Present: Councillor V Bush - Chairman

M Saunby – Vice Chairman

Councillors: D Matthews, D Mossman, R Allen, E Thorpe, C Baker, J Fitchett, M Brookes (County)

PC Smith, PCSO Thornton

Mrs B Buttery – Clerk of the Council

Public Forum

18 members of the public attended the meeting. All wished to talk about the proposed skate park in the village.

The members of the public were a mixture of children and adults. Two of residents spoke about how they were disappointed to read comments in the RnA categorising the children of the village as hooligans.

One resident brought a petition signed by 37 youngsters all wishing to have a skate park in the village. They pledged to help design, raise funds for and maintain the area should one be built.

The residents were asked where they thought the skate park should be and all agreed that the Pools was not the suitable place for it. They all said that they would think of a more suitable site.

(residents all left)

27/12 Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting and said how pleased he was with the response from residents regarding the advert placed in the RnA.

The Chairman then read the letter of resignation from Cllr Allen. The Chairman thanked Cllr Allen for his contribution to the Parish Council and wished him well in the future.

The Chairman then read his resignation which was to take effect from the end of the meeting.

(Cllr Allen left the meeting)

28/12 Apologies for absence and reason given

None received

29/12 Receipt of declarations of interest regarding items on the agenda

Cllr Matthews declared a personal interest in the planning item on the agenda as he is banned from the Thatched Cottage Restaurant

30/12 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

It was resolved unanimously that the notes of the meeting held on the 7th March 2012, previously circulated, were an accurate account of the meeting and should be recorded as the minutes.

31/12 Police Matters

The new PC was introduced as Tom Smith.

There were 7 crimes reported since the last meeting:

1 x anti-social behaviour – dealt with

1 x anti-social behaviour – on-going

1 x criminal damage – on-going

1 x wheelie bin set light to – on-going

1 x criminal damage – on-going

2 x thefts of catalytic convertors

PCSO Thornton offered to look into getting funds which could go towards the proposed skate park

Cllr Bush said that he had had some complaints from residents who have reported incidents on the answer machine at the Police Station which have taken over 2 weeks to get called back. Cllr Bush wondered whether the answer phone message could be changed to include asking for an email address so that issues could be addressed at various times of the day/night.

32/11 Viewpoints on questions from members of the public

Members were impressed with the turnout of residents regarding the advert in the RnA. It was resolved that the Clerk should write a reply to the editor of the RnA and copy to all for comment.

Action Clerk

33/12 Report from the minutes of the previous meeting

a.  Damage to pavement outside 7 and 8 Maidens Road, reported to LCC – ref : 1103984

Cllr Fitchett reported that this is now worse – Clerk to inform LCC

Action Clerk

b.  Road Safety – re-written to Road Safety Partnership – still nothing in reply. – It was resolved that the Clerk should write and complain about the lack of response to correspondence.

Action Clerk

34/12 Lincolnshire County Council Matters and Boston Borough Council Matters

Cllr Brookes informed members that the Inspector visited the proposed Tyre recycling site last week but there was no indication made of what his decision would be.

Cllr Brookes has now made a donation to the Bell Mere of £650 from the Big Society Fund.

The Boston Borough proposition regarding the brown bins for garden waste is still on-going

– It is hoped that this scheme will be in place in approximately July.

35/12 Correspondence received

a.  Lincolnshire County Council – Temporary Road Closure – Fishmere End Road – carriageway patching works 30.04.12-12.05.12

b.  Lincolnshire Police – reply from Chief Inspector.

-  Confirms that Police Authority are considering a project which could see the building of a custody facility in the south of the county – however this proposal is in its infancy and has not received Policy Authority approval at this stage – assures that Sutterton will be contacted should a decision be made to locate the project in Sutterton.

c.  Boston Borough Council – trade Refuse Collection and Disposal – Cemetery Bin prices for emptying are to rise by 5% per lift.

d.  Village Hall Committee – wish for parish Council to consider giving mugs to all children up to the age of 16.

Members resolved unanimously to leave the decision as it is. Clerk to advise Committee of this.

Action Clerk

e.  Reply from Enforcement Officer regarding Waggoners Rest – not taking any action – going to let new owner have some time, but does not think that the site looks a mess from the road.

Members were happy with this as since the last meeting, the area does look tidier now.

f.  Boston Borough Council – Boston Placecheck Rural Engagement Project – Five Villages Ward – Meeting to be held on 19th April at Black Sluice Conference Centre, 1 South Forty Foot Bank, London Road, Boston

g.  Complaint from resident regarding the Sutterton Caravan signs on the lampposts all-round the village.

Members resolved not to formally tackle Sutterton Caravans but will remove the signs as they see them as they are not supposed to be on the lampposts without prior permission from the County Council.

h.  Sutterton Village Fete Committee – request for money towards the Jubilee concert to pay for live music to enable the residents of the village to attend the concert for free.

Vote: 2 for, 2 with lesser amount, 3 abstentions – Chairman used his casting vote to vote for £500 to be given to the Village Fete Committee towards the live music for the Jubilee concert. Clerk to inform the committee. (Cllr Saunby asked that it be recorded that he voted against the full amount requested being paid)

i.  Lincolnshire community Health Services – Consultation on becoming a Community NHS Foundation Trust

j.  Anglian Water – Hosepipe ban from 5th April.

36/12 Planning applications:

B/12/0072 - Application for retrospective Planning Permission for the siting of temporary dry goods storage unit at Thatched Cottage Restaurant, Pools Lane, Sutterton – NO OBJECTIONS

Application Decision Notices

B/12/0030 - 10 Rainwalls Lane – Enlargement of existing conservatory including new roof and construction of a rear extension to enlarge existing bedroom and bathroom – GRANT

B/11/0449 – Application under s73 for variation of conditions attached to planning permission B/18/0035/90 – 6, Marsh Road, Sutterton – GRANT

B/11/0456 – Erection of dwellings (Outline application with all matters reserved), White House and Sutterton Garage, Station road, Sutterton – GRANT

B/12/0017 – Autumn Lodge, Reed Point, Sutterton – Application for removal of condition 3 of Planning Permission BR281/72 i.e. agricultural habitation condition) - GRANT

37/12 Accounts for payment

It was proposed by Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Fitchett and agreed by the remainder unanimously that the accounts as per sheet dated April 2012 number 1 of 12 should be paid.

38/12 Parish matters

a.  Receipts and payments list

No action required

b.  Inspection Rota for cemetery and play equipment.

Clerk had received a quote for work to repaint the play equipment in the Pools play area – it was resolved that another should be sought and that it would be a good idea to have it repainted sooner rather than later.

The Clerk has received numerous applications for litter picker. It was resolved that all applicants should be interviewed. Clerk to arrange a time with the Caretaker of the village hall and arrange them.

Action Clerk

c.  Cemetery update on work

On-going at this time. Some of the weeding has taken place by the probation services but more is needed. Some of the graves have had the granite chips spread onto them but there are more chips and more graves needing attention. Clerk to liaise with the probation services to get this completed. Clerk advised that there will a small fee for the probation services to carry out this work, this was expected to be £100 for the work carried out (and still to be carried out). It was resolved that this was a small amount to be paid for the work that is done.

d.  Councillor vacancy

Once the statutory notice is over and provided that an election is not called, it was resolved that the Clerk should place notices advertising the vacancies in the RnA and on the noticeboard.

Cllr Thorpe thanked the Chairman for his actions over the last 2 years and wished him well.

39/12 Date & time of the next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on 2nd May 2011 at 7.15 pm with the public forum at 7.00 pm or at the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting (from 6.30 pm) and the Annual General Meeting (at the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting). There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked those in attendance and declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

Dated : Chairman: