
Welcome to theSpring 2016 edition of the band Newsletter. We had a busy Christmas concert seasonand are now practising some new music for our concert season this year, we are out about all over the area so keep an eye out for us and pop along to one of our concerts.

I would again like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your continued support throughout the year and hope that you will continue to support us at our many concerts already planned for next year. I would also like to wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2016.

Anne-Marie, Chairman

Have you ever wanted to play in a band?

We arehappy for prospective members to come along and join in a few rehearsals to see if they like it. You are likely to get most out of the band if you already play to at least grade 5 standard. Rehearsals are held every Thursday night so why not come along and have a go. For further information visit our website:

At the moment we have vacancies for, Clarinets and Baritones. If you are interested in joining the band please contact: Anne-Marie Billington at:


Alison Lambert

Joined in 1997

Flute more she enjoyed playing the violin. After moving back to the area after finishing university, Alison found and joined the Silverwood Band, she enjoys most of the music we play and likes the challenge of some of the harder piece and says the Silverwood has always been a welcoming and friendly band.

Alison is currently vice chairman of the band and works very hard behind the scenes. Recently we performed a concert at Christ Church in Great Ayton to help raise money

For one of our members Elinor Northy. Alison played a major part in organising this concert for Ellie and the Church.

Ellie is a member of the band but is also a member of the Girl Guides and has been chosen to be part of a team of ten girls and three leaders from Girlguiding North East England who will be visiting the Philippines in the summer of 2016 to take part in a community service project visiting areas linked to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.Ellie was tasked with the challenge of raising £2000 to pay for the trip herself. The concert was a huge success and raised over £1000, with some monies going to the church and some to help Ellie on her way to her target.

The band performed a variety of music which was enjoyed by all, well done to Alison and Ellie for organising such a great event.

Band Awards

The band will hopefully be having had an annual “after Christmas party”. Although we have a couple of silly awards that we give out for people who play bum notes etc at concerts, We also have four more positive/encouraging awards:

The awards are in categories as follows:

The Band Member of the year, Most Improved Player of the year and Best Solo (this can be either a solo piece of music or a smaller solo within a piece of music). This past year the recipients of these awards were chosen by our Musical Director, Stuart Shields,but this year the band members will be voting for the recipients.

The final award is our Chairman’s award, the recipient of this award will be chosen by our Chairman, Anne-Marie.


The band have recently purchased some car stickers for band members, these are proudly displayed on our cars and will hopefully help with advertising the band. If you would like one of these stickers please email the band secretary Jean


Welcome to New Members

We have had few new members join the ranks lately, Dawn and James on Clarinet, Ellie on Flute and Gregg on Trombone. We also welcome Tommy who has joined his granddad John on French horn.

Friends of the Silverwood Band

We are now entering our fourth year of having “friends of the band”, we would like to thank everyone who has been or still is a friend of the band as without your help and support we would not be the band we are today.

It costs only £10 per year to become a “friend” of the band and in return you will receive a free gift, receive regular newsletter and pre-booking opportunities to our concerts.

If you would like to continue to support the band or wish to sign up as a friend of the band, please contact:

for further details.

Concert Dates

Here’s the line-up so far for the forthcoming months.

  • 19th June, Saltburn Bandstand, 2.30pm – 4.00pm
  • 3rd July – Ropner Park Bandstand, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
  • 3rd September – The Mary Mount Hotel, Keswick, 4.00pm – 6.00pm
  • 4th September – The Coledale Inn, Braithwaite, 2.00pm – 4.00pm
  • 25th September – Satburn Bandstand, 2.30pm – 4.00pm

The concert list evolves throughout the year and the up-to-date list is always on

Contacts and Committee

The management committee of the band:

  • Chairman : Anne-Marie Billington
  • Vice Chairman : Alison Lambert
  • Secretary : Jean Neale
  • Minutes Secretary: Gabby Caswell
  • Treasurer: Gary Douglas
  • Publicity Manager: Dan Matuszak
  • Committee Members:
  • Karen Lindsay
  • Paul Thornton
  • Alison Lambert
  • Margo Waites
  • Sarah Harkess

Next Edition

The next edition of this newsletter is planned for June2016.

Band Awards

The award continues to be presented to the member who sticks in the biggest bum note or other amusing mishap during a concert performance.


We’re on Facebook.

Have a look, join our group:

“The Silverwood Band”

We have now joined the ranks of the tweeters and you can find us at:



Silverwood News –March 16 Page 1