Christ Lutheran Church

Congregational Council


December 11, 2017

Pastor Jim Kniseley / Jim Ingraham / Jim Schnellenberger
Bill Mottet / Darren D’Ateno / Sandra Boclair
Cathleen Jacobson / Lucas Cochran / Mat Lewis
Carol Jones
Non-voting: / Paul Quel
Trenton Hizer / Nancy Lavier
Kayley Greenday


Call to Order (Jim I) - The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

There were 10 voting members present.

Devotions (Jim I) - Reading “Lilies of the field”

Congregation Comments - There were none

Review of Minutes- November minutes were approved electronically

President’s Report - Jim presented the 2018 Holiday Office Closing Calendar (see the end of the minutes for the listing of dates) for approval. Sandra made a motion to approve the Holiday Office Closing Calendar. The motion was seconded. After discussion, a vote was taken on Sandra’s motion. The motion carried Yes- 10, N-0

An annual Christmas gift is usually given to the church staff (Linda and Cindy). The Finance team discussed this tradition and recommended that it continue. Jim S. made a motion to give these two gifts. The motion was seconded. After some discussion, the motion carried. Yes-10, N-0

Jim I. requested thatcommittee chairs prepare their reports which will be part of the church’s annual report for 2017. The expected due date should be around the middle of January.

Pastor’s Report – The installation of council will be January 7, 2018. The transition team will be installed on January 14, 2018. The team is not complete as yet. Those who have accepted are Jane Dry, Sarah Vaugh, Cameron Miller, and Barry Kintzer. Two more individuals need to be added to make a complete team.

A date to present our seminarians with a contribution will be at the 10:30 service on Jan. 21, 2018.

Pastor Kniseley shared information he received during a lunch conversation with Bruce Matson and Trenton Hizer. They shared concerns regarding the future of Christ Lutheran in light of our declining attendance and financial support.

Pastor suggested Council set aside a meeting time to listen to these concerns from Bruce and those who share his viewpoint. The purpose of the meeting would be to gather and share information in order for Council to develop an appropriate response to the stated concerns.

Jim S. made a motion to extend an invitation to Bruce and others with concerns to attend the meeting on Jan. 8 to discuss views on the future of Christ Lutheran Church. The motion was seconded and passed. Yes-9, N-0, Abstain-1.

Ministry Updates

  • Faith Formation (Lucas)- There will be a meeting in January of youth and families of confirmation students. The current schedule for classes is not being well attended. There needs to a consensus for a new meeting time. The meeting will be on January 7 right after the second service.

Trent mentioned that there is a 7 week course with DVD’s that could be shown for Sunday mornings for Christian Education class. What about the children? Someone needs to be in charge of faith formation.

  • Stewardship (Cathleen)–meeting was postponed and moved to January. The plan is to conduct stewardship during Lent.
  • Evangelism (Sandra) – Jim S. stated that the website needs to expandfor this purpose. He would like at least 2 neighborhood nights during the coming year. Kayleysuggested the use of tip cards, like business cards to increase awareness of Christ Lutheran and to do some outreach. The cards would have a message on one side and the church’s name and address and church hours on the other. The cards can be given to people when members of the congregation have an opportunity to uplift and invite individuals to come to our church. Jim I reminded council that initiatives such as this, although they may be good and well-intentioned, need to originate with appropriate ministry teams in order to work out the details and specifics of a program before presenting it to council. After some discussion, it was agreed that Kayley will work with Jim Schnellenberger to implement the tip card idea.
  • IT/ Communications (Carol)- no report
  • Property (Jim S)no additional work is planned during the winter.
  • Vision (Jim S): Presented the Transition Team Charter proposal.

New Business

  • Transition Team Charter – it gives the parameters, and duties of the team which eventually will lead the process for the call committee. The products, which transition team are required to complete, will be due on or before July 9, 2018. There was a motion made by Sandra to approve the Transition Team Charter, it was seconded and passed.


  • Selection of 2018 officers. Jim I. made a motion that all members of council both current and future be allowed to vote for officers. The motion was seconded and passed. Y -8, N-0, abstain – 2. The ballots were distributed. Bill nominated Jim S. for President. Paul collected and counted ballots for President. Jim S won the election for President. Carol was nominated by Kaylee for Vice-President. Matt was nominated by Jim S. Carol Jones won the election for Vice-President.
  • 2018 Holiday Schedule passed as discussed in the President’s report.
  • Annual Christmas gift for staff- passed as discussed in the President’s report.
  • Financial Report (Paul)- Richard removed the leaves from the grounds. We are behind $15,000.00 for the year. If December is good we can perhaps cut that number in half.

Upcoming Events

  • Doorkeepers (Open and Close. TBD) – For January – Jim S. Jim I noted that the next council should look at and update the doorkeeper issue. The current system is an anachronism from the days when there was 3 times the attendance at the early service than there is now. Also, several after church activities such as Casa de Dios, scouts and bell choir have also made the current system obsolete and difficult to maintain.
  • Devotions (TBD)- Jim S.
  • Next Council Meeting: January 8 for the one topic meeting and the routine business council meeting on the 15th. Saturday Jan. 27this scheduled for the first Healthy Congregation seminar.

Closing Comments for the Good of the Church

Angel tree was well done by the congregation. All the angels were taken.

Thanks to Jim I. for his term as president.

It was good that the church was open and attendance was good this last Sunday following our first snowfall of December.

Thanks to Sandra for her service on Council.

Thanks to Pastor for presenting the concerns raised in his meeting with Bruce.

Thanks for the good work of the teachers and students of the ESL classes. This has been a positive way to reach out to the community.

Hope for a positive outcome of the next meeting.

Sandra thanked the other Council members during her period of service and thanked Jim I for his contribution. God will answer your prayer if you listen and try to do his will.

Jim I reviewed the accomplishments of Councilover the past three years. He thanked the Council and praised them for their talents and commitment.

The calendar of the 2018 Holiday Office Closing is below.



Approved by Council on December 11, 2018

2018 Church Office Holiday Closings/Paid holidays

  • Monday, January 1 New Years
  • Monday, February 19, President’s Day
  • Monday, April 2, Easter Monday
  • Monday, May 28, Memorial Day
  • Wednesday, July 4, Independence Day
  • Monday, Sept 3, Labor Day
  • Thursday, Nov 22 Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday, Nov 23 Day After Thanksgiving
  • Tuesday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day