Member Meeting Minutes (2nd Thursday of Every Month during school year)

September 9, 2010

Present: See Attendance Form – Molly Nordin

Next Meeting: October 7, 2010, 7:30 pm

Introduced CFMA Board & Music Department Staff:

PresidentDina Brennan

Vice PresidentLisa Webber

SecretaryPam Moran

TreasurerKarie Waldusky

NewsletterMissie Peterson

StaffRon Buckles, Molly Nordin, Tim Baumann, Mark Lundin,

Dave Mueller and Christine Baumann

Reviewed Secretary’s Report and Treasurers Report

-- Reviewed the May Minutes.

– Karie Waldusky, Treasurer reviewed the financial reports for May – August. The July report had a typo should read Closing Balance as of July 31, 2010 not June. Ending balance as of August 31, 2010 is $4,811.63. CMFA gave $3300 back to the music department to support their programs.

Old Business

Election of Secretary and Vice President – Motion made by Mike Downey and seconded by Scott Swododa to elect Pam Moran as Secretary and Lisa Webber as Vice President. Passed by voice vote.

Camp Scholarship Money – Thank you notes written by the student to CFMA are required for distribution of funds. (Only a few thank you notes are still needed.)

Pizza Hut Night - a night at Pizza Hut is being planned as a new fund raiser for a night in October. Students will job shadow and receive the tips for the evening to benefit the CFMA.

New Business

Ensemble photos - will be taken on September 15 & 16.

Event Chair / Co-Chair Sign-ups – Volunteers are needed for several events. Need Coordinator(s) as soon as possible. 3-ring binders have been made for each event describing everything that needs to be done and how… makes coordinating the event very easy! Home Show is October 9th. This is CFMA’s largest fundraiser.

Home Show Sign Ups – See sign up sheets in the music hall after the meeting.

Parent Reps are needed for each music group. Reps are the communion link for each department.

Parent Surveys – please hand in your survey tonight if you haven’t already done so. Your child may receive extra credits points.

Please save – Kemp’s milk caps, Kwik Trip milk moola, Campbell’s soup labels and Gordy’s receipts.

Music Staff & Small Group Meetings - The meeting broke out in to small groups: Orchestra parents met in the auditorium, Band parents met in the band room and choir parents met in the choir room. Music directors reviewed grading, concerts, student fundraisers, auditions, lettering requirements, etc.

Next Meeting – Thursday, October 7, at 7:30 pm. Changed to FIRST Thursday so we can meet prior to Home Show and to 7:30 pm due to Parent / Teacher Conferences.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.