Reviews of As Long as They Don’t Move Next Door, from the Rowman and Littlefield website

"[Meyer's] descriptions of civil rights strategies, political pressures, and efforts to legally disrupt de facto segregation at federal, state, and local levels provide fascinating insights into how political systems and regional societies function. From California to New England, from the deep South to the Midwest, he documents the reluctance of Americans to sacrifice control of their property for the ideals of democracy. Meyer offers a fresh look at the development of the Civil Rights Movement and at the legislative and judicial ancestry and progrency of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. With statistical appendixes and thorough footnotes he has given students of the role of realty in the Civil Rights Movement an excellent starting point."—J.H. Smith, Wake Forest University, Choice
"Stephen Meyer skewers the smug assumptions of Northerners who believe that racism was primarily a Southern problem. A significant contribution to the literature of civil rights and public policy, As Long As They Don't Move Next Door will also help inform the debate over affirmative action."—Paul Ruffins, Washington Post Book World
"An excellent examination of the shadow that hovers over efforts to obliterate racial discrimination: residential racial segregation. Meyer's deep historical analysis can be of value to scholars interested in urban politics, the politics of race in America, and to scholars of governmental institutions."—Jason McDaniel, University of Southern California
"As Long as They Don't Move Next Door provides a new and more meaningful perspective on the nature of prejudice and intolerance with particular regard to housing. This book is well documented and has an extensive and useful bibliography."—SAGE Race Relations Abstracts
"Meyer's work adds much to our understanding of the geographical expression of racial division in the United States."—American Historical Review
"In addition to its focus on an important topic, the book is lucidly written and impressively researched. It presents a clear and coherent argument that applies historical analysis to a significant contemporary issue. For these reasons, the book is likely to become a standard on many undergraduate and graduate reading lists."—Journal of Social History
"This book is a well-written, concise history of the conflict between blacks and whites in American cities."—The Historian
"The book is insightful and makes a strong statement for the importance of race in urban housing."—Urban Studies
"By focusing on turbulent, race-driven housing struggles in selected cities, Meyer has unveiled the depth and extent of white resistance and provides fresh insight into what Douglas S. Massey and Nancy A. Denton have called 'American apartheid.'"—John F. Bauman, University of Southern Maine, The Journal of American History
"A well-written and exhaustively documented narrative. . . . Meyer's work is a thoroughly researched examination of a timely issue. Its unique scope makes it necessary reading for anyone interested in civil rights and race relations."—A. Scott Henderson, Furman University, Reviews in American History
"Stephen Grant Meyer offers a broad overview of the remarkable persistence of racially segregated neigbourhoods throughout the United States. In a single volume, Meyer sweeps across time and place, illuminating the protracted struggle between black and white Americans over access to residential space."—The Journal of Southern History
"Meyer has made a compelling case for the importance of evaluating race relations through an examination of residential housing. Based on his extensive research in government documents, manuscripts, newspapers, and other relevant sources, his work is useful not only in providing studies of residential segregation in cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, and Detroit, but also in tracing the legal and constitutional history of fair housing."—The North Carolina Historical Review
"Backed by far ranging research, this perceptive study shines a penetrating spotlight on the role that housing discrimination has played, and continues to play, in promoting racial inequality."—Emerge
" As Long As They Don't Move Next Door is an exhaustive look at segregation in American housing . . . rife with chilling stories. There is no denying the jolt you get when you read how desperately segregated housing remains in this country."—Bill Duryea, St. Petersburg Times
"W.E.B. Du Bois observed that the problem of the twentieth century was 'the problem of the color line.' Stephen Meyer brilliantly interprets the social dynamics of the color line in the residential patterns of urban America. As Long As They Don't Move Next Door analyzes the historical evolution of urban segregation, and explains how and why the battle for equality has yet to be won."—Manning Marable, Columbia University
"This is a provocative and disturbing book that should be read by all those concerned about the tortured history of racism in the United States. Stephen Meyer cogently explains why fair housing for AfricanAmericans is still the last frontier for achieving racial equality and is likely to remain so for a long time to come."—Steven Lawson, Rutgers University and co-author of Debating the Civil Rights Movement