Christmas Characters – Joseph 2nd December 2007 pm

Joseph was a man hand-picked and personally prepared by God for a special mission, his life was not without its trials and tragedies. In fact, Joseph faced, weathered and overcame trials that would have derailed many other people. A quick look at what Joseph faced and how he reacted can help us as we seek to become all the Lord would have us to be.

Matthew 1:18-25

  1. Who Was Joseph

Joseph = let him add.

Joseph was of Royal descent (Mat 1:6) we are shown Josephs lineage Through David to Solomon.

It would appear that Joseph was no ordinary man. From our text, it is easy to see that Joseph was a man of compassion, integrity, decency and love. He was a man who honoured God’s will in his life, and was totally committed to doing God’s will. Joseph was a humble man who was more concerned about what God wanted out of his life than about what he himself wanted.

  1. Where?

As you know, this man Joseph is betrothed to a young woman named Mary. The betrothal period was, for all intents and purposes, just like a marriage, except for the fact that the couple did not live together and did not engage in physical relations. Both parties were expected to keep themselves pure for the day they physically came together as husband and wife. It was common for the betrothal period to last several months or longer.

It was during this period of time that Joseph discovers the Mary is pregnant. No doubt, she shared with him her side of the story as the phrase “she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.” But, who had ever heard of such a thing? Joseph knows where babies come from and to him, this is a shocking discovery!

No doubt like most men, Joseph was looking forward to the day when he and Mary came together to share their lives. He was probably preparing the home where they would live. He was busy putting together all the things they would need as husband and wife. I am sure his days were filled with work and his nights with dreams about all the future held for Mary, for himself and for the children they would someday have together.

Then, like a cruel slap in the face, came the news that shattered all his hopes and his dreams. Mary is pregnant and Joseph is not the father. For a time, it must have felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. It must have hurt as every dream he had came crashing down around him. All of his plans, his hopes and his dreams fell from his grasp as though they were grains of sand. It was a time of shattered dreams.

  1. What was he like?
  1. A Just Man – Matthew 1:19

Now, Joseph is faced with a dilemma. The Bible says that he was a “just” man. This means that he was “righteous and one who kept the divine laws.” He knows what the Law says. It is quite clear! When a woman is found guilty of adultery, she is to be stoned to death, Deut. 22:20-22! But, there is another option.Deut. 24:1 says that he can just give her a bill of divorcement and send her away.

As he meditates, Joseph determines that he does not want to embarrass Mary publicly; he does not want to see her stoned to death either. So, to his mind, the best course of action is to deal with the matter privately, and just divorce her quietly. No doubt the things Joseph pondered broke his heart. It was a time for sorrowful decisions!

How differently Joseph handled this than his ancestor Judah did in a similar situation. Gen 38:24And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt.

Some persons of a rigorous temper would blame Joseph for his clemency: but it is here spoken of to his praise; because he was a just man, therefore he was not willing to expose her. He was a religious, good man; and therefore inclined to be merciful as God is, and to forgive as one that was forgiven.

  1. A Spiritual Man – Matthew 1:20 - 23

Joseph does not take matters into his own hands, he doesn’t make a rash decision in the heat of the moment. The Bible says that he “thought on these things.”

You can imagine Joseph laying this all before the Lord, asking Him what he should do. Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.Joseph gets his answer.

Joseph is instructed that he is not to divorce Mary and he is not to have her stoned; but he is to take to himself as his wife, and he is to embrace her child as if He was his own Son. Joseph is told to name the Child, thus he is given the responsibility of caring for and of providing for the Baby Jesus. This man is handed a difficult task.

After hearing what is required in his task, Joseph learns the amazing truth. The baby Mary carries is to be fulfilment of the greatest promise God ever gave to man, then, Joseph hears the angel tell him that this child is to be named “Jesus.” Why? Because He will be the One Who will save His people from their sins. His name will define His mission, “Jehovah is Salvation.”

How would we react? Would we fly off the handle, would we say something that we would later regret? Would we act in the heat of the moment? – Crime – Police stats – most murder cases were not pre meditated, they happened in the heat of the moment.

I know that’s extreme but you can see the point. Take it to the Lord in Prayer – don’t react, don’t fly off the handle, take time to think, and take time to pray about these situations…

  1. A Man of Faith – Matthew 1:24

The real test of maturity is not what a person faces in life, nor is it revealed in what they are called on to do. The real evidence of the depth of a person’s character is seen in what they do with what they are handed.

It is one thing to be placed in a trial; but it is another thing altogether to respond to that trial in a proper manner. It is one thing to be called to carry out a task for the Lord; but it is another thing altogether to do it without question. In Joseph’s response we are given a priceless glimpse of this man’s testimony.

Many men would have walked away from the Lord and from Mary at that moment. But, not Joseph! As soon as he awoke, he rose and carried out the command of the Lord. There is no doubt that people talked about this young couple that had been unable and unwilling to wait until they were “properly married.”

At this moment in Joseph’s life, he was not interested in what the community thought about him; he simply wanted to carry out the will of the Lord for his life. In spite of his question, his fears and his concerns, Joseph sets out by faith to obey the Lord. What a testimony!

  1. Obedient – Luke 2:1-7

Joseph is obedient – they head to Bethlehem, not just because they are to be taxed, but they head there to fulfil prophecy.. Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

I wonder what went through Joseph’s mind that night at the stable?

This isn't the way I planned it, God. Not at all. My child being born in a stable? This isn't the way I thought it would be. A cave with sheep and donkeys, hay and straw? My wife giving birth with only the stars to hear her pain?

This isn't at all what I imagined. No, I imagined family. I imagined grandmothers. I imagined neighboursgathered outside the door and friends standing at my side. I imagined the house erupting with the first cry of the infant. Slaps on the back. Loud laughter. Jubilation.

That's how I thought it would be. But look. Nazareth is five days' journey away. And here we are in a . . . in a stable. Who will celebrate with us? The sheep? The shepherds? The stars?

This doesn't seem right. What kind of husband am I? I provide no midwife to aid my wife. No bed to rest her back. Her pillow is a blanket from my donkey. My house for her is a shed of hay and straw.The smell is bad, the animals are loud. Why, I even smell like a shepherd myself.

Did I miss something God?When you sent the angel and spoke of the Son being born--this isn't what I pictured. I envisioned Jerusalem, the temple, the priests, and the people gathered to watch. I mean, this is the Messiah!

Wouldn't Nazareth have been better? At least there I have my house and my business. Out here, what do I have? A weary mule, a stack of firewood, and a pot of warm water. This is not the way I wanted it to be! This is not the way I wanted my Son….

Oh my, I did it again. I did it again didn't I, Father? I don't mean to do that; it's just that I forget. He's not my Son . . . he's Yours.

Any minute now Mary will give birth. Not to a child, but to the Messiah. Not to an infant, but to God. That's what the angel said.

I'm unaccustomed to such strangeness, God. I'm a carpenter. I make things fit. I square off the edges. I follow the plumb line. I measure twice before I cut once. Surprises are not the friend of a builder. I like to see the plan before I begin.

But this time I'm not the builder, am I? This time I'm a tool. A hammer in your grip. A nail between your fingers. A chisel in your hands. This project is yours, not mine.

I guess it's foolish of me to question you. Forgive my struggling. Trust doesn't come easy to me, God. But you never said it would be easy, did you?

One final thing, Father. The angel you sent? Any chance you could send another? If not an angel, maybe a person? I don't know anyone around here and some company would be nice. Maybe the innkeeper or a traveler? Even a shepherd would do.

I wonder. Did Joseph ever pray such a prayer? Perhaps he did. Perhaps he didn't.

You've stood where Joseph stood. Caught between what God says and what makes sense. You've stared into a sky blackened with doubt. And you've asked what Joseph asked.

You've asked if you're still on the right road. You've asked if you were supposed to turn left when you turned right. And you've asked if there is a plan behind this scheme. Things haven't turned out like you thought they would.

Each of us knows what it's like to search the night for light. Not outside a stable, but perhaps outside ahospital room or even at a graveside. We've asked our questions. We questioned God's plan. And we've wondered why God does what he does.

No, the Bethlehem sky is not the first to hear the pleadings of an honest heart, nor the last. And perhaps God didn't answer every question for Joseph. But he answered the most important one. "Are you still with me, God?" And through the first cries of the God-child the answer came.

"Yes. Yes, Joseph. I'm with you."

There are many questions that we won't be able to answer. Many times we will muse, "I wonder . . ."

But in our wonderings, there is one question we never need to ask. Does God care? Do we matter to God? Does he still love his children?Through the small face of the stable-born baby, he says yes.


Did you know that God used Joseph in the life of Jesus in a powerful fashion? No doubt Joseph was very involved in the life and training of Jesus as a young man. God took a poor, humble carpenter and used him to carry out an important heavenly mission.

Did you know that he is still looking for special people He can use to carry out His will in the world today? I am certain that He will never ask you to do what He asked Mary and Joseph to do. But, I am certain that He has plenty of difficult assignments that need to be fulfilled. He is looking for people who will follow him in spite of the tragedies in life. He is looking for people who will take of the tasks He assigns them and go for God. He is looking for people who possess the right kind of testimony, who will go with Him until their assignment is completed.

Are you that kind of person? If so, why not get before Him and say, “Here am I, send me!” Or, maybe you are one of those people who has watched as your dreams have become nightmares; you feel overwhelmed by the task you have been assigned. Why don’t you get before Him and lean on Him for the grace you need to complete your mission. I don’t know your heart or your need, but I know the God Who will help you with both.