August/September 2015
20 Meet Your Teacher Event 9:00-9:30am
24 First Day of School – MINIMUM DAY
TK Orientation 8:40am
K-AM Orientation 8:40am
K-PM Orientation 11:00am
27 Discipline Assemblies – MPR
Grades 5/6 – 8:55-9:40am
Grades 1/2 – 9:45-10:30am
Grades 3/4 – 11:15am-12:00pm
27 Back-to-School Night
PFA General Meeting – 5:30pm – MPR
Session #1 – 6:00-6:40pm
Session #2 – 6:50-7:30pm
7 NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
3 Fire Drill 9:15am
15 EL Parent Information Meeting 8:45am OR
6:00pm – Library
16 Lockdown Drill 9:30am
17 4th Gd. Field Trip – LA County Fair
18 5th Gd. Field Trip – LA County Fair
22 GATE Parent Informational Meeting
8:45am OR 6:00pm – Library
24 Fall Picture Day
25 PFA Membership Drive Ends
SBAC Awards Assembly – MPR
4th Gd. – 1:25-1:55pm
5th Gd. – 2:05-2:35pm
6th Gd. – 2:45-3:15pm
PFA Family Night
Dear Parents,
And we are off! With the weather getting hotter than it has been all summer, it is hard to imagine that school is back in session. But…we are! And we are ready!
Here are a few reminders to make your child’s transition from summer vacation back to a school schedule a little easier:
o Consistency – waking up at the same time each morning, getting to bed at the same time each night, having the same after school routine each day
o Cut out excess TV, video games, cell phone or tablet use
o READ every night for 20-30 min.
o Set his/her clothes out the night before so as not to rush in the morning
o Pack lunch the night before
o Put back pack by the door
o Eat a breakfast with protein to sustain appetite and ultimately attention until recess
o Send a snack at recess
o Keep well hydrated at school and at home
o Take a genuine interest in your child’s school day – ask questions, actively listen
Each new year brings about new challenges, new success, and even new failures. Together, as partners – staff, students, and parents – we can make this your child’s best year ever! We are here to support you or be a resource for your needs, whatever they may be. Please do not hesitate to contact a Howard Cattle staff member for assistance. Let’s go, RUSTKERS!!
In Partnership,
Mrs. Peckham
Please plan on attending our Back-to-School Night on Thursday, August 20th. During this very important meeting, teachers will give an overview of the grade level curriculum that will be presented during the year and standards that must be met. Teachers will also review classroom rules, behavioral expectations, and homework procedures. Your participation is the beginning of a successful year for your child. We ask that children do not attend in order for you to give your full attention to the presentation.
Parking during Back-to-School Night is limited; we encourage you to walk if at all possible.
As a reminder, there is NO supervision of students prior to 8:30am. Many students are dropped off in the front of school prior to 8:30am. When students are not supervised, your child’s safety is compromised and unfavorable student behavior may arise. We strongly encourage you to wait with your child prior to 8:30am or to make other drop-off arrangements. In addition, supervision at dismissal ends at 3:30pm. Please make the appropriate arrangements to ensure your child is picked up on time. If you are in need of after school care, Cattle has teamed up with the city of Chino to hold High 5 at our location. For more information, please feel free to call the school office or ---.
Attendance patterns are formed early in life. Children who develop good attendance habits in the early grades will be more likely to continue them throughout their school career. This is important because students who miss school miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction. They miss active learning experiences and class participation. They miss the opportunity to ask questions. They are more likely to fall behind, and to eventually drop out. In addition, there is no greater disruption to the instructional process for the whole class than students who are frequently absent, late, or pulled out of class early. Also, your child’s attendance directly affects the funding for our school district and our school. Last year, Howard Cattle lost $100,759.12 in attendance revenue as a result of frequent absences. Our school community is depending on you to make sure your child is at school every day. Remember: Attendance Counts! Make illness the only excuse.
As you know the budget crisis in California has greatly impacted our schools. We appreciate how many parents and community partners have come to the rescue by donating supplies and money to Howard Cattle. However, we often have people ask what they can do, so we have decided to have a monthly supply “Round-up” to give some suggestion about what we can use in terms of donations. These donations will be given directly to the classroom teachers for use in your child’s classroom. If you are able to donate, please bring the supplies to the school office.
September = white copy paper
Upcoming Events:
-Monday, Aug. 26th – Family Dinner Night at Yogurtland on the corner of Chino Hills Parkway and Ramona Ave. from 12:00-8:00pm.
-Thursday, Aug. 29th - Please join us at 5:30pm in the MPR for our General PTA Meeting. We will introduce the board, discuss and vote on the budget, and answer any questions.
-Friday, Sept. 6th - Ice Cream Sales - Please support our school buy purchasing ice cream for $1 in Room 111.