grade / Eleventh Grade / Twelfth Grade
Algebra 1 and Intensive Mathematics Grade 9
  • 2013-2014 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics levels 1 and 2
Aligned Resources:
  • Carnegie Florida Algebra 1 (MFAS)
/ Geometry and Intensive Mathematics Grade 10
  • 9th grade Algebra 1 with failed EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Discovering Geometry
  • Customized Algebra 1 with Carnegie Geometry (MAFS)
/ Liberal Arts Mathematics 2
  • 10th grade Geometry with failed Algebra 1 EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MAFS digital supplement
/ Algebra 2 or Advanced Topics in Mathematics
  • Passed the Algebra 1 EOC

Math for College Readiness
  • Failed Algebra 1 EOC

Algebra 1
  • 2013-2014 FCAT 2.0 Mathematics level 3 or higher
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MAFS digital supplement
/ Geometry
  • 9th grade Algebra and failed Algebra 1 EOC
  • Aligned Resources:
  • Discovering Geometry
/ Algebra 2
  • 10th grade Geometry with passed Algebra 1 EOC and failed Geometry EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MAFS digital supplement
/ Math Analysis Honors and Trigonometry Honors
  • 11th grade Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Honors with a “C” or worse.

Probability and Statics Honors, or D.E.
  • 11th grade Algebra 2 with a “B” or higher.

Geometry Honors
  • 9th grade Algebra with a “B” or higher, and passed Algebra 1 EOC
Aligned Resources:
Discovering Geometry / Algebra 2 Honors
  • 9th grade Geometry with passed Geometry EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MAFS digital supplement
/ Probability and Statics Honors, or D.E.
  • 11th grade Algebra 2 or Advanced Topics with a “B” or higher.

Geometry and Intensive (retake)
  • 8th grade Algebra 1 Honors with failed EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Discovering Geometry
(see 10th grade) / Algebra 2
  • 9th grade Geometry with failed Geometry EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MAFS digital supplement
/ Advanced Topics in Mathematics
  • 10th grade Algebra 2 with a “C” or worse.

Pre-Calculus Honors, Probability and Statics Honors, or D.E.
  • 10th grade Algebra 2 or Algebra 2 Honors with a “B” or higher.
/ AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, or D.E.
  • Must have prerequisite courses.

Geometry Honors
  • 8th grade Algebra 1 Honors
Aligned Resources:
  • Discovering Geometry
/ Algebra 2 Honors
  • 9th grade Geometry with passed Geometry EOC
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill Common Core digital supplement

Algebra 2 Honors
  • 8th grade Geometry Honors
Aligned Resources:
  • Pearson text
  • McGraw Hill MFAS digital supplement
  • Pre-Calculus Honors, Probability and Statics Honors, or D.E.9th grade Algebra 2 Honors with a “B” or higher.
/ AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, or D.E.
  • Must have prerequisite courses.
/ AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, or D.E.
  • Must have prerequisite courses.

Advanced Topics in Mathematics
  • 9th grade Algebra 2 Honors with a “C” or worse.
/ Pre-Calculus Honors, Probability and Statics Honors, or D.E.
  • 10th grade Advanced Topics with a “B” or higher.
/ AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, or D.E.
  • Must have prerequisite courses.


Every effort should be made to minimize the number of different preps assigned to one teacher.

Every effort should be made to allow science teachers to have a planning period for the purpose of planning for hands on activities.

Every effort should be made to ensure that one Biology teacher does not teach all of the Honors-level courses.

All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students should be enrolled in a Science course that meets graduation requirements.