Study Questions (Hudson, Chaps. 1-8)
October 26, 1995
- Associate: S.P.G.
A. Anglicans
B. Puritans
C. Presbyterians
D. Methodists
- ______were Congregationalists who had become convinced that if churches were to be composed of believers only, then baptism should be restricted to those who were able to give some account of their own faith.
- none of these
- Baptists
- Anglicans
- Puritans
3. Associate: Henry Dunster rejected infant baptism in 1654 and was forced to resign as president of Harvard.
A. German Reformed
B. Congregationalists
C. Presbyterians
D. Baptists
4. With the exception of transient groups, the ______were the smallest of the religious minorities in colonial America.
A. Dunkers
B. Sandemanians
C. Jews
D. German Reformed
5. Associate: NazarethBethlehem, Pennsylvania; Salem, North Carolina
- none of these
- Moravians
- Mennonites
- Quakers
A. Charles Chauncy
B. Solomon Stoddard
C. Gilbert Tennent
D. none of these
7. Identify: Church of the Brethren
- Dunkers
- Quakers
C. Moravians
D. Mennonites
8. ______was the great center of German immigration to the colonies.
A. New Jersey
B. Virginia
C. Pennsylvania
D. none of these
9. Identify: The second manifestation of the Great Awakening.
- Theodore J. Frelinghuysen
- George Whitefield
- Jonathan Edwards
- The Tennents among the Presbyterians
10.Which of the following is NOT true of the Virginia colony?
- Anglicans were a majority of the population.
- Anglicanism was established from the beginning.
- Conformity to the Church of England was enforced.
- none of these
11. Associate: Theodore J. Frelinghuysen
- none of these
- Presbyterian
- Congregational
- Dutch Reformed
12. Associate: “The fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and the neighborhood Boston.”
- Anglicanism
- Presbyterianism
- Congregationalism
- Unitarianism
13. OberlinCollege
- 1832
- 1801
- 1861
- 1807
14. “The Grand Itinerant”
A. William Tennent
B. George Whitefield
C. John Wesley
D. none of these
15. Associate:Massachusetts Bay
- Anglican
- Anglican
- Separatist
- Nonseparating Congregationalists
16. Associate: Mary Fisher and Ann Austin
- none of these
- Quakers
- Anglicans
- Baptists
17. Identify: The ______sought to reconcile the rationalism of their fathers with the romanticism of their age by introducing a strong note of mysticism.
- Unitarians
- Universalists
- none of these
- Trancendentalists
18. Peter Cartwright
- Cumberland Presbyterian
- Methodist
- Baptist
- Christian
19. Associate: “Holy Experiment”
- Pennsylvania
- Georgia
- Virginia
- Connecticut
20. In ______alone of all the colonies did the Anglicans command a clear majority of the religious population.
- Virginia
- North Carolina
- Maryland
- Georgia
21. Associate: John Woolman
- Anglicans
- Moravians
- Baptists
- Quakers
22. Which of the following was NOT a prominent figure in the Southern phase of the Great Awakening?
- Devereux Jarratt
- Shubal Stearns
- Samuel Davies
- William Tennent
23. Associate: St. Augustine, New Mexico, Texas, California
- none of these
- French missions
- Spanish missions
- English missions
24. Identify: This colony, founded to provide a place for Catholic colonists, accepted Anglican establishment in 1702.
A. Maryland
B. Massachusetts Bay
C. Virginia
D. Pennsylvania
25. Associate: Lord Baltimore
- New Jersey
- none of these
- Virginia
- South Carolina
- Gilbert Tennent
- George Whitefield
- Theodore Frelinghuysen
- Jonathan Edwards
27. “Nobody was out but crows and ______preachers.”
- Baptist
- Methodist
- Anglican
- Presbyterian
28. Identify: “The aim, effort, and expectation” should be that a child may “grow up a Christian and never know himself as being otherwise.”
- none of these
- Henry David Thoreau
- Horace Bushnell
- Bronson Alcott
29. Associate: The “banding” of a number of students at Andover Theological Seminary (1810).
- The beginning of the “holiness” movement.
- Foreign missions
- none of the above
- Indian missions
30. Identify: The Baptist belief in apostolic succession through an unbroken line of New Testament churches.
- Missionary Baptists
- Landmark Baptists
- Primitive Baptists
- Hard Shell Baptists
31. ______and Congregationalists were the most active in founding academies and colleges.
- Presbyterians
- Methodists
- Anglicans
- Baptists
32. Previous to his coming, the “quickening” sermons had been preached in churches and in stated hours of public worship.
- Whitefield
- Woolman
C. Frelinghuysen
D. Wesley
33. Landmark Baptists: Which of the following does NOT fit?
- James M. Pendleton
- B. none of these
- George Ripley
D. James R. Graves
34. Which of the following is NOT true of Charles G. Finney's “new
- He refused to allow women to testify.
- He used the “anxious bench.”
- He adapted the revival to an urban environment.
- He mentioned sinners by name.
35. Associate: College of Rhode Island (BrownUniversity)
- Presbyterian
- Anglican
- Congregational
- Baptist
36. Identify: An insistence upon divine immanence, a dependence upon intuitive perception of truth, and a rejection of all external authority.
- Unitarianism
- Deism
- Universalism
- Trancendentalism
37. Associate: Philadelphia Confession of Faith
- Presbyterians
- Anglicans
- Congregationalists
- Baptists
38. Associate: Westminster Confession
- Puritan
- Presbyterian
- Baptist
- Anglican
39. Identify: He established the first permanent Lutheran synod in
- Henry Melchior Muhlenberg
- Peter Stuyvesant
- Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf
- Johann Valentin Kraft
40. Identify: “Benevolent Empire”
- The collection of national societies
- The Southern colonies
- TheLouisiana Purchase
- TheNew England colonies
41. Identify: They were a plain people--plain in dress, plain in speech, and plain in behavior. They gathered in silence for worship until one of their number was led by the Spirit to speak.
- Moravians
- Dunkers
- Quakers
- Mennonites
42. Transcendentalism--which of the following does NOT fit?
- Theodore Parker
- Henry David Thoreau
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- William Ellery Channing
43. Identify: The founder of missions at San Diego, San Antonio, San Juan Capistrano.
- Junipero Serra
- La Salle
- none of these
- Marquette
44. North Carolina, South Carolina and ______had little in common with Virginia beyond a nominal establishment of Anglicanism.
- West Virginia
- Maryland
- Pennsylvania
- Georgia
45. The ______or Unitas Fratrum, had their origin in the evangelical movement that sprang from the preaching of John Hus of Prague in the 15th century.
- Church of the Brethren
- Moravians
C. Mennonites
D. German Reformed
46. Associate: Mobile(1702)and New Orleans(1718)
A. none of these
B. French
C. English
D. Spanish
47. American Antislavery Society
- 1833
- 1807
- 1861
- 1799
48. American Sunday School Union
- 1807
- 1901
- 1816
- 1824
49. The urban phase of the Second Awakening can be seen most clearly in the person and activity of
- Charles G. Finney
- Nathaniel Taylor
- none of these
- Barton W. Stone
50. “HighChurch”: Which of the following does NOT fit?
- Charles Hodge
- John Henry Hobart
- none of these
- John W. Nevin
51. The ______were tardy in forming a missionary society, but they had little need of this kind of organization since every conference was in effect a missionary society.
- Congregationalists
- Baptists
- Methodists
- Presbyterians
52. “The Great Century”
- 20th
- 18th
- none of these
- 19th
53. Associate: The major flow of Scotch Irish was into the middle colonies and down the Shenandoah Valley into the Piedmont region of the South, and these became the great centers of ______strength and influence.
- Anglican
- Quaker
- Presbyterian
- Mennonite
54. Associate: “... one of the next things we longed for and looked after was to advance learning and perpetuate it to posterity, dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches when our present ministers shall lie in the dust.”
- William and Mary
- Columbia
- Harvard
- Dartmouth
- Charles G. Finney
- Horace Bushnell
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- George Ripley
56. Associate: Francis Makemie
- Dutch Reformed
- Congregational
- Presbyterian
- Anglican
57. Identify: The “beginner of the great work” (Great Awakening)
- Theodore J. Frelinghuysen
- none of these
- George Whitefield
- Jonathan Edwards
58. Although ______initially were the largest group in Rhode Island, they were soon rivaled and then surpassed by the Quakers.
- Puritans
- Anglicans
- Baptists
- Presbyterians
59. Associate: “The fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the leadership of Jesus, salvation by character, and the progress of man onward and upward forever.”
- Deism
- New Light Congregationalism
- Unitarianism
- none of these
60. Potential Presbyterian strength represented by the Scotch Irish in Virginia was marshaled very effectively by
- Jonathan Edwards.
- Samuel Davies.
- John Woolman.
- George Whitefield.
61. Unitarian Christianity
- Peter Cartwright
- Charles B. Finney
- William Ellery Channing
- Francis Asbury
62. The ______baptized by a threefold immersion rather than by pouring.
- Mennonites
- Dutch Reformed
- Dunkers
- Moravians
63. This Great Awakening revivalist was concerned about both youthful “licentiousness” and the spread of “Arminian” principles.
- Jonathan Edwards
- George Whitefield
- Gilbert Tennent
- none of these
64. Associate: Plymouth
- Separatist
- Anglican
- Moravian
- Presbyterian
65. The ______population in the colonies was largely limited to Maryland.
- Anglican
- none of these
- Roman Catholic
- Baptist
66. Associate: “New Measures”
- Charles G. Finney
- none of these
- James McGready
- John McGee
67. Thomas Campbell arrives from Ireland.
- 1801
- 1807
- 1790
- 1816
68. Which one of the following is NOT a Transcendental communal society?
- Brook Farm
- none of these
- Hopedale
- Fruitlands
69. Associate: Seventh-dayAdventistChurch
- Joseph Smith
- Katie Fox
- Sidney Rigdon
- William Miller
70. Maggie Fox
- Christian Scientist
- Spiritualism
- Shakers
- Mormons
71. Identify: She was instrumental in organizing the Holiness Movement.
- Ann Hutchinson
- Ann Judson
- Phoebe Palmer
- Nancy Towle
72. United Brethren in ChristChurch
- 1789
- 1845
- 1636
- 1800
73. Methodist Episcopal Church, South
- 1861
- 1807
- 1837
- 1845
74. Associate: Samuel Seabury
- Episcopal
- Presbyterian
- Methodist
- Congregationalist
75. Associate: Sidney Rigdon
- Shakers
- Seventh-day Adventists
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Mormons
76. Protestant Episcopal Church
- 1790
- 1701
- 1801
- 1785
77. Southern Baptist Convention
- 1861
- none of these
- 1845
- 1816
78. Ellen Gould White
- Spiritualism
- Seventh-day Adventist
- Mormons
- Shakers
79. YMCA
- 1865
- 1830
- 1845
- 1844
80. Associate: LoganCounty
- Lyman Beecher
- Charles G. Finney
- James McGready
- Nathaniel W. Taylor
81. College of New Jersey (Princeton)
- 1636
- 1701
- 1776
- 1746
82. Identify: He led a revival at Yale in 1802.
- Timothy Dwight
- Nathaniel W. Taylor
- Edwin Gaustad
- Lyman Beecher
- 1830
- 1807
- none of these
- 1845
84. As was to be true of the Methodists, the ______helped to fill the vacuum left by the shortage of ministers among those denominations that adhered more rigidly to formal educational requirements.
- Baptists
- Episcopalians
- Congregationalists
- Presbyterians
85. Which one of the following is NOT one of those groups that suffered most during the Revolutionary War?
- Anglicans
- Baptists
- Moravians
- Quakers
86. Revivalism in the 19th century caused defections to Methodist views and techniques and produced a cluster of new ecclesiastical bodies. Which one of these does NOT fit?
- Free-Will Baptists
- United Brethren
- Cumberland Presbyterians
- none of these
87. In 1808 ______was founded as a bulwark of orthodoxy in response to the liberalism of Harvard.
A. Andover Theological Seminary
B. OberlinCollege
C. Lane Seminary
D. Princeton Seminary
88. Barton W. Stone
- Methodist
- none of these
- Presbyterian
- Baptist
89. Associate: Christ in his 'second appearing'
- John Humphrey Noyes
- Ann Lee
- none of these
- George Ripley
90. Which of the following was NOT a Deist?
- John Cotton
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thomas Paine
- Thomas Jefferson
91. The ______was the greatest casualty of the American Revolution.
- MennoniteChurch
- MoravianChurch
- Church of England
- none of these
92. Abner Jones
- Methodist
- Baptist
- none of these
- Presbyterian
- none of these
- Episcopal
- Methodist
- Baptist
94. The decades immediately preceding the Civil War witnessed the triumph of the distinctive emphases of the ______in practically all the denominations.
- Methodists
- Presbyterians
- Campbellites
- Baptists
95. Queen's College (Rutgers)
- Dutch Reformed
- Anglican
- Methodist
- Baptist
96. Francis Asbury
- Congregationalist
- Mormon
- Methodist
- Anglican
97. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the Great Awakening?
- Development of a common understanding of the Christian life.
- none of these
- The creation of a system of voluntary societies.
- The development of the 'denominational' concept.
98. James O'Kelly
- Baptist
- Free Will Baptist
- Presbyterian
- Methodist
99. Orestes A. Brownson
- Catholic
- Baptist
- Methodist
- Presbyterian
100. Cane Ridge Revival
- 1801
- none of these
- 1789
- 1816
101. Identify: The last state (former colony) to give all religious groups a purely voluntary status.
- Virginia
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
- New Hampshire
102. American Bible Society
- 1816
- 1845
- none of these
- 1914
- Phoebe Palmer
- Ann Hutchinson
- C. Ann Judson
- Susan Humes
104. Thomas Coke
- Presbyterian
- Baptist
- Episcopal
- Methodist
105. Associate: MIDNIGHT CRY
- William Miller
- B. Sidney Rigdon
- Joseph Smith
- Adin Ballou
106. Associate: Shakers
- Ann Lee
- Joseph Smith
- John Humphrey Noyes
- William Keil
107. Which one of these groups actually prospered during the Revolutionary War?
- Presbyterian
- Baptists
- none of these
- Anglicans
108. Which of the following was NOT a pacifist group during the Revolution?
- Quakers
- Dunkers
- none of these
- Moravians
109. Three emphases stimulated by revivalistic preaching were of decisive importance in creating the climate of enthusiasm out of which the new cults, seats and communities came. Which one of the following does NOT fit?
- none of these
- S. The stress on the possibility of perfect sanctification.
- The expectation of a golden age to come.
- The demand for an immediate confrontation with God.
110. March 21, 1843---March 21, 1844
- Ellen Gould White
- Mary Baker Eddy
- Sidney Rigdon
D. William Miller
111. Associate: Red River--Which one of the following does NOT fit?
- John McGee
- William Hodges
- James McGready
- Charles G. Finney
112. Theodore Dwight Weld
- Antislavery
- Women's Rights
- Sabbath observance
- Temperance
113. Associate: Hampden-SydneyCollege
- Presbyterian
- Congregational
- Methodist
- Baptist
114. Methodist Episcopal Church
- 1784
- none of these
- 1701
- 1730
- Julia Ward Howe
- Clara Barton
C. Lousia May Alcott
D. Harriet Beecher Stowe
116. Of the original 13 colonies, which one of these had NOT been committed to a policy of religious liberty?
- Massachusetts
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
D. Rhode Island
117. Massachusetts did away with religious establishment in
- 1833.
- 1818.
- 1819.
- 1776.
- 1801
- 1845
- 1861
- 1830
119. Which of the following is NOT one of those groups which was least affected by the Revolutionary War?
- Mennonites
- Presbyterians
- none of these
- Congregationalists
120. Southern Baptist Convention
- 1865
- 1857
- 1945
- 1837
121. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the Great Awakening?
- Revival of interest in Indian missions.
- none of these
- Role of laity in the churches was enhanced.
- Impulse given to higher education.
122. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN (1852)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Julia Ward Howe
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- D. Ann Lee
123. Which of the following was NOT a Deist?
- none of these
- Elihu Palmer
- Ethan Allen
D. Thomas Paine