Support Organisations for Visually Impaired and Disabled People in Hackney

Foresight (Hackney)

Foresight specifically caters for the needs of blind and partially sighted residents of the borough of Hackney.

At present it meets once every 2 weeks and helps reduce the isolation of this particular group of people. It enables members to network with each other and to discuss their individual problems. The board members take it upon themselves to find out who is the right point of contact for each particular query and advise them.

Contact Details:

Milan Sheth, Secretary

Tel: 07753 222909 Email:

Social Eyes 4 Life

Offers a signposting and brokerage service, offering contact information on services and activities available to Visually Impaired people in Hackney and surrounding areas.

Contact Details:

Elspeth Williams

Tel: 020 3685 6427

Mob: 07403 443841


Choice In Hackney

Choice in Hackney is a voluntary organisation, which provides Advocacy and Independent Living Services to disabled people in London. They support disabled people from all communities to obtain the services they need to live independently, with dignity and to make choices about their lifestyles.

Their services include:

·Advocacy for disabled people who need assistance in exercising their rights.

·Volunteering for anyone who wants to support disabled people on a one-to-one basis or volunteer in an office setting.

·Training and Employment for disabled people who want to train as Advocates and develop their career. It also supports and advises employers on disability issues.

·Active Lifestyle Project for disabled people who want to get more involved with health and fitness.

Office Hours are: Monday to Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm, except Tuesday 9:30am - 1pm.

Tel:: 020 7613 3206


Disability Back up

Disability BackUp is currently hosted by "Age UK East London". Disability BackUp Hackney is a user-led forum for disabled people living in Hackney. It is funded by Hackney Council and will act as an opportunity for disabled people to have their say about key issues in Hackney. Disability Backup will enable service users to influence change in their borough and be consulted about current issues. The forum will be accessible to those with physical, sensory or learning impairments and is open to all age groups.

Contact details:

Telephone : 020 7241 5908 Mobile (Text): 07810 771 692

Email :

Disability Hackney

Disability Hackney is an umbrella organisation for people with disabilities and organisations working with them. Disability Hackney promotes equal opportunities for disabled people to improve access to employment, services and facilities.

Contact Details:

Tel: 020 7249 7849


Carers Forums (based at Carers Centre)

A Range of support groups for carers of People with mental health issues, learning disability, alcohol or drug addiction, Turkish, Kurdish, Somali Carers, Male Carers.

Contacts ¸ , ,

Hackney HIP - Hackney Independent Forum for Parents/Carers of Children with Disabilities

HIP is to help parents become ‘empowered’, getting voices heard and have an influence over the services children use including:


·Social care



·Universal services – i.e libraries

They also have made contact with people who make the decisions about children’s services including Councillor Rita Krishnae (lead for children’s services).

Contact Details:


Telephone: 07985739851

Wider Avenues of Support For Vision Impairment (Pan London and National)


020 7375 1043

Nationwide audio description charity, providing access to the arts for blind and partially sighted people

Thomas Pocklington Trust

020 8995 0880

Housing and support for people with sight loss, including Research, Tele, Email & Link-Up Befriending schemes.


01372 755 000

Provides support for people who are visually impaired but also have other disabilities, such as mental health problems, mobility impairment or learning disabilities.


0300 330 9256 or 020 7520 0972

Textphone: 0300 330 9256 or 020 7520 0972

A national charity supporting and campaigning for deafblind people

RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People)

0303 123 9999

Offers a telephone counselling service for those having difficulties coming to come to terms with their sight loss, as well as a wealth of practical information for parents, carers and the visually impaired people,

RLSB (Royal London Society for Blind People)

020 7808 6170

Focuses particularly on supporting the education and skill development of blind and partially sighted young people in London.

Partially Sighted Society

0844 477 4966

Provides equipment (such as magnifiers) and information (on matters such as lighting) for individuals to make the most of their remaining sight.

National Blind Children’s Society (NBCS)

01278 764 770

Helping children and young people with visual impairment

Metro Blind Sports

Contact: Ian Francis (Sports Development Officer and Web Editor) Tel no. 07814 751643

London based Sports and Social Club for blind and partially sighted people of all ages.

Macular Society

01264 350 551

Offers support and information on macular disease and central vision loss, and has branches throughout UK

Guide Dogs:

0118 983 5555

Organises and trains dogs for the visual impaired, as a charity their primary interest lies in enabling the mobility of the visually impaired.

Deaf Blind UK

Tel/Textphone: 01733 358

Specialises in supporting those experiencing dual sensory loss, in particular in enabling deaf blind individuals to communicate and express themselves to the wider world.

Blind Veterans UK

020 7723 5021

Provides physical and emotional support for ex-service men and women to enable them to live as independently as possible.


020 7403 6184

Home visiting service, telephone befriending and annual events for people with a visual impairment in the 13 inner London boroughs.

ACTION for Blind People

020 7635 4800

Provides practical information for people with visual impairment, as well as information and the contact details for local groups and services. It is part of the RNIB Group.

Created by London Visual Impairment Forum (LVIF)

T: 07875 541155 E: