MAY 13, 2013

PRESENT – BOARD MEMBERS:Mr. James N. Sweeney, Chairman; Mr. Eric G. Dusa, Secretary; Mr. Darin M. Coleman; Mr. Wesley R. Miles; Mr. Chad L. Vick; and Mr. William B. Watson

ABSENT – BOARD MEMBERS: Mrs. Kimberly T. Burch, Dr. Wayne Chapman, and Mr. Jamie D. Wayne

PRESENT – STAFF:Goodwin, Little, Sowell, Willard,Haile, Wallace, Hamilton,Hammond, Hough, Brown, and Buck

NEWS MEDIA:Karolyn Tredeau, The Link

Laura Caskey, The Progressive-Journal

VISITORS:Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Department representative and Area Citizens

I.Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by ChairmanSweeney at 5:00 p.m. atPalmetto Learning Center.

II. Agenda Approval: Mr. Vick moved, seconded by Mr. Colemanand carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as presented.

III.Executive Session/Return to Open Session: Upon a motion by Mr. Coleman and second by Mr. Miles, the board entered executive session to discuss personnel matterspertaining to employee hirings, compensation, terminations, and resignations, and legal matters. The board returned to open session upon amotion byMr. Coleman and second by Mr. Miles.

IV.Pledge of Allegiance: Following a moment of reflection in memory of recently deceased employees Terrance Ford and Margaret Humphrey, the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

V.Reception of Visitors: ChairmanSweeneywelcomed visitors, members of the press, administrative staff, the Sheriff’s Department representative,and the District Teacher of the Year. Mr. Sweeney noted the addition of a new sound system which will provide improved audio/visual at board meetings.

VI.Approval of Minutes: Mr. Dusa moved, seconded by Mr. Miles and carried unanimously, to approve minutes of the April 8, 2013, board meeting.

VII.Special Recognitions: Superintendent Goodwin and Assistant Superintendent Little congratulated the following Superintendent’s Art Award winners: Elementary – Brishana Jackson, 4th grade at Cheraw Intermediate; Middle – London Scott, 8th grade at Long Middle; High School – Zachary Boswell, 12th grade at Chesterfield High; and Overall District Winner – Meagan Arant, 12th grade at Central High.

Ms. Catherine Thompson, United Way, recognized seven schools that had 100% participation in the recent United Way campaign, as well as McBee High for having the highest per capita giving.

Superintendent Goodwin announced the following winners in the 2012-13 school volunteer program: Petersburg Primary – First Place ($500), and Edwards Elementary – Second Place ($300). Dr. Goodwin noted that a total of 37,956 volunteer hours were logged in the volunteer program this year.

VIII.Board Comments: Mr. Sweeney indicated that Dr. Chapman is absent due to a military commitment, Mr. Wayne is absent due to illness, and Mrs. Burch is out of town. Mr. Dusanoted that Cheraw Intermediate School had its ABC grant renewed, and since it has been renewed for two consecutive years, the school will not have to reapply for the next three years. Dr. Goodwin indicated that Mr. Wayne asked him to announce the following school achievements: 1) McBee Elementary recently inducted thirty students in the Junior Beta Club and recently took second place in the SC 4-H Robotics Competition; 2) McBee High band received the Outstanding Performance Award; and 3) Central, Cheraw and McBee track and field teams received numerous awards. Dr. Goodwin also announced that McBee High student Shelby Wayne and Central High student Matthew Nicholson were selected by Sandhill Telephone Cooperativeto attend a Youth Tour in Washington, D.C.

IX.Teacher Forum Report: District Teacher of the Year Robert Bollier reviewed the 2012-13 Teacher Forum Report, which includes a summary of the monthly activities of the Forum. Mr. Bollier indicated that the Teacher Forum would like to thank the School Board for their work on behalf of the children of CCSD and give special thanks to Superintendent Goodwin for his support of the Teacher Forum.

Dr. Goodwin congratulated Mr. Bollier for receiving the Charles S. Dickerson Community Service Award at the State Teacher of the Year Banquet. Mr. Bollier and his students from Cheraw High School have participated in numerous community service projects.

X.Financial Report: Chief Financial Officer Willard presented the monthly financial review for April.

Mr. Willard recommended approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance of a General Obligation Bond not to exceed $250,000. The funds would be used to replace 500 outdated computers in the district. Upon a motion by Mr. Vick and second by Mr. Coleman, the board unanimously approved the attached resolution.

Superintendent Goodwin and CFO Willard recommended approval of McGregor & Company, LLP as the new auditing firm for CCSD. Four proposals were received and evaluated by the administration. The firm would complete financial audits for fiscal years ending June 30, 2013, 2014, and 2015, and procurement audits for fiscal years ending June 30, 2102, 2013, 2014, and 2015. The cost for the 2013 audits will be $32,800, and services will be evaluated annually. Mr. Vick moved, seconded by Mr. Dusa and carried unanimously, to approve McGregor & Company, LLP as the auditing firm for the district.

Discussion followed regarding the proposed first reading of the 2013-14 general fund budget.CFO Willard emphasized that the preliminary estimates are based on the House projections. Expenditures are projected at $49,506,024.81, while revenues are projected at $48,100.931.60. The board has the option to use $1,405,093.21 from the general fund balance to balance the budget. Board members were reminded that the percentage cap on the millage rate increase allowed by law is 2.07% which equals about 3.6 mils or about $360,000 in new, recurring revenue. Following additional discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Coleman and seconded by Mr. Dusa to approve first reading of the budget as recommended by the administration. The motion passed by a vote of 4–2 with Mr. Miles and Mr. Vick opposed.

  1. Personnel Report: Upon a motion by Mr. Vick and second by Mr. Coleman, the board unanimously approved the attached Personnel Exhibits A-F, as recommended by Personnel Director Sowell. Superintendent Goodwin introduced Chandar Anderson as the new Executive Director of Personnel and Chris Price as the new Executive Director of Administration and Student Services.
  1. CATE Report: CATE/IT Director Haile recommended approval of a lease/purchase agreement with Hewlett Packard Financial Services for 110 all-in-one computers to integrate classes across the curriculum. Annual payments of $28,235 will be made over a three-year period. Funding for the lease will come from Carl D. Perkins federal funds, EIA equipment funds, and CATE local funds. Mrs. Haile noted that the first payment will come from Perkins funds. A motion was made by Mr. Vick, seconded by Mr. Watson and carried unanimously, to enter into a three-year lease/purchase agreement with Hewlett Packard Financial Services in the amount of $28,235 per year, as recommended by Mrs. Haile.
  1. Curriculum Report: Assistant Superintendent Little indicated that summer school plans and 2013-14 staff development plans are being finalized, along with a district-wide calendar of events and training sessions. Dr. Little noted that seven schools have been awarded Palmetto Gold/Silver Awards and will be formally recognized when the flags are received from the State Department. Dr. Little is working with high schools and guidance counselors on student tracking and graduation rate documentation. April and May are very busy assessment months with numerous testing taking place in the schools. Dr. Little reported a successful Track and Field event for special needs students and noted that 242 students were recognized at the CATE Senior Completer Recognition Banquet.
  1. Superintendent’s Report: Superintendent Goodwin reported that a meeting with Education Advisory Council members was held April 15 to gain their input regarding the future of Advisory Councils. At least one person from each advisory council was present. At the meeting, Dr. Goodwin reviewed the history of the Advisory Councils and their duties. He reported board action to employ an Executive Director of Students Services who will serve as the district hearing officer in student disciplinary matters. This action will ensure county-wide consistency in handling discipline. Following discussion, it was the consensus that the Advisory Councils should remain in place with their duties redefined. It was suggested that the councils could serve as the discipline appeal body beyond the hearing officer. Board members agreed with the consensus of

the group and instructed administration to update Advisory Council duties andadvise Representative Ted Vick that a legislative change is not recommended at this time.

Board members were advised that a S.C. Department of Revenue error for the 2011 tax assessment year resulted in significant overpayment to the school district and county government agencies. CCSD is required to repay the funds which will have an impact on the district fund balance.

Superintendent Goodwin recommended approval of a capital bond to fund critical maintenance, security and technology needs in the district. These needs were reviewed in a report presented to the board in January. The bond issuance would impact debt service millage for two years. A $500,000 bond would increase debt service millage by 3 mils, while a $1 million bond would result in a 5.5 millage increase. A $1 million bond issuance, in addition to the 8 mil debt service increase which is set to go into effect, would result in a $54 increase for the owner of a $100,000 home and an increase of $8.10 for a $10,000 vehicle. Following additional discussion and questions regarding the available fund balance, a motion was made by Mr. Coleman and seconded by Mr. Dusa to accept the capital bond proposal as recommended by Dr. Goodwin. The motion failed by a tie vote of 3-3 with Mr. Miles, Mr. Vick and Mr. Watson opposed.

Upon a motion by Mr. Vick, seconded by Mr. Miles and carried unanimously, the board approved Candace Hoffman to serve as the Title I representative of the school district and the School Board to seek Title I funding for the 2013-2014 school year through Title I grant application activities. The 2012-2013 Title I allocation is $2,707,158.14.

Upon a motion by Mr. Vick, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously, the board approved Candace Hoffman to serve as the Title III representative of the school district and the School Board to seek Title III funding for the 2013-2014 school year through Title III grant application activities. The 2012-2013 Title III allocation is $26,088.95.

Dr. Goodwin indicated that Adult Education Graduation will be held May 14 at 6:00 p.m. at the Palmetto Learning Center, and the district retirement banquet is May 16 at 6:00 p.m. at PLC. He noted that schools will observe the Memorial Day holiday May 27, and June 6 is the last day for students. High school graduations are scheduled June 8 as indicated on a list of end of school activities given to board members. Board members also received copies of the 2013-14 school calendar.

During a legislative update, Superintendent Goodwin reported that no additional funds are expected from the Senate. The proposed reading initiative has been postponed until next year, and additional 4K/Early Childhood funds are being considered only for those districts not involved in the equity lawsuit.

  1. Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Sweeney reminded board members that the June 10 school board meeting will be held at Palmetto Learning Center at 5:30 p.m. with the executive sessionbeginning at 5:00 p.m. Board members received anupdated board meeting schedule for 2013-14.
  1. Adjournment: Uponamotion by Mr. Colemanand second by Mr. Miles,the board adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
  1. Media Notification: The media was previously notified of this school board meeting.






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