Children’s Address Idea
(Please refer to Guidelines for Children’s Addresses in Worship document produced by the LCA Department of Liturgics - download guidelines here )
Sunday of the Church Year: Advent 2, Year B
Main Point: Getting ready for Jesus.
Scripture verse: Mark 1:1-8 John the Baptist prepares the way
Application (if any): Baptism
Aids (if any): water in the Baptismal font
Gather the children around the baptism font if possible.
What sort of things do you do when you get ready for a party?
Let’s say you’ve been out playing in the garden, and you’re all covered in mud. The time comes for you to go to the party. Would you just put your party clothes on and go? What else would you do first? Have a bath!
John has a very special job to do: getting people ready for Jesus. He helps them get ready to meet Jesus by helping them clean up. All the people who came to John knew that there were things wrong in their lives, they weren’t proud of these things, and they wanted God’s help to clean up by forgiving them.
But John knew that what he was doing was only the start, Jesus would do something better!
Point to Baptism font: What’s this called? What do we use it for? What’s inside the bowl?
When you were baptised, Jesus forgave you and washed you clean, and now he promises to forgive you over again. So if you do something you know is wrong, say ‘I belong to you Jesus; you promise to forgive me always, so please forgive me now also!’
Dear Lord, thank you that you made us your children when we were baptized. Please forgive us and make us new each day, so we will always be ready for you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Finish by blessing the children using water from the font.
You may wish to hand out “Growing Faith at Home” or another resource before the children return to their seats.