Belton News
December 2016
Christmas is already well underway in school and the next couple of weeks are set to be very busy so I am writing with diary dates and a few notices. I would like to thank members of the choir who sang beautifully at the Christingle Service at All Saints Church last week and we are looking forward to singing at the Carol Concert at Lincoln Cathedral later this week.
Dates during December 2016
Tues 6th
- FS2/KS1 Christmas Production – Born in a Barn 6.00pm
Wed 7th
- FS2/KS1 Christmas Production – Born in a Barn 2.00pm
Thursday 8th
- Choir Carol Concert Lincoln Cathedral: - Leaving school 8.00am – return around 4.00pm
- Foundation Stage Santa trip: Morning Visit
- FoBs Christmas Fair: 5 – 7pmPlease note this is a Non Uniform day in return for a contribution for the Bottle Tombola’ Donations of cakes for the cake stall would be gratefully received
Friday 9th
- Christmas Dinner
Sunday 11th
- Choir - Pensioners Christmas Party 2.00pm
Monday 12th
- Y5/6 Party - PM
Tuesday 13th
- FS/KS1 Magic Ella Christmas Show
Wednesday 14th
- Y3/4 Party - PM
Thursday 15th
- FS/KS1 Party
- KS2 Pantomime Trip ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ – Cast Theatre Doncaster – PM returning for approx. 5.00pm more information to follow.
Friday 16th
- Whole School Carol Service at All Saints Church (Nursery will not attend this event). Rec/KS1 will travel by coach whilst KS2 pupils will be walking to church and will require warm clothing. We are sorry but due to numbers we are unable to invite parents to this event. In the event of poor weather this will be held in school.
- School Closes for Christmas
Spring Term 2017
Tuesday 3rd January - Staff Training Day
Wednesday 4th January – Main School reopens
Friday 6th January – Nursery reopens
Christmas Parties
All parties are taking place during the last week of term. Children are invited to bring party clothes to change into after lunch. We would be grateful for a small donation of buns, biscuits, crisps etc towards the refreshments; sandwiches and drinks are provided by school.
A big thank you to the FoBs team for their hard work this term. Money raised is once again going to support the Christmas visits this year meaning that we can offer these trips at a much lower cost; they also cover the KS1 entertainment costs. The team are currently busy organising the Christmas Fair which I hope you will all come along to support. Volunteers to help at this event will be very welcome.
Staff Changes
Sadly, we will be saying good bye to Miss Loudon at the end of this term. Miss Loudon recently returned to us following a maternity leave but has made the decision to become a full time Mum. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Louden for all her hard work and to wish her all the very best for the future.
Supporting Charities
As a school,and through your generosity, we encourage pupils to think about others in less fortunate circumstances than ourselves by supporting a range of charities each year. I have requests from charities on a weekly basis asking for our support and its often very difficult to decide which to choose, as well as the number of events to hold as we are mindful of the extra demand this can put on families.In future, this will be a decision made jointly by staff and the school council. At their last meeting the school council made the decision that we will be supporting the Red Nose Appeal next term.
We have just received thanks from this year’s Poppy Appealhaving raised £90 towards this excellent cause.
70 shoeboxes where sent off for the Operation Christmas Child Appeal; this included 10 boxes made up in school from items sent in with pupils and boxes from the All Saints Church Community.
Thank You!
I hope to see many of you at the school events over the next week and would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
With regards
Sarah Groves and the staffing team