Mr. Willoughby

Period 1

Spring Semester ‘05

United States History

Directions: Complete any combination of assignments in order to earn 200 points. You must do at least one assignment from each of the sections.

Part I: Didactic Instruction

1. Listen to each of Mr. Willoughby’s lectures and add to the notes in Cornell Format. (15)

2. Watch the videos from the Schlessinger video series and complete the worksheets provided. There are three videos total:

A. The Progressive Movement (5)

B. US and the World – 1865-1917 (5)

C. The Great War (5)

Part II: Worksheets and Book Work

3. Complete the worksheets for this unit, making sure that each answer is complete and correct. There are four worksheets for this unit.

A. Literature: Horrors of the Meat Packing Industry (5)

B. Literature: A War Song (5)

C. Primary Sources: On the Nineteenth Amendment (5)

D. Primary Sources: On the League of Nations (5)

4. Complete the end of chapter reviews for Chapters 18 and 19.

A. Chapter 18 – Complete # 1-30 (10)

B. Chapter 19 – Complete # 1-32 (10)

Part III: Maps and Drawings

5. Draw a political cartoon that illustrates one major event that happened during the Progressive Movement or World War I. Make sure that your political cartoon is well drawn, neat, colored, and expresses a view. (15)

6. On blank sheets of paper, draw three maps of Europe. On one, draw the state of Europe before WWI. On the second, draw the major battles of the war, as well as the eastern and western front. On the third, draw the state of Europe after WWI. (20)

Part IV: Creativity

7. With a partner, make a board game that traces either the story of the Progressive Movement or the events of WWI. Make sure that your game is created in such a way that we can play it one day in class, complete with cards, directions, playing pieces, etc. When you are done, write a one paragraph reflection about what you learned by creating the game. You may work with a maximum of two other people on this project. (20)

8. Create a guidebook, written by Teddy Roosevelt, on how to bust up a trust. Explain what a trust is, why they are not good for the economy, and what tools you should use to help you. Make sure that your guidebook is neat, well-written, and illustrated. (15)

Part V: Writing Assignments

9. You may answer any of the following questions in a 250 word minimum ECR:

A. The Progressive Party never won an election, never held the Presidency, and never had a member of Congress. Despite this, can you say they were successful in achieving their goals? (20)

B. Describe the situation that started WWI. Could it have been avoided? It is said that WWI was the first “modern” war. Do you agree? (20)

C. Discuss how Germany was treated through the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. Do you agree with the Treaty? If you were a senator in 1919, would you have voted to ratify the treaty or not? (20)

Part VI: Assessment

10. Complete a 40 question multiple choice test in class. You will be allowed to use your materials from Part I of this unit. (100)

11. Complete a take home essay test for this unit. (100)


Assignment 1: Assignment 5:

Assignment 2A: Assignment 6:

Assignment 2B: Assignment 7:

Assignment 2C: Assignment 8:

Assignment 3A: Assignment 9A:

Assignment 3B: Assignment 9B:

Assignment 3C: Assignment 9C:

Assignment 3D: Assignment 10:

Assignment 4A: Assignment 11:

Assignment 4B: TOTAL: / 2 =