June 24, 2011
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/ DISTRICT ACADEMIC SENATECurriculum Committee / (213) 891-2434
(213) 891-2144
Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor Educational Services, Dr. Kim Perry, VP Academic Affairs Liaison (City)
Friday, January 14, 2010
1:00 to 3:00 pm
Child & Family Studies Building, Room 212
1. Attendance: E. Atondo; PIERCE, J. Babb, TRADE; S. Berger, VALLEY; K. Bimber, DAS VP and DCC Chair, Judy Chow, WEST; Y. Delahoussaye, VC Educational Services. Kimble, Dean Educational Support Services; L. McKenzie, HARBOR; Said Pazirandeh, MISSION; Maria Reisch, CITY; Steve Wardinski, EAST. Guest: J. Zayac-PIERCE.
2. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-Two items were added to the agenda- ECD update and E-90 in regards to ECD. The agenda was approved as amended.
3. Approval of minutes: The November 19, 2010 minutes were moved seconded and passed unanimously with one correction-change the document title from Agenda to Minutes. The Dec. 10, 2010 minutes were moved, seconded and unanimously passed with one correction to item number three under new Business-add David Beaulieu’s emailed correction to the minutes: “The MDDC voted unanimously to recommend the adoption of the MDTP by all nine colleges, given that it now has a computer version. The recommendation was contingent on the district paying for any additional expenses as a result of the shirt to a common test. Their recommendation will now go to the nine Math departments for their response.”
4. DCC 2010-2011 dates- Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13, June. 10.
Old Business:
1. ECD Update: S. Berger announced that Johnnie Barella will provide a training to chairs at the February meeting on the Administrative functions in ECD. M. Reisch asked how we can make changes to the grading system for a course. Some of City’s courses were changed from the original grading method to a different one in Protocol. Sheri said this is not an ECD attribute and should be resolved on campus with the person in charge of Scheduling.
2. Update on BR 6201 progress-E. Atondo asked the committee for clarification on the subcommittee’s task to revise BR 6201. The committee confirmed the following changes: corrections discussed in the December DCC meeting were to be included as well as basic formatting changes that would assist the flow of the document. E. Atondo asked if the subcommittee should also look at the entire Board Rule (6200) for revisions. DCC felt it was not productive to go back and revise those areas of the Board Rule since they were just done recently. K. Bimber said she would like to see the committee move forward to accomplish this task and going back would only delay it further. Elizabeth said she and Bobbi would continue to meet to make the corrections discussed and would send a draft to the committee for review at the February meeting.
3. E-103 draft changes–Y. Delahoussaye presented the draft for discussion. The following changes were identified;
· First section-Course repetition-first bullet in the definition-add “….not to exceed three repeats.”
· Strike out the title “Repeatable courses” and add “Content Differs.” S. Wardinski and S. Berger will provide an example for the content differs area.
· Under Activity courses-add “…and CTE” at the end of the last sentence.
· Under Limits on Repetition-add the phrase, “….with a maximum of three repeats.”
The committee felt it is important to include examples in the E-Reg to guide faculty. More direction is needed from the state. A case can be made for many classes that content changes each time. For example, in Spanish 8-Conversational Spanish, the content changes each time yet the state does not allow Foreign Languages. The committee also questioned whether Basic Skills-(NDA) should be repeatable. K. Bimber asked chairs to take this back to their committees and ask whether they should approved these courses as repeatable given the 30 unit limit rule.
4. CSU statement on “similar” degrees-K. Bimber presented the latest memo from the CSU Office of the Chancellor describing the process for determining “similar” degrees. Bimber will email this document to the chairs for their files. As soon as the TMCs are approved the list will be forwarded to the CSU Chancellor’s Office for local CSU faculty to determine whether this TMC degree is similar to their degree.
New Business:
1. 6701.20-draft review-the committee discussed the need to align this Board rule on repeatability as well. It was noted that line 88 should be “a” not “e.” Y. Delahoussaye will work with B. Kimble to bring a draft to the March meeting and will report out on progress at the February DCC meeting.
2. E-90/ECD-S. Berger shared a problem for the ITV program in regards to ECD. ITV does not exist in ECD nor is it seen as a separate college. ITV needs to be added as a separate college and will need to follow Mission College’s routing system. ITV courses will need to be imported from Mission’s courses. K. Bimber distributed E-90 to chairs to clarify the course approval process for ITV and the district discipline committee’s role.
3. The meeting adjourned at 3:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
Kathleen Bimber, VP DAS
Chair District Curriculum Committee