CALL TO ORDER / Pursuant to call by the President of the Association, the second quarter meeting of the Board of Directors was held on May6, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at the Eagle Crest Administrative Office in Redmond, Oregon and via teleconference.
ATTENDANCE / Directors present includedFred Duhring (by telephone),Brett Moshofsky, Steve Sansone, and Ernie Taylor. Staff members present included Arron Curtis, Debbie Hahn, Kelsey Rook, and Ryan Williams. One guest was also in attendance.Steve Sansone, President, presided at the meeting, and Kelsey Rook recorded the minutes on behalf of the Secretary.
CONSENT TO AGENDA / The meeting was called to order at 3:03 p.m. Ernie moved to accept the agenda as presented and Brett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
PRIOR MINUTES / Reading of the prior meeting minutes dated February 19, 2016 was waived and Brett moved to approve the minutes. Ernie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Steve opened the discussion of business items.
OLD BUSINESS / None pending.
FINANCIAL REPORT / Robin Dowty presented her financial summary (“Attachment 1”) and the internally prepared first quarter financial statements ("Attachment 2")
Following discussion and upon motion made (FD)and seconded (BM), the following resolution was unanimously approved:
RESOLVED, that the financial report submitted by Robin Dowty including “Attachment 1” and “Attachment 2”be hereby approved subject to audit.
Resolution 2016-05.06-01
RESERVE EXPENSES / Debbie Hahn reviewed the Evaluation of Reserve Account Expenditures vs. Budget 2016 Reserve Study (“Attachment 3”) noting there are no variances requiring approval. No action was taken by directors.
OPERATIONS REPORT / Debbie Hahn referred to the written Operations Report (“Attachment 4”) and introduced directors to Ryan Williams, Eagle Crest Landscape Manager, who was present to discuss bark mulch options. After reviewing mulch types with Ryan, the board directed management to proceed with the High Desert Blend.
ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING / Steve noted that Ken and Brett's terms are up for reelection this year, and summarized the role of the nominating committee as expressed within the ECMA Bylaws, which charges the President with the appointment of nominating committee members. Steve appointed Ernie and Fred, both of whom accepted the appointment.
OTHER NEW BUSINESS / Directors confirmed the second third quarter meeting on Friday, September 16, 2016, at 3:00 p.m., at the Eagle Crest Administrative Office in Redmond, Oregon.
Steve noted that Hank Cavender, FVE President and ECMA Secretary, provided him with details of the newly-formed Contracts Management Committee of the ECMA. Management was directed to send an email out to the RVVE owners directing interested applicants to send in their information for consideration by the ECMA Board at their special meeting on May 19, 2016.
ADJOURNMENT / There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Secretary to the Association