Chromosomal disease is based in three abnormalities-All result in abnormal expression of genes, which is the basis for the diseased state.

·  Extra Genetic material

·  Missing Genetic Material

·  Rearranged Gentic Material

Genetic and Chromosomal analysis should not be a first line test. Other, non-chromosomal pathologies should first be explored, then if no other pathology can explain the presenting symptoms and tests, genetic analysis should be used in the following situations

·  Problems in early growth and development

o  Short stature

o  Developmental delays

o  Malformation

·  Stillbirth and neonatal death

·  Fertility Issues

·  The following should be tested NOT as a last resort

o  Family History

o  Neoplasia

o  Pregnancy in women older than 35

§  Higher incidence of non-disjunction

Chromosome structure

·  consist of DNA, Histone Proteins and Non Histone Proteins

o  Histones are responsible for chromosomal compaction

§  Produced in the cytoplasm and transported into the nucleus

o  Non Histone proteins are NUMEROUS (in the hundreds)

§  Enzymes

§  Gene regulators

§  Structural proteins

o  Length of DNA in a haploid cell is ~3.28 ft

Chromosome Nomenclature

·  Kinetochore—Place of attachment of kinetochore microtubules. The kinetochore is made of protein only.

·  Short Arm—Shorter of the two arms. Is designated by the letter p

·  Long Arm—Longer of the two arms. It is designated by the letter q

·  Centromere—Nucleoprotien complex that adjoins the two sister chromatids and separates the long and short arm. Centromere location is used as a classfication and description of the chromosome

o  Metacentric—The centromere is located centrally, equidistant from both telomeres

o  Submetacentric-_The centromere is located closer to one end than the other. This shows a clear distinction between long and short arm.

o  Acrocentric—The centromere is almost at the very end of the chromosome. There are sometimes secondary constrictions and “satellites”

Chromosome Preparation—blood preparation

·  Separate white cells off of a 5 ml sample an incubate with phytohemaglutinin for 3 days at 37 C.

·  Add cochecine and then add to a hypotonic solution. The cells will swell. Drop the cell suspension from a specific height onto a glass slide.

·  Air Dry, stain and photograph.


·  Number of chromosomes is reported first and then sex chromosomes (46, XY is a human male)

·  Arrangment is based on size and centromere location

o  The largest are first with the smallest last

§  Exception 21 is smaller than 22

§  Sex chromosomes can be placed near the group they resemble most or at the bottom.

o  Arrangment is into 7 groups

  1. Chromosomes 1, 2, and 3
  2. Largest of all
  3. Metacentric centromere
  4. Chromosomes 4 and 5
  5. Large
  6. Submetacentric
  7. Chromosomes 6-12
  8. Medium
  9. Submetacentric
  10. Chromosomes 13, 14, and 15
  11. Medium
  12. Acrocentric with satellites
  13. Chromosomes 16, 17, and 18
  14. Relativly Short
  15. Metacentric or Submetacentric
  16. Chromosomes 19 and 20
  17. Short
  18. Metacentric
  19. Chromosomes 21 and 22
  20. Short
  21. Acrocentric

Chromosome Banding

·  Nomenclature

  1. Chromosome number
  2. Chromosome arm
  3. Region
  4. Band
  5. Sub-band (following a decimal)

EXAMPLE 1p23.3 is on the short arm of chromosome 1 in region 2 band 3.3

·  Methodology

o  Q-Band

§  Flurorescent

§  Shows AT rich areas

§  Heterochromatin is shown more

o  G-Band

§  Stains darker in AT rich areas

§  Dark G bands correlate to bright Q bands

§  Heterochromatin is shown more

o  R-Band

§  Reverse Stained

§  Stains GC rich bands

§  Dark R bands correlate to light G bands & dim Q bands

§  Euchromatin is shown more

o  T-Band

§  Telomere Bands

§  Stains the telomeres

o  C-Band

§  Centromere bands

§  Stains the Centromere

o  NOR

§  Nucleolus organizing Region

§  Acrocentric chromosomes in humans

Chromosomal Abnormalities

·  Ploidy

o  Extra SETS of chromosomes

§  Exemption-Aneuploidy is another word for a –somy

o  Caused by incomplete meiosis in the egg or by polyspermy

o  Examples

§  Tetraploidy

§  Triploidy

ú  Spontaneous abortion

ú  Syndactyly

ú  Large head compared to torso

ú  Multiple congenital abnormalities

·  Somy

o  Extra or missing chromosomes

o  Causes

§  Non disjunction events during gametogenesis

§  Mosaiscism-Non Disjunction during early zygote mitosis

o  Examples

§  Trisomy 21 (47, XX, +21 or 47, XY +21)-Down Syndrome

ú  85% maternally derived

§  Trisomy 18 (47, XX, +18 or 47, XY, +18)

§  Turner Syndrome (45, X)

§  Kleinfelter Syndrome (47, XXY)

§  Trisomy X (47, XXX)

·  Structural Aberrations

o  Structural abberations are a result of chromosomal breakage and mis-repair.

o  Breakage causes formation of “sticky ends” which can repair onto an inappropriate location

§  Different strands

§  Cyclic strands

§  Multiple centromeres

o  Breakage can be caused by

§  Ionizing radiation

§  X-rays

§  Mutagens

§  Inherited conditions