Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Work Plan 2007/08
Item / Description / Responsible Officer /Member / NotesWednesday 14 May 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00noon 6 May 2008
Sport activities/lessons available in schools including swimming activities / Members keen to receive information on the type of sporting activity available in Salford schools, how much activity is provided, what is offered for those children and young people who aren’t keen on the ‘traditional’ sport activities etc. Also how the authority works with community organisations/sports clubs to enhance activities available / Dean Gilmore
Scrutiny team
Bercow Review of services for Children and Young People (0-19) with Speech, Language and Communication Needs. / The Bercow Review is an independent review supported by officials from the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the Department of Health and was launched in September 2007.
Michelle Morris, the Head of Speech Therapy in Salford, was seconded to the DCSF as a professional adviser and worked alongside John Bercow on this review. The interim report has recently been published and Michelle will update members with relevant information. / Michelle Morris
Wednesday 11 June 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00 noon 3 June 2008
Transition from children’s to adult services / Arrangements being made for the meeting to be held at Chatsworth High School. Caitlin Chapman to look into inviting young people and possibly parents / carers that have been through the process. Also looking to invite other relevant officers involved in the process. / Caitlin Chapman
Carole Chapman
Wednesday 9 July 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00 noon 1 July 2008
Young people, obesity and a healthier lifestyle / To monitor progress of the recommendations made in relation to young people, obesity and a healthier lifestyle / Janice Lowndes / Paul Greenway
Building Schools for the Future / At the January meeting Members requested that Officers returned in 6 months to provide an update on progress made.
This report to also include information on PFI and the use of the building outside school hours / Mike Hall
Stephen Bradbury / Monitoring report expected July 2008
Review of the work undertaken by the Committee / Details of the work undertaken by the Committee during the last 12 months and forward work planning / Carole Chapman
Ongoing work
Respect and Behaviour Commission / The group has decided to concentrate on parenting and will be speaking to relevant officers, looking at best practice elsewhere and making suitable visits when required. / Commission GroupScrutiny Support Officer
Youth Service Provision in Salford / At the meeting held in September 2007, Members requested that Officers returned in 12 months time to provide an update / Faith Mann / Report expected September 2008
Role of Children’s Champion / At the meeting held in September 2007, Members requested Cath Connor to return in 12 months time to provide an update / Cath Connor / Report expected September 2008
Corporate Parenting Update / Following the presentation at the April meeting, Members requested that Officers return in October to provide an update / Paul Woltman / Report expected October 08
Locality Teams / Members received a report in November 2007 and asked for an update to be provided in 12 months time.
This should include the results of the independent review conducted with resources allocated by the DCSF as a result of the findings of the JAR, to identify why the number of children on the child protection register is dropping. / Simon Hood
Stephen Hobbs
Jill Baker
Paul Woltman / Monitoring report expected November 2008
Financial Stability of Schools in Salford / Following the presentation provided in March, Members requested an update in November / Bob McIntyre / Report expected November 2008.
Teenage Pregnancy Report / Outstanding recommendations to be incorporated with any recommendations made by the Teenage Pregnancy National Support Team (NST) within their report in order to streamline the monitoring process / Faith Mann / Date to be agreed.
Children and Young Persons Bill / During the presentation relating to Corporate Parenting received in April, the Children and Young Persons Bill was mentioned and Members requested further information on the contents. It was agreed that this would be provided once the regulations have been issued. / Paul Woltman / Date to be agreed
ContactPoint / Following the presentation at the April meeting, Members requested that an update report be provided once the system is up and running / Angharad Jackson
Andy Hampson / Date to be agreed
Closing the achievement gap in schools / The scrutiny support officer along with one of the co-opted members, attended a conference presented by the Children’s Services Network on the topic of “Closing the achievement gap in schools”in April and later provided a brief overview to the other members. Following this members requested that an appropriate officer from Children’s Services report to the Committee on the action being taken within Salford to close the achievement gap in schools. / To be determined / Date to be agreed
Suggested topics to be timetabled in consultation with Councillor Pennington
Involvement of children and young people in local decision making / Members of the scrutiny committee to meet with a group of young people at the Beacon Centre – meeting to be arranged by the scrutiny team in consultation with Members / Scrutiny team/Cath Connor/Cllr Warmisham
Oral health Issues and access to NHS Dentistry for young people / Impact on dental health for young people who will not receive free NHS care once they reach 16-19
Information items
Annual report on the trends in vacant spaces and oversubscribed schools / Available September each year / Lesley Taylor – Commissioning Manager Children’s Services
Attendance levels at secondary schools / Available October each year / Lesley Taylor – Commissioning Manager
Key stage 3 and 4 results / Available October each year / Jill Baker
GCSE and A-Level Results / Available August each year / Jill Baker
Role of the education psychologist service / Request for information on the education psychologist service in Salford / Peter Kidd/Paul Woltman / Information item – Paul Woltman preparing information
Chair / Councillor Bernard Pennington / 0161 790 4181
Vice Chair / Councillor James Hulmes / 0161 792 9836
Scrutiny Support Officer / Carole Chapman / 0161 793 3316