Children and Young People’s Services
Self Assessment – Work Related Learning Safety Audit – 2009
Please complete all fields
Name of School/College: / Address: / Name of Work Experience Co-ordinator:Date:
Tick one box alongside each question. Where necessary state what action is to be taken to rectify omissions in procedures.
This form is organised into logical sections but also subdivided into responsibilities of particular staff members, which may assist in the completion process.
Staff Subdivisions:
Work Experience Co-ordinatorDesignated Senior Person (DSP) for Child Protection
Home Learning Base/School
Pre Placement Assessor
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children/Work Experience Co-ordinator
Work Placement Co-ordinator
The Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Health, Safety and Welfare Arrangements.
/ Yes / No / N/A / Comment/ActionWhen organising a placement has the following been done by the: Work Experience Co-ordinator: / Is evidence in place to show that issues have been covered?
Explicit parental consent obtained where learners are of compulsory age and/or have a specific learning disability and/or vulnerability.
A health, safety & welfare assessment has been completed for each work placement by Leicestershire Education Business Company (LEBC) if the learners are of compulsory age and/or have a specific learning disability and/or vulnerability.
An assessment has been made of the skills and tasks that are required of the learner.
Appropriate risks and control measures have been made known to the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s) in response to the health, safety and welfare assessment that are specific to the learner. Travel arrangements have been agreed by the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s).
An agreement has been signed by the placement provider, Work Experience Co-ordinator; the learner and the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s).
The placement provider is aware of the principles related to safeguarding young people e.g. how to report child protection concerns.
· / The learner has undertaken an induction programme that includes:
· Going through the placement risk assessment to emphasise the risks and appropriate control measures
· Procedures and exits for fire emergencies have been explained
· What action to take in case of an accident
· Having knowledge of welfare facilities
· Arranging for the instruction of fitting and use of protective clothing and devices
The learner has been provided with the following information:
· Details of a named adult
(contact person) who can be contacted in the placement for support
· Details of a named person from the home learning base/school
· An emergency network of communication which is readily available
A health, safety and welfare assessment has been completed by the LEBC for those learners that are of compulsory age or who have a learning disability.
The placement provider has completed a risk assessment for the learner(s).
The appropriate risks and control measures have been made known to the learner and understood by the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s).
A copy of the assessment and control measures have been given to the learner and the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s).
CRB Checks
/ Yes / No / N/A / Comments/ActionsWhen organising a placement the following has been done by the:
Work Experience Co-ordinator:
Checked that a judgement has been made regarding whether the individual supervising the learner requires a CRB check i.e. if the individual is in a position where his/her normal duties include regularly caring for, training, supervising or being in sole charge of a child.Confirmed that the above judgement has been made in consultation with either:
(a) The placement organiser, or
(b) Designated Senior Person for Child Protection (DSP) (where the home learning base/school organises its own work experience placements/ work related learning opportunities)
Ensured that the rationale behind the above judgement has been recorded and given to the DSP to file and note
Ensured that the completed CRB Enhanced Disclosure form is sent to the local authority CYPS HR Department to forward to the Criminal Records Bureau.
Ensured that information regarding the CRB Enhanced Disclosure Form has been received from the Local Authority CYPS HR Department and shared with the DSP where there is a cause for concern.
When organising a placement the following has been done by the:
Designated Senior Person (DSP) for Child Protection:
Where there may be concern discussed the results with CYPS Safeguarding Unit and recorded the decision made.
Discuss final decision with Work Placement Co-ordinator.
Made contact with the employer explaining the decision made regarding the placement.
Transport and Travel / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/Actions
When organising a placement the following has been done by the:
Work Experience Co-ordinator:
A discussion has taken place with the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s) regarding existing transport arrangements.
The discussion includes what the expected contribution is of parent(s)/carer(s) to arrange transport and responsibility for this is documented and clear.
The following details have been taken account of:
· Is the learner required to finish either early or late
· The learner has the necessary level of maturity and competence to utilise public transport if this is to be the means of travel
· The level at which the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s) are willing to arrange transport
· The time of year the placement is taking place (dark mornings/nights, etc.)
· Whether the learner is willing to use his/her own transport
· Emergency procedures in the event of the learner’s absence (these have been agreed between the home learning base/placement provider and the learner’s parent(s)/guardian(s)
A risk assessment has been completed and shared with the learner and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) about the transport arrangements.
Vulnerable learners have appropriate support to reflect the complexity of travelling between the home learning base/school and the provider.
Data Protection / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/Actions
When organising a placement the following has been done by the:
Work Experience Co-ordinator:
Has a Data Protection Consent form or equivalent been signed by the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s) and been returned to the home learning base/school.
Is the data to be passed to the learning provider:
(i) Accurate
(ii) Up to date
(iii) Appropriate for purpose
Has bulk data passed via SIMS or other MIS systems been scrutinised by the home learning base/school’s Data Controller before being passed to the Learning Provider.
Has the placement provider:
(i) Been informed that the learner data must be stored safely and securely
(ii) Stated how the data will be safeguarded and who will act as data controller
Been informed that child protection takes precedence over Data Protection principles
Safeguarding Guidance for Pre-placement Assessments / Yes / No / N/A / Comment/Action
When assessing a placement for a learner aged over compulsory school age, has the following been done by the:
Home Learning Base/School:
A check has been made of the individual assessor’s qualifications, experience and understanding of the client group. In addition that the assessor understands and has experience of completing standards 1-9 of HASP’s administration for each employer.When assessing a placement for a learner aged over compulsory school age, has the following been done by the:
Pre Placement Assessor:
Assessing the environment the learner will be working in e.g. working alone with one employee.
Where concerns about the immediate environments are identified, confidence building measures are put in place to alleviate potentially risks situations.
Discussion has been had with the Work Experience Co-ordinator and Designated Senior Person for child protection regarding the appropriateness of the placement and this has been formally recorded.
All the appropriate documentation has been completed and given to the Work Experience Co-ordinator.
When assessing a placement for a learner aged over compulsory school age, has the following been done by the:
Work Experience Co-ordinator:
Discussion has been had with the pre-placement assessor and the senior designated person for child protection regarding the appropriateness of the placement and this has been formally recorded by the pre-placement assessor.
When assessing a placement for a learner aged over compulsory school age, has the following been done by the:
Discussion has been had with the pre-placement assessor and the work experience co-ordinator regarding the appropriateness of the placement and this has been formally recorded by the pre-placement assessor.
Vulnerable Learners / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/Actions
When organising a placement has the following been done by the:
Designated Teacher for Looked After Children or Vulnerable Learners/Work Experience Co-ordinator:
The vulnerability of the individual learner has been taken into account using the categorisation table as discussed if the young person is identified as being a child in the care of the local authority.
A risk assessment has been completed by the placement provider, which takes into account the vulnerability of the learner.
Safeguarding Learners on Work Experience
/ Yes / No / N/A / Comments/ActionsWhen organising a work experience placement, has the following been done by the:
Work Placement Co-ordinator:
A placement description (which is inclusive of the employer’s risk assessment) has been shared with the learner and the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s).Consideration has been given regarding whether or not a CRB check is required.
Consideration has been given to whether or not the placement will continue during the school holidays and provisions have been made for this.
Where the learner has organised his/her own work experience arrangements have been made for a health, safety and welfare assessment to be completed by LEBC if the learner is identified as being of compulsory school age and/or has a specific learning disability and/or vulnerability.
Confirmation has been received that the employer has employer’s liability and public liability insurance.
Clear explanation has been provided both to the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s) how data relating to the learner may be used and passed onto the provider of the placement.
Where necessary, the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s) have been informed of any instances where the learner is unsupervised, and a decision or agreement has been formally recorded and signed.
The learner has received a briefing regarding his/her responsibility for his/her own health, safety and personal welfare.
Travel arrangements have been agreed between the learner, his/her parent(s)/carer(s) and the home learning base/school.
The learner has been briefed regarding the expectations required of him/her by the home learning base/school.
Where the home learning base/school has organised the placement, the placement provider has received documentation regarding safeguarding young people and signed an agreement.
The learner has been given the details of a named person from the home learning base/school to contact in case of an emergency.
Arrangements regarding the absence from a placement have been shared with the learner, parent(s)/carer(s) and the placement provider.
(i) / Standardised paperwork has been completed and provided to the employer:
(i) Placement letter
(ii) Employer contract
(iii) Placement description –Supervisors copy
Where the home learning base/school has organised the placement
An individual within the home learning base/school has been identified to either visit or telephone the placement provider and learner as part of monitoring the suitability and progress of the placement.
An individual within the home learning base/school has been identified to debrief the learner.
Safeguarding Learners on Extended Work Placements / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/Actions
When organising a work experience placement, has the following been done by the:
Work Placement Co-ordinator:
A placement description (which is inclusive of the employer’s risk assessment) has been shared with the learner and the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s).Consideration has been given regarding whether or not a CRB check is required.
Consideration has been given to whether or not the placement will continue during the school holidays and provisions have been made for this.
Where the learner has organised his/her own work experience arrangements have been made for a health, safety and welfare assessment to be completed by LEBC, if the learner is identified as being of compulsory school age and/or has a specific learning disability and/or vulnerability.
Confirmation has been received that the employer has employer’s liability insurance and public liability insurance.
Clear explanation has been provided to both the learner and his/her parent(s)/carer(s) how data relating to the learner may be used and passed onto the provider of the placement.
Where necessary, the learners parent(s)/carer(s) have been informed of any instances where the learner is unsupervised, and a decision or agreement has been formally recorded and signed.
The learner has received a briefing regarding his/her responsibility for his/her own health, safety and welfare.
Training arrangements have been agreed between the learner, his/her parent(s)/carer(s) and the home learning base/school.
The learner has been briefed regarding the expectations required of him/her by the home learning base/school.
Where the home learning base/school has organised the placement, the placement provider has received documentation regarding safeguarding young people and signed an agreement.
The learner has been given details of a named person from the home learning base/school to contact in case of an emergency.
Arrangements regarding the absence from a placement have been shared with the learner, parent(s)/carer(s) and the placement provider.
Standardised paperwork has been completed and provided to the employer:
(i) Placement letter
(ii) Employer contract
(iii) Placement description –
Supervisors copy
Where the home learning base/school has organised the work placement
An individual within the home learning base/school has been identified to either visit or telephone the placement provider and learner as part of monitoring the suitability and progress of the placement.
An individual within the home learning base/school has been identified to debrief the learner.
Work Experience Taking Place Out of Term Time / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/ Actions
When organising a work experience/extended work placement has the following been done by the:
Work Experience Co-ordinator:
A senior member of staff has been identified to take any phone calls regarding work related working during the school holidays.A system is in place to deal with work related learning enquiries or emergencies. Where initial calls are answered via an answering machine, this should clearly indicate a mobile telephone number, and the answering machine should be monitored daily by home learning base/school staff on a regular basis during the school holidays to make sure it is still working.
Details appear on the home learning base/school website regarding what individuals are to do in the case of an accident/incident.
Robust systems are in place to ensure that learners and placement providers are contacted regularly by a designated member of staff from the home learning base/school.
Work Shadowing / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/ Actions
When organising a work related learning opportunity in an alternative environment has the following been done by the:
Home Learning Base/School Tutor/Teacher or work Experience Co-ordinator:
Details of the work shadowing experience are clearly understood and a check has been made regarding whether the learner is expected to complete any tasks.
Has it been identified if the learner is to undertake a task or range of tasks, if so, procedures for work experience must be followed.
A risk assessment has been completed.
The risk assessment has been reviewed by the Educational Visits Co-ordinator.
Consent of the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s) has been obtained.
When organising work related learning opportunity in an alternative environment has the following been done by the:
The Educational Visits Co-ordinator:
The risk assessment has been reviewed and approved.
Safeguarding Learners in an Alternative Learning Environment / Yes / No / N/A / Comments/ Actions
When organising learning in an alternative environment has the following been done by the:
Home learning Base/School Tutor/teacher:
A risk assessment has been completed.
The risk assessment has been reviewed by the Educational Visits Co-ordinator.
Consent of the learner’s parent(s)/carer(s) has been obtained.
When organising learning in an alternative environment has the following been done by the:
The Educational Visits Co-ordinator:
The risk assessment has been reviewed and approved.
Additional Comments
Further Issues for Consideration
Work Related Learning – Safeguarding Young People
The above named document replaces the guidance entitled ‘Work Experience’.By way of ensuring that schools in both Leicester City and Leicestershire County Council are fully prepared for the challenges of keeping young people safe under the new 14-19 curriculum, the document takes an inter-authority approach to safeguarding as it relates to work experience and work-related learning.
The document is sourced from various publications produced by the DCSF about work experience and work-related learning. It is also informed by local practice as carried out by central placement organisations such as WEXA (Leicester/Shire Work Experience Alliance) and LEBC (Leicestershire Education Business Company), current health and safety guidance, safeguarding guidance and the experiences of Work Experience Co-ordinators.
The document is the first of its kind across both local authorities in terms of focusing on work experience and work-related learning and how they relate to safeguarding. For this reason the document has been deliberately entitled as a ‘first edition’ because it will be updated to take account of new developments and the comments of those individuals that work to it.
Please note that the guidance is not a comprehensive statement of legislation as it pertains to work-related learning. Where it is necessary to seek specialist advice, a school should make contact with its respective Local Authority.
This document can be downloaded from the schools extranet at:
If you have developed any safety practices or procedures, or approaches to work related learning risk assessment that you would be prepared to share with other schools please contact:
CYPS Health and Safety Team, Marlborough House, Tel 0116 2527873.
10 WRL Self Audit 2009