Chpt 13 Objectives

1.Summarize the state of global food production. Define malnutrition and undernutrition, and overnutrition. Indicate how many people on Earth suffer from these problems and where these problems are most likely to occur. List six steps proposed by UNICEF to deal with malnutrition and undernutrition. Describe a strategy to reduce overnutrition.

2.List four major types of agriculture. Compare the energy sources, environmental impacts, yields, and sustainability of traditional and industrial agriculture.

3. Define interplanting and explain its advantages. List and briefly describe four types of interplanting commonly used by traditional farmers.

4.Describe the problems of soil erosion and desertification. Describe both world and U.S. situations, and explain why most people are unaware of this problem.

5.Describe the problems of salinization and waterlogging of soils and how they can be controlled.

6.Define soil conservation. List nine ways to approach the problem of soil erosion. Be sure to distinguish between conventional-tillage and conservation-tillage farming. Describe a plan to maintain soil fertility. Be sure to distinguish between organic and inorganic fertilizers.

7.Evaluate the green revolution. What were its successes? Its failures? Summarize the benefits and problems of livestock production over the history of agriculture.

8.Summarize environmental impacts from agriculture.

9.Summarize food distribution problems. Describe the possibilities of increasing world food production by increasing crop yields, cultivating more land, and using unconventional foods and perennial crops.

10. Discuss the use of genetic engineering techniques to improve the human food supply.

11.Discuss problems associated with the production of livestock on rangeland.

12.Describe trends in the world fish catch since 1950. Assess the potential for increasing the annual fish catch and use of aquaculture. Distinguish between fish farming and fish ranching.

13.Assess the pros and cons of agricultural subsidies and international food relief. Describe strategies that you feel would be most sustainable.

14.List the five types of pesticides and what they are used to treat.

15.List the five major classes of pesticides. Tell if each is broad spectrum or narrow spectrum; state its degree of persistence; give two examples; and tell if each undergoes bioaccumulation or is biologically magnified.

16.Give seven reasons to use pesticides. List five characteristics of the ideal pesticide.

17.Describe the consequences of relying heavily on pesticides. Describe the pesticide treadmill. Be sure to describe biological magnification. Briefly describe the threat of pesticides to wildlife and human health.

18.Name the U.S. law that controls pesticide regulation. Give three reasons why this law is considered the weakest and most poorly enforced of the environmental laws. Summarize how the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act extends this law.

19.List and briefly describe nine alternative pest management strategies.

20.Define integrated pest management. Analyze the pros and cons of using IPM. List six steps which could be taken to help promote IPM.

  1. Define sustainable agriculture. Summarize how the United States could move toward creating a more sustainable agricultural system.

Food, Soil Conservation, and Pest Management1

Key Terms:

agrobiodiversity (p. 285)

agroforestry (p. 277)

alley cropping (p. 277)

anadromous species (p. 292)

anemia (p. 272)

Aquaculture (p. 292)

artificial selection (p. 286)

biological pest control (p. 300)

broad-spectrum agents (p. 295)

cash crops (p. 274)

chimeraplasty (p. 287)

commercial inorganic fertilizer (p. 283)

compost (p. 283)

conservation-tillage farming

contour farming (p. 282)

croplands (p. 274)

crop rotation (p. 283)

crossbreeding (p. 286)

cultivation practices (p. 300)


desertification (p. 279)

feedlots (p. 276)

first green revolution (p. 283)

first-generation pesticides

Food Quality Protection Act

food security (p. 271)

fungicides (p. 295)

genetically modified food

green manure (p. 283)

green revolution (p. 283)

herbicides (p. 294)

high-input agriculture (p. 274)

hormones (p. 300)

industrialized agriculture

insecticides (p. 294)

integrated pest management

intercropping (p. 277)

interplanting (p. 277)

mad cow disease (p. 290)

marginal land (p. 284)

microlivestock (p. 288)

monoculture (p. 283)

multiple cropping (p. 283)

organic agriculture (p. 301)

organic fertilizer (p. 283)

pesticides (p. 294)

pheromones (p. 300)

plantation agriculture (p. 274)

polyculture (p. 277)

polyvarietal cultivation

pyrethrum (p. 295)

Rachael Carson (p. 295)

rill erosion (p. 278)

rodenticides (p. 295)

rotenone (p. 295)

salinization (p. 281)

second green revolution (p. 283)

second-generation pesticides

seed morgues (p. 286)

selective (narrow-spectrum) agents

shelterbelts (p. 282)

soil conservation (p. 282)

soil erosion (p. 278)

strip cropping (p. 282)

superbug (p. 297)

sustainable agriculture (p. 301)

terracing (p. 282)

third green revolution (p. 286)

topsoil (p. 278)

traditional intensive agriculture (p. 277)

traditional subsistence agriculture (p. 277)

waterlogging (p. 281)

windbreaks (p. 282)

winged bean (p. 288)

Food, Soil Conservation, and Pest Management1

Chapter 14 Objectives

1.Briefly describe earth's water supply. Compare amounts of salt water and fresh water. Compare amounts of frozen fresh water and water available for human use. Define watershed and groundwater.

2.Summarize water use in the United States and the world.

3.List four causes of water scarcity. Describe the factors that play into a positive feedback loop creating water stress. Assess the significance of water resources for international relations.

4.List five ways to increase the water supply. List advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. Summarize a key lesson learned from the following case studies: the Colorado River; Egypt's Aswan High Dam; the California Water Project; the James Bay project; the Aral Sea disaster.

5.Describe the role of groundwater in supplying fresh water. Assess our current use of groundwater: is it sustainable use? Determine which principles are best illustrated by the Ogallala Aquifer experience. Distinguish between riparian rights and prior appropriation as to regulate water use.

6.State the percentage of water wasted throughout the world. Briefly describe measures that can be taken to reduce water losses through irrigation, industry, and home use.

7.Describe the history of the development of the ColumbiaRiver Basin. Summarize the lessons learned from the problems that were generated and the plans to address those problems.

8.List three ways that humans contribute to flooding. List four strategies humans employ to minimize the risks of flooding. Analyze the water problems of Bangladesh. What key principles are illustrated by this case study?

9.List and describe four ways humans use to control flooding. Evaluate which of these strategies is likely to have the best long-term results.

10.Describe the pieces that contribute to a picture of sustainable water use.


Key Terms:

Aral Sea (p. 321)

aquifers (p. 307)

California Water Project

center-pivot low-pressure sprinklers

channelization (p. 331)

consumptive water use (p. 308)

Desalination (p. 322)

distillation (p. 323)

drainage basin (p. 307)

drip irrigation systems (p. 325)

flood irrigation (p. 324)

floodplain (p. 329)

gray water (p. 328)

groundwater (p. 307)

hydrologic cycle (p. 306)

hydrological connection (p. 307)

hydrological poverty (p. 305)

land subsidence (p. 314)

lateral recharge (p. 307)

low-energy application (LEPA)

microirrigation systems (p. 325)

natural recharge (p. 307)

nonconsumptive use (p. 309)

Ogallala aquifer (p. 307)

rainwater harvesting (p. 326)

reverse osmosis (p. 323)

sinkholes (p. 314)

soil moisture detectors (p. 326)

surface runoff (p. 307)

surface water (p. 307)

Three Gorges Dam (p. 319)

tiered water-pricing system

user-pays approach (p. 324)

water hot spots (p. 310)

water table (p. 307)

watershed (p. 307)

xeriscaping (p. 328)


Chapter 15 Objectives

1.Briefly describe the layers of the earth's interior. Describe the internal and external earth processes responsible for forming earth's landscape. Be sure to distinguish three different tectonic plate boundaries and the geologic features often found at each. Explain how this knowledge is significant for understanding mineral deposits and evolution.

2.Distinguish between internal and external geologic processes. Discuss how these processes affect human activities and natural ecosystems.

3.List and define three broad classes of rock. Briefly describe the rock cycle and indicate interrelationships among these classes.

4.Describe how earthquakes are caused. Describe how tsunamis are formed. Describe the role of volcanoes in the rock recycling process.

5.List three types of mineral resources, and give one example of each. Clarify the relationship between identified resources and reserves.

6.Distinguish between subsurface and surface mining. Briefly describe the environmental impacts of mining.

7.Draw a hypothetical depletion curve. Project how this curve would be affected by the following changes in assumptions: (a) recycling of the resource is increased, (b) discoveries of new deposits of the resource are made, (c) prices rise sharply, (d) a substitute for the resource is found.

8.Describe the economics of nonrenewable minerals. Explain the limitations of mining lower-grade ores. Discuss the option of getting more minerals from the ocean.

9.Describe how mineral resources can be used more sustainably. Summarize the nanotechnology revolution and its implications.

Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources1

Key Terms:

Acid mine drainage (p. 347)

area strip mining (p. 345)

asthenosphere (p. 336)

biological weathering (p. 340)

biomimicry (p. 352)

biomining (p. 349)

brownfields (p. 352)

buckyballs (p. 335)

chemical weathering (p. 340)

contour strip mining (p. 345)

cyanide heap extraction (p. 347)

depletion time (p. 348)

economically depleted (p. 348)

frost wedging (p. 340)

gangue (p. 347)

igneous rock (p. 342)

lithosphere (p. 336)

manganese nodules (p. 350)

materials revolution (p. 350)

metamorphic rock (p. 343)

molecular economy (p. 335)

nanotechnology (p. 335)

nanotubes (p. 335)

open-pit mining (p. 345)

ore (p. 342)

resource exchange webs (p. 352)

sedimentary rock (p. 343)

smelting (p. 347)

spoil banks (p. 345)

spoils (p. 345)

strategic metal resources(p. 342)

strip mining (p. 345)

subsidence (p. 347)

subsurface mining (p. 345)

surface mining (p. 345)

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (p. 346)

tailings (p. 347)

weathering (p. 340)

Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources1