National Association for Interpretation: Region 10 March 19, 2013

Semi-Annual Report: Spring 2013

Chuck Lennox, Region 10 Director reporting


We have a full and active Board of Directors with all officer positions filled. We have active committee chairs in Workshop Chair, Awards, Scholarships, Communication/Newsletter and Membership

Chuck Lennox, Director, and Celese Spencer, Secretary, continue in their respective roles in regional leadership.

Chuck served over the last eight months as the chair of the NAI Executive Director Search Committee which meant some Region 10 duties did not get done as quickly as planned.

Nicole Cann from the Vancouver (BC) Aquarium was elected Deputy Director – a first for the region with a Canadian regional officer. We are truly international now! Troy Bouchard with a background in finances is our new treasurer

Jessica Moore, our Workshop Chair, has been elected to the national board this year for a 3-year term. We will be well represented in national decisions.


We are in a sound fiscal position with operating funds exceeding $20,000 and an established budget for the next year. Major expenses include:

Offering an annual Spring Workshop

Presentation of the Grant Sharpe Regional Award

Scholarships awarded for National Conference Attendance and CIG Workshops


Membership is good, staying above 400.

We are excited to welcome Denise Berkshire back to a regional leadership role as Membership Chair. She is learning the ropes of the iMIS system and hopes to use the new database to provide regular contact with our members.


We have a Region 10 Spring Workshop planned for Wednesday April 24 in four locations – Vancouver WA, Seattle, Vancouver BC and Anchorage. As in years past, we will have a keynote speaker in one location (Vancouver WA) speaking to all four locations via the web. Following our Annual Meeting, each site will then shut down the internet and commence their own concurrent sessions. A high tech – high touch approach

Special thanks goes to Jessica Moore for overall coordination and site hosts: Pat Berry, Vancouver WA/Portland Oregon; Jessica Moore, Washington, Nicole Cann, Vancouver BC and Lezlie Murray in Alaska.

Due to interest expressed by other regions and sections in NAI, a group of Region 10 folks have submitted a concurrent session proposal for the NAI National Workshop in Reno NV. We hope to highlight our experiences with planning and presenting our virtual workshop model.


Nominations are open now for our annual award in honor of the late Dr. Grant Sharpe, professor emeritus University of Washington who was a pioneer in the field and wrote the first college textbook on interpretation.


Thanks to the long time dedication of Roni Hathaway the region has a new website, quarterly newsletter and an active social media presence with a Facebook and Twitter account.