Tomasz Bigaj
My recent research includes counterfactual analysis of non-locality in quantum mechanics and dispositional account of quantum properties. I am also interested in the problem of identity and individuality in quantum mechanics and other physical theories. Currently I am teaching an introductory course in metaphysics and an upper-level and graduate seminar in philosophy of physics, as well as an on-line course in philosophy of science. I am also finishing a short book Metaphysics. A Guided Tour for Beginners.
M.Sc. in experimental physics from Warsaw University, Poland (1987)
M.A. in philosophy from Warsaw University, Poland (1991)
Ph.D. in philosophy from Warsaw University, Poland(1996)
1994 – visiting graduate student, King’s College, University of London
1998/1999 – exchange visitor, Kent State University, Kent OH
2001/2002 – Fulbright Visiting Fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
2008/2009 - Marie Curie Visiting Fellow, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Past and present teaching positions: Warsaw University, Poland; Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ; University of Illinois at Springfield, IL.
Courses taught: metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, history of ancient and modern philosophy, philosophy of physics, philosophy of quantum mechanics
Research interests
Past and present research topics: the relationship between mathematics and empirical science, the Indispensability Argument for realism in mathematics, philosophical foundations of three-valued logic, counterfactual analysis of non-locality in quantum mechanics, counterfactual theories of causality, logic of counterfactual conditionals, the notion of temporal becoming, persistence in time, dispositions in quantum mechanics, identity and indiscernibility in quantum mechanics
Non-locality and Possible Worlds. A Counterfactual Perspective on Quantum Entanglement, OntosVerlag, Frankfurt—Lancaster—New Brunswick 2006
Kwanty, liczby i abstrakty. Eseje popularne z filozofii nauki [Quanta, Numbers, and Abstracts.Popular Essays in the Philosophy of Science], Semper, Warsaw 2002
Matematyka a swiatrealny [Mathematics and the Real World], WFiS, Warsaw 1997
Selected Articles
- “Ungrounded dispositions in quantum mechanics”, forthcoming in Foundations of Science (published on-line, DOI:10.1007/s10699-011-9232-0)
- “Counterfactual semantics and quantum physics”, forthcoming, Semiotica.
- “Causation without influence”, Erkenntnis, 2012 (76), pp. 1-22.
- “Dispositional monism and the circularity objection”, Metaphysica, 2010 (11), pp. 39-47
- (with James Ladyman), “The Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles and quantum mechanics”, Philosophy of Science, 77, 2010, pp. 117-136
- “How to (properly) strengthen Bell’s theorem using counterfactuals”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 41, 2010, pp. 58-66
- ‘On temporal becoming, relativity, and quantum mechanics’, in: D. Dieks (ed.) Ontology of Spacetime II, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2008, pp. 229-244.
- ‘Counterfactuals and non-locality of quantum mechanics: the Bedford-Stapp version of the GHZ theorem’, Foundations of Science 12, 2007, pp. 85-108
- ‘Do quantum-mechanical systems always possess definite properties dictated by their states?’ in: J. Malinowski, A. Pietruszczak (eds.), Essays in Logic and Ontology, Rodopi, Amsterdam – New York, 2006, pp. 375-394
- ‘Causes, conditions, and counterfactuals’, Axiomathes, 15, 2005, pp. 599-619.
- ‘Counterfactual locality and EPR arguments’, in: A. Brozek, J.J. Jadacki and W. Strawinski (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science at Warsaw University, Semper, Warsaw 2005, pp. 149-159.
- ‘Counterfactuals and spatiotemporal events’, Synthese, 142, 1, 2004, pp. 1-20.
- ‘The indispensability argument – a new chance for empiricism in mathematics?’,Foundations of Science 8, 2003, pp. 173-200.
- ‘Three-valued logic, indeterminacy and quantum mechanics’, Journal of Philosophical Logic 30, 2001, pp. 97-119.
- ‘Joachim Metalmann – causality, determinism and science’ in: W. Krajewski (ed.), Polish Philosophers of Science and Nature in the 20th Century, Rodopi, Amsterdam - Atlanta 2001
- ‘Analyticity and existence in mathematics’, in J.J. Jadacki, W. Strawinski (eds.) In the World of Signs, pp. 103-113, Rodopi, Amsterdam - Atlanta 1998
- ‘Uwagi o logicetrójwartosciowej’ [‘Remarks on three-valued logic’], FilozofiaNauki (Philosophy of Science), vol. 3 (1997), pp. 113-121
- ‘Jakosciowe teorie czasoprzestrzeni’ [‘Qualitative theories of space-time’], Filozofia Nauki vol. 4(1995), pp. 33-52.
- ‘Z zagadniensemantykinaukempirycznych’ [‘Issues in the semantics of empirical sciences’], in: M. Omyla (ed.) Nauka i jezyk (Science and Language), pp. 55-67, WydawnictwoWFiS, Warsaw 1994
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