SEPTEMBER 10, 2013


10 AM


Chief Deborah Robinson Councillor Charmaine Stevens

Councillor Darlene Coulton Councillor Mike Paul

Councillor Tom Pictou Councillor Debra Wentzell

Councillor Andrew Francis Councillor Todd Labrador

Councillor Jeff Purdy

Debra Wentzell opened the meeting with the opening prayer

Fiscal position is tight, discussion around what to do and what is being done. Carpenter layoffs, CHR’s maternity position not being filled, need a longer term plan, can the boards do more teleconference meetings, more to be reviewed for cuts and restraint

The Housing report was provided to Council.

An ongoing issue with a house in Wildcat was discussed.

A request for topsoil and grass for a home on Yarmouth was approved for spring.

A Band member’s shed was discussed. Carpenter’s to do soon.

A contractor who has been doing work for us will be asked to submit his bills to us on a regular basis.

Funeral costs – check bills to make sure that the death benefit is applied for first before paying the $3000 to the funeral home. It’s $3000 maximum, not straight $3000.

Profit sharing forms – all in agreement with form. To be used for education cheques as well

Band manager position is to close on the 27th. Jeff Purdy, Darlene Coulton and Amanda Lloyd are to sit on the interview committee for the new position.

Computer in the Medway office is to be cleaned for new employee’s use.

A staff member will get new computer to replace hers.

A discussion regarding Carpenter layoffs was held.

A number of Band member requests were discussed and addressed.

Fisheries has all the licenses that were available leased out for the fall.

Christmas dinners are to be paid through rec funds.

Dumpster at Wildcat was approved.

House in Gold River was discussed for repairs.

Send spare hot water tank from Yarmouth to Gold River

Sheds – more ready to go, but don’t send them until they are ready to assemble, otherwise they rot.

Band member is concerned that they had no water. Marie is to look into.

Discussion was held regarding staff attending meetings and conferences. Staff is to provide agendas of all meetings.

Band member – furnace not working, Marie to check on

Moose Hunting trip was discussed,

Todd advised he was considering resigning to pursue other projects.

Band member’s house allocated to his son – request granted

Discussion was held concerning a band member’s home not being kept up.

Community meeting in Gold River on Thursday – just the community, discussing drugs, violence, diversion programs, RCMP to attend

Darlene to take minutes at the next meeting as Amanda will be away

Grant is to drive the truck for delivering the lobsters.

Band member applying for housing on Yarmouth reserve

Fisheries Advisory position for Glooscap

KMK presentation on the 2nd

Health Canada – signs on the playground, security, pass letter to GR

BCR for fire dry hydrant in Wildcat – Lisa and Marie to finalize

Keji is looking to run a 12 week program next Summer and want AFN’s support. AFN will provide its support.

NSP bills in AFN name should be switched to band member’s name

Next meeting Best Western – 10am, September 24th