Board Work Session
January 22, 2013
5:30 p.m.
Board Members present/absent:
P Denece Johnson
PJoanne Miller P Ron Wardman
P Corky ClarkA Alden Hamlin
ADave Robinson
Also present:
Bruce Shull, Superintendent
Patti McAlpin, Board Clerk
Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance-
Mr. Wardman called the work session to orderat 5:30p.m.
Agenda Approval –
M01/13 – 1AMotionby Joanne Miller to approve the agenda. Seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Items -
Board Interviews:
The school board interviewed three applicants for the board position left vacant with the resignation of Paula Johnson effective Dec. 19, 2012. Applicants interviewed in order were:
Kitina Larsen, Bernadette Kirkpatrick, and Leon Brown. The board asked a set of prepared questions to each applicant.
Kitina Larsen feels that serving on the board is an important role and cares about the district. When asked about the most important task of the school board, she said it’s important to remain objective and work as a team. She feels technology education is huge and the district should have the best that can be provided. When asked about what programs to eliminate with the decrease in revenues, she stated that sports programs could be downsized. She feels that the high school teachers are communicating better, and that Ken Smith is positive and supportive of the student outreach center.
Bernadette Kirkpatrick feels the district is going in the right direction, and is excited about the changes. She would like to be actively involved. When asked about technology education she said it is extremely important in preparing students with a skill set. She said the role of the board is a governing body that supports the superintendent. She is hoping to get more parents involved by getting parents to share their skills.
Leon Brown, who started school in Myrtle Point in 1947, believes schools are about our kids. He was supportive of the bond and said it would be an honor to work with this board. He feels that the most important task of the board to let the public know what the board is doing. He stated that there are a lot of good ideas out there.
M01/13 – 2AMotionby Joanne Miller to approve Bernadette Kirkpatrick to fill Position 3 until June 30, 2013. Seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Dress code policy: GBCA-AR, Staff Dress and Grooming:
The board disc
Discussed the policy and what is approved. Corky felt blindsided and uncomfortable with his statement. Questioned why the dress code AR was approved. Ron’s statement was not a reflection of the board. Afterward didn’t want to show division on the board during the meeting.
Ron said it may have been poor timing. Staff needs to know that they don’t have a right to speak during a meeting.
Denece felt left out. Got left out of the loop. Lots of things in the AR that she doesn’t agreed with.
We should be aware of what goes on in the schools. Staff thinkron is talking down to them.
Discussed the strong board that works well together. Ron should have emailed his statement to the board.
Joanne thinks it’s important to know the roles and responsibility of the board. Doing it once a month…Have to do business in public..don’t have to take public comment.
Should all be on the same page.
AR’s should go to the policy committee. Joanne feels the policy is important to her. Wants to take more time and not be rushed.
Doesn’t feel an ar is necessary.
May eliminate the AR. Remove the last statement.
Asked Bruce opinion. The principal will have to make the decision.
Bruce gave examples.
Discussed cleavage, jeans, how we can tweek the policy and eliminate AR.
Bruce didn’t have a policy and the union will not help. Wants the staff to look good in every area and be a premier school.
M01/13 – 3AMotionby Joanne Miller to strike that sentence ‘The superintendent will develop administrative
regulations to implement this policy’ in policy GBCA. Seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Ron Wardmanadjourned the work session at 6:44 p.m.