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Location ......

Date Completed......

Child Protection Level 1 Questionnaire

1) It is only Line Managers who can make Child Protection referrals:

a) True

b) False

2) Some level of emotional abuse is also present in physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect:

a) True

b) False

3) Which statement is true:

a) When there is a Child protection concern consent to share informtion must be sought from the child/family

b) If there is a concern that a child may be at risk then all agencies must share information about the child and family

c) If there is a concern about a child, adult services do not need to share information about their service users

4) Where can you get help and support if you have a concern about Child Protection? (please tick all that apply)

a) Line Manager

b) Police – in an emergency

c) Duty Social Worker

5) Someone else tells you that they are worried about a child. They think this child is being neglected by being left at home on their own and the child is often hungry and in poor clothing. What should you do?

a) They have the concern about the child, so they need to do something

b) They may not be telling the truth and that could cause problems for the family so its best not to do anything

c) You are not sure if it’s true, but you need to let your Line Manager know anyway just in case

d) You tell the person they need to phone the Duty Social Worker and give them the number

6) Signs of neglect may include: (please tick all that apply)

a) Tiredness and poor concentration

b) Untreated medical problems

c) Poor peer relationships

d) Poor hygiene

e) Poor or inadequate clothing

f) All of the above

7) Who might you contact if a child was in immediate danger?

a) The newspapers

b) The police or ambulance service

c) The GP

d) The Housing Service

8) What is the consistent factor identified as significant in child death enquiries?

a) Living in a single parent family

b) Poor information sharing

c) Large families

d) Poverty

9) Emotional abuse can include the following: (please tick all that apply)

a) A child living with parents who are in an abusive relationship

b) A child who is told they are stupid every day

c) A child who is bullied at school

d) A child who walks to school every day

10) Children can experience sexual abuse online

a) True

b) False

Please return completed questionnaires to Workforce Development, 8 North Ness, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0LZ