Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Youth Services Division 2014 Work Plan

Contract Period January 2014 – December 2014

Chicago Department of Family and Support Services

Youth Services Division 2014 Work Plan

Afterschool Programming

(Out-of School Time, Mentoring, Behavioral Health Services, Intensive Youth Services)

Contract Year January 2014 – December 2014

City of Chicago

Agency Name:PO #:

Federal Employer Identification Number:Funding Amount:

Agency Profile: Please complete all sections that apply to your funding award and program types(s). Complete a Work Plan for each of your funded program types.

Program Model: Please check all that apply:

Behavioral Health ServicesIntensive Youth Services Mentoring

Out-of-School Time (select one primary focus from the subcategories)

Subcategory: Arts & Culture Sports & Fitness Health & Nutrition Academic Acceleration and VocationalSupport Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)

Executive Director Contact Information: Program Contact Information:

Name: Name:

Address: Address:



Fax: Fax:


Administration Location: (if different)Board of Director Chairperson:






Contract Staff Person:Fiscal Staff Person: (if different)



Fax: Fax:


Program Location/Site(s)(wherethe youth programming will take place): (List all site locations)




Ward(s):Community Area(s):

Is this program housed at a school location? Yes No

Program Location/Site(s)(where the youth programming will take place): (List all site locations)




Ward (s):Community Area (s):

Is this program housed at a school location? Yes No

Program Location/Site(s)(where the youth programming will take place): (List all site locations)




Ward (s):Community Area (s):

Is this program housed at a school location? Yes No

Program Information (Please initial your selection):

DFSS Youth Services Division funding as a primary source for your program site (>50% of funding):

DFSS Youth Services Division funding is supplemental funding for your program site:

Program Requirements:

Please read the following program requirements. Pleaserefer to the Database user guide for further instructions.

(1) Data Entry:

Agencies are responsible for entering data on all DSFF youth and program information into the database system (.

  • Data entry includes, but is not limited to: youth enrollment and daily youth attendance. This should be done on a daily basis. Agencies are strongly encouraged to enter attendance daily.
  • The following documents are required to be uploaded into the data system: 2014 Work Plan, Semi-Annual Report, and DFSS youth Intake Forms, Program Schedule, Monthly Calendars, Attendance Reports, and Biannual Outcomes Report.
  • Use the database system is a contract requirement for all DFSS YSD programs. Failure to maintain accurate information in the system may impact future funding. Technical assistance on the use of DFSS YSD database management system will be provided to agencies.

(2) Program Outcomes:

Agencies are required to identify, track and document outcomes for youth. Program Outcomes will be selected by you and DFSS/YSD. DFSS will provide agencies with training and support.

(3) Incorporation of Physical Fitness and Nutritious Snacks:

  1. Dedicate 20% of program time per day to physical activity (OST only)
  2. If snacks are provided, they should be nutritious based on USDA standards.
  3. Discuss nutritious snack choices with youth and their families
  4. Programs that allow youth to bring snacks will encourage families to make nutritious choices.

(4)Human AchievementQuotient (HAQ):

Agencies will be required to participate in the HAQ and provide feedback to each participant to support their skill attainment. DFSS will provide agencies with the necessary resources, training, and guidance to implement the HAQ.

(5) Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI): Excludes Behavioral Health Services programs and individual Mentoring programs.

Agencies will be required to participate in Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI). This process includes Internal and External Assessments, Program Improvement Plan, and Methods Training. Internal Assessment will be conducted by the agency. External Assessment will be conducted by the YSC’s. DFSS will provide agencies with the necessary resources, training, and guidance to implement the YPQI Assessment.

(6) Program Staff:

Program Staff is required to have a current CPR and First Aid certification. Program Staff are required to have online mandated reporter training certificate. All Staff and volunteers must have completed a Federal FingerprintBackground checks, online Mandated Reporter Certificate, Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System (CANTS) and the National Sex registry prior to employee start date. CANTS, Mandated Report, and the NSOR should be conducted on ayearly basis. This documentation must be submitted for verification to Youth Division prior to program start date.

(7) Expenditure Rate:

Agencies contracted with DFSS and receiving CDBG funding are required to voucher monthly. The table below illustrates what percentage of the grant should be expended quarterly.

First quarter 20% Second quarter 50% Third quarter 75% Fourth quarter 100%

(8) Meetings and Trainings:

Mandatory attendance at DFSS delegate agency meetings (Executive Director and program Director or Coordinator). Your attendance is Mandatory at community planning network meetings as scheduled by DFSS. DFSS may also request and identify staff participation in professional development trainings, meetingsand conferences, etc.

(9) Programmatic Changes:

Please note if there are any changes to your Staff, facility, facility location or work plan you must notify in writing your DFSS Youth Services Coordinator and the Senior Manager of the Youth Services Division.

(10) Digital Badging:

DFSS will continue to support the City of Learning digital badging Initiative. Out-of-school-time programs are strongly encouraged to participate.

Professional development and training will be provided to support agencies in the creation of meaningful badges for youth. Agencies are expected to participate in those training sessions and report to DFSS on the badges created and awarded.

I have read and agree to comply with the program requirements.


Executive Director/Program DirectorDate


DFSS RepresentativeDate


Program Name: PO#: Funding Amount:

School Year / Year Round / Summer Only / Total
Year End Served:
Number of youth participants: / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
Program Outcomes:

This section must be completedwith and Approved by your assigned Youth Services Coordinator

Community Project:

Agencies must plan community service project (s) in collaboration with the youth enrolled in their OST program(s). The project should benefit the community at large. The project should be facilitated by program staff, volunteers, parents, and youth. Please note for program audit purposes documentation must be available to verify event.

  • Agencies delivering OST-Year Round: 3 Community Projects.
  • Agencies delivering OST-School Year: 2 Community Projects.
  • Agencies delivering OST-Summer and School Breaks Only: 1 Community Project

Project Name / Project Description / Jan. – Mar. / April – June / July – Sept. / Oct. – Dec. / Project Purpose/Outcome

Program Operation: Please select your program model and provide your schedule for hours of operation.

School Year (January – June) and (September – December) including school breaks. Programs are required to operate a minimum of 5 days and 12 hours per week.

Full Year (January –December) including school breaks.Programs are required to operate a minimum of 5 days and 12 hours per week.

Summer Only (June – August). Programs are required to operate a minimum of 5 days and 30 hours per week.

Day / Scheduled Hours / Site Name / Address (include street, zip code)

Will your program operate after 6 p.m. Yes: No: Will your program operate on Saturday or Sunday Yes: No:

Out-of-School-Time Signature Page

All signatures are required for the Out-of-School-Time (OST) Work Plan to be approved.Signature of agency representative acknowledges the understanding of the program requirements and the agency’s commitment to implement the work plan as described in this document.


Youth Service Coordinator/Signature/DateAgency Representative/Signature/Date


Earline Whitfield AlexanderJennifer Axelrod

Senior Manager, Youth ServicesDeputy Commissioner, Youth Services

Behavioral Health Services

Program Name:PO#: Funding Amount:

Please indicate the hours of operation for counseling services provided. A client assessment should be completed yearly for each youth receiving services. Client plans and goals should be created for each youth participant and reviewed every three months for progress. Each youth participant should receive a minimum of two hours of direct services per month. Agency staff are expected to utilize evidence-based strategies, manualized curricula for small group sessions, and cultural informed best practices in their work with youth. When clinically indicated, staff should incorporate trauma informed evidence-based practices. Training will be provided by DFSS to support the integration of trauma informed strategies and manualized curricula. Progress and completion of goals should be documented along with youth participation in each respective counseling service. DFSS YSD Data Management System should be utilized to document all client interaction. Direct Service Hours: Include face to face contact with youth participants through individual, group, family and workshop offerings.

January – March / April – June / July – September / October – December / Total Year
End Served
Youth Participants / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
Number of Assessments
Number of Clients Plans
Direct Services Hours

This section must be completed with and Approved by your assigned Youth Services Coordinator

Program Outcomes:

Program Operation:

Day / Scheduled Hours / Site Name / Address (include street, zip code)

Will your program operate after 6 p.m. Yes: No:

Will your program operate on Saturday or Sunday, Yes: No:

Behavioral Health Services Signature Page

All signatures are required for the Behavioral Health Services Work Plan to be approved.Signature of agency representative acknowledges the understanding of the program requirements and the agency’s commitment to implement the work plan as described in this document.


Youth Service Coordinator/Signature/DateAgency Representative/Signature/Date


Earline Whitfield AlexanderJennifer Axelrod

Senior Manager, Youth ServicesDeputy Commissioner, Youth Services


Program Name:PO#: Funding Amount:

All agencies must have a written policy for screening, interviewing and accepting mentor applicants along with required background checks (see #6 program requirements). Below is a list of basic agency guidelines to be included in your Mentor, Mentee,and Parent, Guardian contracts. These guidelines should not limit any agency in the implementation of programming. Each agency should determine its own policies and procedures for parent /guardian communication; however, to assist you withensuring DFSS, YSD program compliance with your Mentoring grant programs should contain the following information. Submit a copy of your Mentor/Mentee contract and written policy and procedures with Work Plan.

  • Program requirements or expectations
  • Explanation of how Mentors and Mentees are paired
  • Explanation of typical mentor mentee activities and average time allotment for activities
  • Expected frequency of mentor/mentee sessions
  • Expectations for parent / guardians involvement with mentors and program staff
  • Mentoring programs are still required to complete a Mentor Mentee Parent Contract with

Parent / Guardian Signature, Youth Signature, Agency Signature, Mentor Signature, Date of Signatures

Prior to accepting mentors in the program those applicants must have:

  • Filled out a mentor application form for 2014.
  • Interviewed by the agency
  • Completion of Mentor recommended screening process(Please contact the Youth Division for the recommendation list).
  • Completed and have in possession the required background check.

January – March / April – June / July – September / October – December / Total Year
End Served
Youth Participants / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
Total number of Mentee -Mentor sessions. Minimum two support contacts per mentee per month for at least two hours per session.

List Mentor training sessions and topics by quarter, more training sessions and topics can be added.

Quarter One / Training Session Topics
Quarter Two / Training Session Topics
Quarter Three / Training Session Topics
Quarter Four / Training Session Topics

This section must be completed with and Approved by your assigned Youth Services Coordinator

Program Outcomes
Outcome / Indicators / DFSS Database & Onsite Data Source(s) / Date Collection Method

Community Project:

Each mentoring program must plan with the youth involved in the program at least two community service projects during the contract term and the project should benefit the community at large. The project should be facilitated by program staff, volunteers, parents, and engage youth. Please note for program audit purposes documentation must be available to verify event.

Project Name / Project Description / Jan. – Mar. / April – June / July – Sept. / Oct. – Dec. / Project Purpose/Outcome

Program Operation:

Day / Scheduled Hours / Site Name / Address (include street, zip code)

Will your program operate after 6 p.m. Yes: No: Will your program operate on Saturday or Sunday, Yes: No:

Mentoring Signature Page

All signatures are required for the Mentoring Work Plan to be approved.Signature of agency representative acknowledges the understanding of the program requirements and the agency’s commitment to implement the work plan as described in this document.


Youth Service Coordinator/Signature/DateAgency Representative/Signature/Date


Earline Whitfield AlexanderJennifer Axelrod

Senior Manager, Youth ServicesDeputy Commissioner, Youth Services

Intensive Youth Services (IYS)

Program Name:PO#: Funding Amount:

Agencies must provide DFSS Youth Division with a detailed Community Response Plan to respond to crisis and violent incident within their identified communities. This plan should include the roles of community leaders, community based organizations, faith-based leaders, police departments and schools. TheCommunity Response Planmust be submitted with your final work plan. Services provided require assessments, service plans, data base documentation, status reports, intake forms, referral forms, and consents. Agencies are responsible for meeting with the participants individually or in group minimally twice per month. Your DFSS intake form should reflect three or more services provided to youth prior to intake.

January-March / April-June / July -September / October-December / TotalYear End Served:
Number of youth participants: / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
16-18# / 6-9 #
Number of Youth Assessments
Number of Youth Service Plans

Agencies are required to identify, track and document services and outcomes for youth in DFSS database management system and at the program level. Please note individual contact must occur once per month. Case management, education, intervention, employment and referrals are a part of your program services and should be captured in the database management system. When documenting these services include the number of youth assessments and service plans completed during each quarter. Along with youth that were promoted to the next grades level, and those who graduated with a high school diploma or GED and youth who will attend college or a vocational program. You should also include any employment training or employment placement and referrals services such as mental health and substance abuse.

This section must be completed with and Approved by your assigned Youth Services Coordinator

Program Outcomes
Outcome / Indicators / DFSS Database & Onsite Data Source(s) / Date Collection Method

Community Engagement:

These workshops bring awareness to students, families, school administrators, community groups and other community based organizations. Topics include Crisis Intervention, Gang Prevention, Peer Jury, Restorative Justice, Violence Prevention, Understanding adolescents, and Youth Mediation (peer to peer) or Diversion Programs. Agencies are required to provide a minimum of one community information session per quarter. Youth must be involved in developing the topics and organizing the sessions.

Project Name / Project Description / Jan. – Mar. / April – June / July – Sept. / Oct. – Dec. / Project Purpose/Outcome

Program Activities for IYS Program Participants

Number of Group Activities per quarter / Q 1
12 / Q2
12 / Q3
12 / Q4
12 / Total
List group activity topics by quarter

The IYS Program will provide opportunities for college visits, employment fairs, field trips, recreational and sports leagues. These activities should occur minimally 4 times per month.

Quarter / Group Activity Topics

Group Workshops for IYS Program Participants

Number of Group Workshops per quarter / Q 1
12 / Q2
12 / Q3
12 / Q4
12 / Total
List group Workshops topics by quarter. / Please provide a brief summary

The IYS Program will provide opportunities for Gang Prevention, Life Skills, Peace Circles, Restorative Justice, Violence Prevention, and Youth Mediation (peer to peer). The group workshops should occur minimally 4 times a month.

Quarter / Group Activity Topics

Program Operation

Please specify what days and hours you will conduct the following:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
