1. (Mother) Frances Xavier Cabrini
  2. Festa
  3. Our Lady of Guadalupe
  4. Americanist
  5. John Ireland
  6. Vatican
  7. Fr. Edward McGlynn
  8. “Hibernarchy”
  9. Political Machine
  10. Finley Peter Dunne
  11. Mr. (Martin J.) Dooley
  12. Catholic University


  1. What had happened to the country of Poland by the middle 1800’s? How many Polish parishes were in Chicago by 1918? How many people belonged to the largest one?
  2. How many Poles immigrated into the US between 1870 and 1920? Where did many end up, and what kind of work did they do?
  3. What kind of spirituality did they bring to the US? What did they want to create in the places where they came to live? What was the identity issue that they needed to resolve?
  4. When was the first permanent Italian-American parish founded? During which four decades did the most Italians come to the US? Where did most of these Italians come from? Why?
  5. How was Italian-American Catholicism different than that of the Irish?
  6. What brought French-Canadians to the US? What kept them together as a people?
  7. What was the origin of most of the people that came here (where did they live/what did they do back home)? What did most of them do when they got here? What change in self-identity happened as part of the process of becoming “ethnic” Americans?
  8. What was different about the first Mexican American Catholics that lived in the US? What did the first bishops of the Southwest do to try to make them assimilate into the mainstream of Catholic Americans?
  9. What was special about the parish of San Fernando?
  10. What was the Americanist Controversy about?
  11. Why did some bishops want to ban Catholics from the Knights of Labor?
  12. When did John Ireland come to the US? How did he impact the Irish in Minnesota?
  13. When did Ireland become Bishop of St. Paul? How did he impact DeLaSalle High School?
  14. What did the America Bishops mandate at the Council of Baltimore? What was the problem with this mandate?
  15. What was Bishop Ireland’s solution for the problem? Why didn’t some other bishops like it?
  16. What eventually happened to Ireland’s plan?
  17. What is one reason given for the success of the Catholic school system?
  18. What is regarded as one of the greatest achievements in US religious history?
  19. What was Father McGlynn known for, and why did he support Henry George?
  20. Have you by this point been able to figure out what Americanism was? What do you think the controversy was about? This is the second time this question has come up? How have you been enlightened since #10?
  21. From page 82, in what ways did Bishop John Ireland find himself criticized for his actions or stands?
  22. What did Pope Leo XIII say was erroneous in his letter Witness to Good Will?
  23. According to our author, what skills or knowledge did Irish immigrants have that they made good use of in the US? What political party did they become associated with?
  24. Why did some or perhaps many Americans have a problem with the Irish involvement in politics?
  25. Why did many Irish get involved with sports? What comparison might be made today?
  26. How did Mr. Dooley help Americans better understand Irish American Catholics?
  27. What role did many Irish American women take on? What was the backlash from this?
  28. Why did Fr. Kelly like Lent? Why did Dock (Dr.) Grogan like Lent?
  29. What happened to the Catholic school system at this time?
  30. What levels of instruction were provided by most of the Catholic colleges at this time? How was our University of St. Thomas similar?
  31. What is meant by graduate programs in a college? Who took those classes in the Catholic Universities?
  32. When was St. Catherine’s in St. Paul founded? By whom?


Mon. Nov. 23. Presentation day (Mr. Gieske), Preparation day (Mr. Doerrer)

Tues. Nov. 24. Presentation day (Mr. Gieske), Test on Chapter 3 of Am. Gospel and Com. of Imms. (Mr. Doerrer)

Wed. Nov. 25 to Nov. 29. Thanksgiving Break

Mon. Nov. 30. Start work on Ch. Four.