Choosing your supporters

Chartered Physicist

Applications for CPhys need two supporters who you can choose for yourself. Please consider the following when choosing your supporters

• Both supporters should be Members or Fellows of the Institute of Physics and be Chartered Physicists.

• One supporter should be outside your work place. The Panel request this to ensure independence of opinion. If this is not possible, then someone outside your immediate department or from a different division would suffice.

• Both supporters should have known you (or known of you) for at least one year.

• Remember that you must not be related to either of your supporters!

Chartered Engineer

Applications for CEng need two supporters who you can choose for yourself. Please consider the following when choosing your supporters

• Both supporters must be Chartered Engineers although they do not have to be chartered through or members of the Institute of Physics.

• One supporter should be outside your work place. The Panel request this to ensure independence of opinion. If this is not possible, then someone outside your immediate department or from a different division would suffice.

• Both supporters should have known you (or known of you) for at least one year.

• Remember that you must not be related to either of your supporters!

For CPhys the Panel will occasionally accept applications from people who have only one IOP Member supporting them. In this case the second supporter should be chartered through a suitable professional body and the reason for your choice should be explained in a covering letter.

You are advised to attend branch/group meetings in order to nurture suitable relationships. If you are having difficulty identifying suitable supporters, you could try the Internet register of members, or use IOP Mentoring to search for someone suitable. Your human resources department may also have a record of staff holding professional memberships. You will have to allow time to build up a relationship with them so they get to know you and your work and are able to meet the requirements for support.

© Institute of Physics 2008