Chinle Unified School District
Office of Federal Programs
Sheila Betz, Director
Phone: 928-674-9742
As of December 19, 2009
Program/Item / Details/ Title I/IIA / The Title I/IIA have been approved by ADE. These funds should be available for spending in December. Copies of the budgets and narrative for these grants have been sent to the principals and school improvement coordinators at each site. As soon as the completion reports for these grants are approved, we will submit the amendment for carryover. You are encouraged to begin spending right away from these sources in any area that you can.
/ Title IID / This grant application is still approved with ADE. Funds are available.
/ Title III / This grant application is still approved with ADE. Funds are available.
/ Title IV/State Chemical / Title IV/State Chemical has been approved by ADE. Funds are available.
/ Title V / Please remember that this program and funding was eliminated this year (not locally, but state/federal level). Last year the funds were used to fund the Fine Arts Showcase. At this time alternative funding is not available through grants currently active or being applied for.
/ Title VII & JOM / Approved and are currently active. Extended Learning funds through Title VII grant are available to CDC and Mesa View. Remember that the focus with the Navajo Language & Culture piece of Title VII (available to all sites) includes integration of math. JOM is also supporting Extended Learning & Navajo Language & Culture for all sites. CTE is also supported at CHS & CJHS through JOM. JOM & Title VII reports are past DUE as of December 12. Please submit these ASAP if you have not already.
/ Title I School Imprvmnt Grants / Title I School Improvement grants for CES and CJHS have been approved and should be ready for spending in December. You are encouraged to begin these projects as soon as possible. There should be some carryover from last year’s project and we will begin the application process for these in early December.
/ State Tutoring / This grant was approved this year for CDC & CHS with sessions beginning this spring. Funds are available.
/ 21st Century / This grant is approved and active. Extended Learning reports are due on January 14, 2009. Attendance for Fall 2008, Fall Summary Report and Spring Planning Report.
/ Other Info / We are working on carryover amendments at this time. A good deal of the Title I carryover will be used to account for staff salary increases approved in December.
Be thinking about amendments that you need to make to Title III and things that you would like to do with Title IIA. We will be sending out spreadsheets to begin that process in the next couple of weeks.
P.O. Box 587 ¨ Chinle, Arizona 86503 ¨ Phone (928) 674-9740 / 9780 ¨ Fax (928) 674-9753
Office of Federal Programs Administrative Office (928) 674-9780 ¨ Curriculum Center (928) 674-9740