Applications for the St Cross-SBFT Scholarship in the Humanities should include the completed application form, two references sent to the College directly from the named referees, and any other information from the applicant which is felt to be
relevant to support the application. Please note, however, that additional material will be evaluated on quality rather than on quantity. Please note also that a scholarship, if awarded, can only be held at St Cross.



First Names and Title


Date of birth ……………………………………… Male/Female……………………………………………

Nationality…………………………………………Married or Single………………………………………

A.1 Please give details of your first degree

University/CollegeSubject Degree/Class Start DateEnd Date

………………………….……………………………… …………………. …………….……………

Please give details of each year of your post-graduate career to present

University/CollegeSubject Degree/Class Start DateEnd Date

………………………….……………………………… …………………. …………….……………

………………………….……………………………… …………………. …………….……………

………………………….……………………………… …………………. …………….……………

(In answering the following questions please append extra sheets as necessary)

A.2 Other qualifications obtained (state subjects and class or grades obtained)





A.3 Academic prizes and other distinctions



A.4 Publications (if any)



A.5 Present occupation (if not engaged in Higher Education)


B.1Proposed higher degree


B.2Proposed and current field of study


B.3If you are applying for admission in October 2017:

(a) Have you applied for admission by the appropriate Faculty or Department?


(b) If so, what answer have you received?......

B.4Please explain why your proposed programme of research is ineligible for other funding)?......

CThe approximate total cost of a year’s study in Oxford is given on the University website. Are you confident that you can meet this cost for the whole period of your study?......

Please give particulars (source, amount and duration) of any financial support for the period of your study:

(a) Grants or scholarships already awarded (if applicable please check that you can hold another scholarship without penalties)


(b) Grants or scholarships that you have applied to (other than St Cross)


(C) Other (parents etc.)


If the College considers you for this scholarship evidence of adequate additional financial support will be required.

DPlease supply the names and addresses of the two referees whom YOU have asked to write separately to the College on your behalf:







ECandidates should add any further information (eg about special interest and hobbies) which they think may help the College in making its election:







Address for correspondence






Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Email address………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Permanent address (if different from above)






Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Email address………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………….



To be returned by 20th January 2017 to the Tutor for Admissions, St Cross College, Oxford, OX1 3LZ