1Read the short story below about the Waster family.
Copy and complete the table below to help the Wasters conserve fossil fuels.
What the Wasters did wrong / What they should do to conserve fossil fuelsleft the TV on all day
left lights on all day
control the heating better
opened all the windows
make sure the fridge door is closed
2The pictures on Sheet 2 show several different types of fuel. Use them to help you answer the questions.
aCopy and complete the following sentences.
iCoal is a non-renewable fuel because …
iiEthanol is a renewable fuel because …
bNow copy and complete this table, putting each fuel in the correct column. Two have been done for you.
Renewable fuels / Non-renewable fuelsethanol / coal
cWhich of the renewable fuels in your table could easily be used to power a car?
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
3Look at the pictures above.
aIn Brazil, ethanol is used instead of petrol in cars. It is not used in cars in the UK. Explain why not.
bCattle slurry fermenters produce methane gas, which can be used to power small generators and make electricity. Suggest why you would find cattle slurry fermenters in the country but not in cities.
4aA new power station has just been opened in Yorkshire. It burns only wood from trees nearby. Explain why some people have objected to the amount of space the whole thing needs.
bSome features of biomass fuels are listed below. Make a table to show clearly which of these features are advantages and which are disadvantages.
- Biomass is renewable.
- Biomass fuels are bulky and may take up a lot of storage space.
- Growing trees use up atmospheric carbon dioxide.
- Burning biomass fuels produces carbon dioxide.
- Burning biomass fuels reduces our use of fossil fuels.
- A range of waste materials can be burned as biomass fuels.
- Growing trees needs a lot of space.
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
5Read the following information about a poultry litter generator.
aName two parts of the process in which chemical energy is stored.
bName three types of energy involved in the process that are not stored.
cUsing the information from parts a and b, construct an energy transfer diagram for the whole process.
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.